1720 – Trodding the Boards with Anthony Rapp

Anthony Rapp

Anthony Rapp

In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher


00 – Hey! Hey man! Welcome in 1-7-2-0! Winding down the year!


Spoiler talk!

Talking Star Wars!

star wars chipmunksAtrium

Simpsons predicts future – 

05 – Jimmy’s caught!!!

Has Eliot ever swam??

He has swum but doesn’t enjoy it.

Jimmy’s Star Wars verdict: loved it.

Jimmy loved all of the excitement around it and the crowd reactions.

10 – Vegas car incident – 

Jimmy blames Waze for increased traffic on his street.

SOUPY-SALES-1024x1024Oliver saw Road Chip and loved it!

15 – Soupy Sales is dead – 

Can Matt go 2016 without Facebook???

Jimmy has started to leave his phone in the car at parties and restaurants!

Jimmy saw If Then featuring our guest Anthony Rapp!

Jimmy didn’t see any famous people this time at the Pantages. He does think that Kyle Dodson was there though.

Matt talks enjoying his time away from facebook.

Jimmy hates the internet and also loves it.

20 – Anthony Rapp is here!!

Unprecedented right to the chair!

They’re signing rent together.

No Star Wars spoilers!

Maneesh is seeing Star Wars with a couple of lady friends.

Anthony’s back to the other chair.

Jimmy’s grand statement:

No candy no hamburgers in 2015. He still had tacos.

Jimmy not a fan of the word Slider.

25 – He had two bites of the “Jerry O’connol”

He did no candy all the way until Mexico when he had to have one for medicinal reasons.

For 2016 here we go:

Candy once a month – probably a Costco size box. Or in reality a candy bar. Jimmy slams into the mic and takes a fall. The prat fall hurt worse than the mic hit.

Jimmy reads the nutrition facts on a chocolate bar.

One serving once a month.

no cookiesGrand statement: No Cookies in 2016! (Cupcakes are allowed though)

30 – Jimmy is woozy after that fall. Matt points out there were two hits. Jimmy hitting the mic and Jimmy hitting the floor.

Jimmy just confused Will Smith and Jamie Foxx.

Anthony talks about the If/Then tour.

One week in OC, Anthony is gonna miss half the shows because he is helping with Broadway-con! 1/22-1/24.

Jimmy has three half marathons in a row in January.
Anthony is doing a bunch of stuff at Broadway Con.

Anthony tells us what happened with Yul Brenner. He was in the touring company of The King and I. Anthony was 10 at the time.

“Louder!” – Yul Brenner on stage. Anthony cried afterwards.

Yul Brynner

Yul Brynner

35 – Yul also hit him back stage! He was in his way apparently. Anthony used to do 8 shows a week. Nowadays kids can only do 4 a week.

Jimmy asks about how it worked with schoolwork.

40 – Jimmy’s gonna do the Anthony Rapp when we come back.


We’re back!

1720! Hello! It’s actually episode 578!

Guessing what former guest was in Silent Night Deadly Night 4! 

The guys sing Love Boat!

Hugh Fink!

45 – Anthony was not in any river shows. He and his mom saw Big River together.

anthony rapp without youJimmy read Anthony’s book. – 

Jimmy talks to him about the book. He talks about how honest he was in the book and wonders how people reacted to it.

Anthony talks about the book and why he included things he did as they related to his mother and what he was writing about.

50 – Anthony’s brother is writing on the upcoming HBO show Vinyl. Jimmy doesn’t want to know anything about it.

Jimmy insists that Anthony is not 5 inches taller than he is.

Jimmy asks about Will Chase.

55 – If Then is going to be in the same theater as the yul Brenner incident. Jimmy insists Anthony yell out Louder to someone.

Back to back to prove his height.

I think we’ve confirmed Anthony’s height.

Blind actor Cajun jimmy.

Jimmy talks about taking Oliver to Target to get a gift for Danielle.

60 – See yourself being a control freak asshole by looking at old movies of a father with his son! Oliver ended up picking up The Goonies because Danielle wanted to watch it with him.

Anthony enjoyed Kinky Boots.

Jimmy is out now that he knows it has Drag Queens in it.

Muneesh is here!

The Clubhouse – 

Jimmy was invited to poker but he doesn’t know how to play texas hold ‘em.

