1722 – Dancing the Blues with Scott Aukerman
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell

Scott Aukerman promotes peace, victory, and sunglasses
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Hey! Yeah! Bring it in baby!
Welcome and indeed welcome!
Jimmy kind of demotes Matt to Engineer talks about craziness.
Stonaphisiphis. That can’t be spelled right. Chicago 22, Jimmy calls it unlistenable.
Are Pat and Jimmy going to the RRHall of Fame? Flight and hotel are booked! They just need to get tickets to the show.
Jimmy is a member but not an inductee of the Hall of Fame.
Jimmy talks about scolding Matt.
05 – Jimmy gets “of coursed” by Eliot. Doesn’t like it.
Jimmy started crying and shaking when he found out that Peter Cetera was participating in the Chicago Rock and Roll Hall of Fame event.
Jimmy talks about the Peter Cetera concert. Jimmy told Danielle that a woman sitting next to him’s “joy is ruining my night.”
Peter Cetera shows are ballad heavy and has an older crowd. Jimmy said he was the odd ball there unironically.
Peter Cetera’s daughter’s band:
Phenomenal is Jimmy’s description of the Peter Cetera show.
10 – Great show up in San Francisco! Phenomenal NNF and a great bluff you!
Matt and Jimmy had to rush back and missed Rock Solid. Jimmy had that concert and Matt had to go to a Father Daughter dance.
Matt finds some of these dances to be creepy.
Jimmy says that Matt and Zoe looked great. This theme was Winter based.
15 – Jimmy talks about the mother son dance at his wedding.
Cut your own rug!
Doc talk!
Jimmy watched a documentary with Oliver and Danielle, Bat Kid Begins!
He calls it full of positivity and a great film.
Jimmy and Matt saw Batman with the kids at some place that had a batmobile on display. It had some weird political messages on it too, like bumper stickers about 9/11 or San Bernadino.
20 – The guys talk about going to see it and almost getting the shiv from Batman.
Danielle thought Lady Gaga sounded like Laverne on the GG.
Talking about The Golden Globes!
Why is Mel Gibson there?
Jimmy watched about 98% of the show.
25 – The guys are growing tired of Ricky Gervais.
Jimmy talks about the jokes he liked.
Jimmy’s sure our guest Scott Aukerman will have some thoughts on it.
Jimmy liked Jonah Hill’s bear stuff.
Matt talks about feeling bummed that john hamm seemed to be alone at the golden globes. No one else from the show.
The din of the room at the globes just kept getting more and more out of hand.
30 – The Gerard Butler/Helen Miren presenting was pretty awkward.

Soup-inflicted mouth burn!
Jimmy talks about how he damaged his tongue on hot soup.
35 – Jimmy talks about looking bloated on the video. He’s sickened by it.
Jimmy took a picture of the globe and got some weird ghosty effects.
Talking Liezl’s picture.
Jimmy shared a car with John after the show. Jimmy talks about the autograph hounds and paparazzi after the show. It was crazy.
40 – Scott Aukerman is here!!
I look like shit today. I agree.
Scott’s title is probably honorary.
Found father of earwolf!
Revered founder!
We’ve got some mail to open.
Keep sending stuff!
Thanks Rochelle for the extremely long letter. We’ll read it next episode.
Matt is on the cusp of needing reading glasses.
Some days are harder than others for loving this country. Scott describes how hearing works. Talks how he handles a Donald Trump presidency.
Scott calls trump a “democrat in disguise.”
Jimmy talks hate at the trump rallys. Awful human beings.
45 – “Fuck em!” Jimmy on Donald Trump supporters.
We’re back!
Goin’ round the horn!
Jimmy loses sight of Scott. No idea where he went.
Scott’s been part of the program for years!
Jimmy freaks out after a mic movement.
50 – Chosen The Series!
The Ottoman!
55 – Eliot talks about doing a session practicing for a musical improv.
Gas leak in Porter Ranch.
Regulators To Meet Saturday To Review Plan To Burn Methane Leaking In Porter Ranch
Scott went to Magic Mountain last in 2002. It was on a date during a break up time with Kulap.
60 – Scott talks about comparing his trip to Magic Mountain to what the amazing race must be like.
Scott can take or leave roller coasters now.
Jimmy and his brother went on Hyperspace Mountain. Oliver bailed at the last minute.
The guys talk Disney coasters.
Jimmy almost fall backwards in his chair!
65 – Scott talks about wanting to throw a hat on the abdominal snowman but never got around to doing it. One time the road broke down right in front of the snowman and he didn’t have a hat.
70 – Eliot talks about some upcoming shows.
Jimmy talks about Galavant.
Scott has made 26 appearances on NNF!
NNF kids episode?
75 – 9/11 in pop culture like comics and The West Wing.
Commercial talk!
Guys talking sex on airplanes.
80 – Matt’s disappointed Jimmy hasn’t done it on a plane.
Bus talk!
90 – Chicago at hall of fame talk!
Scott and Paul F are going to meet Jimmy at the venue, bully him, and take his tickets.
95 – the floor is open for real questions after Eliot does a bit to find out.
What kind of severance would Eliot get if he got fired?
Public Enemy hall of fame performance –
100 – More hall of fame talk.
Peter Cetera set list at the Saban –
Bobby brown, New Edition, Al B. Sure is the concert Jimmy was talking about –
105 – Here is an article about a Cheap Trick lawsuit –
110 – Jimmy says there is no one he would not want to hang out with. Maybe one comedian but he’d still do it for money.
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
We have an update from Mike Cusick! He’s live from the auto parts place!! He’s nervous about it and left. He sent along some photos.
Scott lives next to a director in the biz. Says we wont know who he is.
115 – Jimmy calls gildan the worst shirts in the world.
Jimmy talks stocks!
Wetalk about that concert Jimmy talks about.
Scott’s favorite Bowie album is Ziggy Stardust. He also loves Hunky Dory.
The guys talk about Bowie albums.
125 – Glass Spider Tour – featuring Peter Frampton.
22 none pcat appearances.
19 – Scott
21 – Jimmy
18 – Matt
20 – Eliot
We’re done!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth