Episode 27 – Hay Rides, Lazy Baker, and the Great Lakes Naval Base

Onion AV Club animated the Naval Base story
Episode released 10/06/06
Show notes by Darryl Asher 09/30/15
Introductions and Partridge Family / Danny Bonaduce
Sign up for the Laugh Bank, despite Jimmy giving the wrong URL
Mike has lots of Laugh Bank puns
Weekend plans
Jimmy has never been on a hay ride
Matt has been on lots of hay rides, having been raised in a rural area
Matt takes offense at Jimmy disrespecting children’s rides
Outsiders chat
Matt Dillon movies
Matt knows how frustrating it is for the listener to hear them not know about things
Pat Francis pays his gambling debts by check with inappropriate things in the memo field
Jimmy is surprised that Matt and wife have only a joint checking account
Jimmy’s mom had to call in to quit a job for him
Jimmy’s dad saw The Godfather of Green Bay, directed by Pete Schwaba
Matt over-explains a callback
Comedians who wear wacky ties and shirts
Jimmy confesses to wearing a Saturday Night Live shirt for his headshot
Matt circles back to how long he has been with his wife
Matt’s movie theater co-worker shortened Buncha Crunch to “Buncha”
Jimmy’s dad shortened Intellivision’s Astro Smash game to “the smash”
Matt’s dad embarassed him at Universal Studios at the KITT from Knight Rider
Jimmy takes an off-ramp to Ruby Dee / Ozzy Osbourne
Back to Matt’s dad-embarassment
Matt wants an expression similar to “Baker’s Dozen” that means one less a dozen
Jimmy comes up with Lazy Baker
Mike: “That sticks!”
Matt feels “a step short” tonight so he is tired and cranky
Eddie Van Halen’s porn music party
Mike admits Eddie is now out of his mind
Eddie Van Halen’s mouth cancer
Opinions about Michael Jackson and children
Matt explains that it turns out he is the only one who calls his wife’s co-worker “Johnny Ocean” (see episode 26)
Speaking of last week’s show, Jimmy clarifies that he never said Chico was a shitty town, but that the one-nighter bar gig reminded him if his old shit gigs
Chico has a nice record store
More Weasel Dog talk: every man’s got a horn, man!
Jimmy says he will now tell the naval base story, because it got usurped by last week’s Jet Li vs. Chuck Norris topic, which the listeners loved
This story was part of Jimmy’s one man show
The naval base story takes place in 1991
Return engagement to the Great Lakes Naval Base as a headliner
But it’s no longer on the AVClub site.
Thanks to fan Shane McWilliams, you can watch on this Google Drive link.
Jimmy had no business headlining, plus the opener was pandering with blue material
The previous week’s headliner bailed after 12 minutes of her 45 due to being booed off stage
The crowd LOVED the pandering opening act
The crowd also LOVED Jimmy… for the first five minutes
“If you see a dick, suck it!”
Mike had a bad show at 4th and B, a 1500 seat venue, following Chris “The Zoo Man”
Mike thought he might have to fight people
Jimmy played 4th and B the next week with Danielle
The crowd booed and was rude to Danielle
Jimmy headlined and did… OK
Mike did a show in South Dakota at an Indian Reservation, and had a shot gun pulled on him
Jimmy was in lovely lovely Saginaw, Michigan working with Mike Green from Detroit
Jimmy saw Meat Loaf with Jennifer in Detroit the day before the show
Meeting Meat Loaf
Mike did short time, so Jimmy had to do 74 minutes
The crowd did not enjoy him
Jimmy’s story gets interrupted by car horn honking from the dicey part of the neighborhood
Matt explains “whistle tips”
Shoe trees
Jimmy talks about “cider inserts” but means “cedar inserts”
Matt and the horn are sabotaging Jimmy’s story
An audience member in Saginaw wanted to fight Jimmy during the show
Jimmy finds out the horror movie trope of not being able to put keys in a car is true
We lost Chico!
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