65 – Muneesh won more money at poker. 18 people were at the last poker night!

Jimmy asks if they put them up in apartments on tours.

Jimmy talks about comedy condos. Anthony asks if the comedians leave chochkies behind. Jimmy asks if he means jizz.

Talking tour lodgings.

Anthony talks about the sadness of San Francisco.

Muneesh won $240! $20 buy in.

Lin-Manuel Miranda in the title role of the musical "Hamilton" at the Richard Rodgers Theatre in New York.70 – Jimmy’s going to NY in February AND seeing Hamilton.

Anthony and Muneesh have seen Hamilton 3 times. Muneesh was star struck when he met some people backstage thanks to Anthony.

Everyone loves Hamilton!

Jimmy not sure if he is comfortable telling everyone if he is seeing a matinee or not.

Jimmy talks about the girl in mexico not being able to say Pat.

Turns out he is going to an evening performance.

75 – Anthony talks about what happens if an understudy goes on instead of the star. If it’s an above title name, they generally do a refund or an exchange.

Anthony talks about the opening night crowds on Broadway.

“Sliding into someone’s DMs.” – Matt

80 – The guys talk tweets, bit moji, etc.

Fanthonys or Rappers for Anthony’s fandom name.

Jimmy got involved in the discussion.

Anthony Rizzo on the Cubs come sup to Bad Blood.

Back to the money Muneesh won.

Muneesh put some money on the Tigers. $20 for both Anthony and Jimmy. He lost that bet and pays up!

Jimmy and Anthony sing some Hamilton.

85 – More Hamilton/musicals talk.

Muneesh pays out joker’s wild style.

Muneesh gives Jimmy a gift for all his support on the show.

Jimmy can’t open the box. Anthony opens it instantly.

What a great gift!

90 – Anthony tells how he and Muneesh met.

A short film called Grind!

The Clubhouse came around because he loved NNF!

Eliot is recovering from something. Jimmy was as well.

Jimmy talks about buying Mexican antibiotics.

Jimmy and Anthony feel good when people honor their bets. Jimmy has paypal.

They got a noise complaint the first week they were there so they gotta keep poker quiet.

Jimmy loved Anthony’s book. He related to a lot of it.

Tigers White sox bet? $50! They try to set the bet parameters.

Best record!


Bet controversy!
Head to head $20
Interleague $20
Home runs – Muneesh goes JD. Jimmy goes jose. $20 (Anthony takes Rizzo, Jimmy takes Fraser.)
Overall (record) $20
If you get them all you get another $20.

Muneesh and Jimmy – Tigers White Sox
Anthony and Jimmy – Cubs White Sox (Anthony takes Rizzo, Jimmy takes Fraser.)


105 – We’re back to Jimmy going in on Eliot.

Caught up in the button is a great early Mariah Carey song.

Eliot had a little bit of head business. Eliot just can’t win here. Jimmy admits it.

Jimmy’s gonna eat cookies before eliot wins.

Anthony may have just stolen Eliot’s shit thunder with his cannibal joke.

Anthony talks about why there is video of the conductor in the audience.

The screens aren’t used for lyrics in theater!
Apparently Barbra Streisand uses prompters for EVERYTHING.

Rough setlist at the Streisand show Jimmy and Danielle saw.

110 – Eliot still can’t win! “You’re mispronouncing five.” – Jimmy when Eliot said three years.

Jimmy swooned from blood.

Anthony talks about performing in Aids wards.

115 – Jimmy resets and goes through Anthony’s intro.

Anthony’s doing all the shows on the tour even after the rest of the other broadway cast have to drop out.

He talks about the other cast members coming on board.

Anthony has made money on 7/8 poker games.

More talk about Anthony’s poker nights!

120 – Jimmy and Anthony talk cards and poker chips.

Jingle Jangle –

125 – American Idiot/Green Day talk.

It’s very possible that Jimmy saw Anthony in Evita in 1981.

Anthony sings some Evita for us!

Jimmy’s dealing with some CDiff still.

If Then is great! Go see it on Tour – http://ifthenthemusical.com/tour.php

Jimmy wants Anthony to come to pardcastathon.

Anthony knows someone who almost got dosed by cosby!

Anthony tells a story about an insane incident on i-57 narrowly avoiding people who were bumping people off the road, murdering them, stealing their cars and doing it again.

See you next time!!!

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth