1719 – Getting the Knack with Jake Fogelnest

Jake Fogelnest
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
Funny or Die
00 – 1719 is the episode! Welcome in!
Great hair day all around!
Jimmy has an off the air question for Eliot.
PJ Ahlers and Kelly up in Portland. He’s dying and trying to make it to Pardcastathon. Jimmy makes a joke about it, as requested!! You’re in our thoughts PJ!
Jimmy has several questions for Matt regarding his hair.
05 – Jimmy admits to laughing at his own old comments from the show that people are posting.
Jimmy is looking for the Arclight costume policy.
No bags, no masks or face paint that cover the face and no props. Lame.
10 – Eliot did an Indiana Jones escape room! He didn’t have a whip or an orange whip.
Jake is on Difficult People! He talks about it!
15 – Jimmy wants a swipe taken at him on Difficult People.
20 – Fish –
I get band saw treatment1!!
Jimmy not a fan of insulting actors with lacking career.
25 – Dirty Carson is here guys!
We’re opening a package with some stuff for the kids!
Thanks Rob!
30 – Jimmy wonders if he and Jake met in the hallway of the improv.
Jake tries to remember.
Jimmy swears and will take it to the grave that they met 10 years ago.
Jimmy briefly met Ringo!
Dirty Carson talks about having Ted Knight and Betty White on the show.
Freddy loved it!
35 – Jake Fogelnest is here!
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Going around the horn but starting with Eliot!
LaVerne and Shirley talk?!
The Escape Room company is Logiquick.
Pat wants to see what Larry David would do with Twitter.
40 – Paul Williams and Phantom of the Paradise talk –
Jimmy listened to some Christmas on vinyl (Chicago) plus some Idina Menzel.
Oliver knows all the words to Hamilton. Its coming to Chicago in the fall.
Hamilton talk!
45 – Dream On –
Jake gives his thoughts on Larry David doing twitter on Curb and then he gives us a scene about Larry opening doors at other people’s homes.
50 – Jake is on the inside!
Deon Cole is leaving Blackish to be on Angie Tribeca –
Jake is so inside he says U5 instead of under five.

Grant Garry
Fuck you with your Cary Grant comments! Humor!
We are grateful to you Grant Garry!
55 – The guys talk about getting angry on stuff on the internet. You don’t have to click something you don’t like!
60 – Jake is moving to Los Feliz. He doesn’t drive! Uses Lyft to get around, he prefers it to Uber.
Jake grew up in NY moved out here and now writes on two shows that shoot in NY.
Transparent is an important show. Jake is very excited about it.
The guys talk about Morton Downey.
Jake may become the loudest guest on our show!
65 – We talk about the Todd Glass Nature Box commercial. Jake says no one makes him laugh like Todd Glass. He talks about a show with Todd, Kindler, and Peppitone.
Jake calls Jimmy an “institution” and one of the greats.
70 – Jake is trying to think of a holiday movie for me.
Phil Rosenthal’s Jewish Die Hard –
The guys talk about how nice Phil Rosenthal is.
Other nice guys in Hollywood? Brian Stack, Henry Winkler, Gary Marshall.
Jake and Jimmy talk The Knack. Jake calls himself a “Knack fan!”
The Knack are not one hit wonders.
Kiss talk!
75 – Dr Love is about Tariffs?!
Will Lou Manwell do A Kiss Musical?
How old is Andrew Lloyd Webber –
Guessing when ALW was born?
Jake – 46
Jimmy – 41
Matt – 38
Eliot – 43
No winner!
80 – We’re gonna take a break!
Coming back with Sevens and Jake knowing the Beastie Boys?!
He talks about it before the break actually.
We’ll be back!
We got another package!
Josh Smith sent us something!
Eliot’s Letter on a box top comment was indeed nice!
What can we do?? Jimmy to Eliot.
Eliot suggests lunch twice a week.
85 – Jimmy begs Eliot to go to therapy.
Josh Smith sent some shirts!
And an Ape Soldier bobblehead!
90 – Jimmy throws a ball of paper that almost hits Eliot.
Eliot mentions something happening in Review. We all love the show and Andy Daly!
Jimmy’s hickey is undone.
Rolling Stone acknowledge us!!
Jimmy says AV Club and Entertainment Weekly know what’s up.
Guys talk podcast lists, reviews, and the wild west of podcasting.
Jake no longer doing his podcast, The Fogelnest Files.
Jimmy always wanted a show called The Pardo Files.
The guys talk Craig Kilborn’s latest show.
The guys talk TMZ and hating the people on the show.
Harvey Levin talk!
TMZ, Orange is the New Black, Transparent, all great comedies.
100 – Jake wonders if show runners apologize to actual comedy shows when they win best comedy and their shows are not really comedies.
105 – Jake does not like Obvious Trivia guy. Everyone know has to point out that Baby It’s Cold Outside is date rapey.
Little Saint Nick gets a free pass while Paul McCartney gets shit on every year.
Wonderful Christmastime –
Jake talks about how DJs don’t do anything and wonder why they aren’t more famous.
The Wiz talk! Jake enjoyed it. Jimmy liked it. He talks about a headline he saw. “The Wiz ruined everyone’s night of hate-watching.”
Jimmy talks about not doing the voice over gig on the Oscars.
Frank Sabastiano is writing for the Oscars this year.
“Hang on there is a courtroom sketch.” – Jake on Eliot.
No screwdriver!
Time for Sevens!
Jimmy gives to Jake Fogelnest: 23 (80s Music)
Jake Fogelnest gives to Jimmy: 16 (80s Music)
Jake Fogelnest gives to Matt: 17 (80s music)
Jimmy gives to Jake Fogelnest: 23 (70s Music)
Jake Fogelnest gives to Jimmy: 15 (70s Music)
Pinch to zoom!
Great show! An honor and a pleasure to have Jake here!
Bill Cosby is suing his accusers. He doesn’t think he’s done anything wrong. “What about Leonard part Six?” – Jimmy.
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth