Episode 24 – Mike Siegel, TV Star and Caddy
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Episode released 09/15/06
Show notes by Darryl Asher (09/16/15)
Hello everybody and indeed welcome to Never Not Funny
I am Jimmy Pardo, your friend from television and the world wide web, the information superhighway
We are a member of HandheldComedy.com
Mike thinks Jimmy skipped saying the show name
It’s football season
Hi Matt
Back to Mike and football
Promos for football on TV seem to focus on the halftime singer/band instead of the game
Mike Siegel gets a backhanded introduction, then back to Mike and football
30 Rock sounds too much like Third Rock
Studio 60 confuses things
Prince is announced as half-time show for the Super Bowl before the season ever started
Jimmy gives Mike Siegel a “proper buildup”
Siegel hosts TBS Movie Extra, HGTV If Walls Could Talk, and HGTV What You Get for the Money
In L.A. $500,000 gets you a crappy house
Jimmy is surprised that you get a nice house for $200,000 in other parts of the country
Mike just bought a duplex, so he’s a landlord now
Jimmy is taking down Jeremy Piven
Every fourth episode is a guest, these guests are here because they are Jimmy’s friends
Jimmy is blessed that his friends are all funny
Jimmy is fascinated that on Tourgasm, four comedians hang out and never say anything funny
That’s not Dane Cook bashing
Mike bailed after two episodes
Siegel (whom Jimmy refers to as “Segundo”) thinks it doesn’t give realistic insight into the life of a comedian
Matt says they didn’t commit to the bus, since they took a private jet to some shows
Tourgasm doesn’t show any of his act; it was a build up to Vicious Circle
Jimmy had to watch it, train-wreck style
Four comics hanging out enjoying a Segway ride
Matt says we need a glossary
Graham Elwood’s use of the words “friend” and “shooter”

For you kids, this is Arte Johnson doing a very popular bit on the Laugh-In show which ran from 1968 to 1973.
Siegel disagrees with Jimmy’s memory of his caddying for him at the celebrity golf tournament (as told on the Gilmartin episode #20)
Siegel think Jimmy made him sounds dickier than he was, because the listener may not have known they were good friends
Arte Johnson was the more desireable celebrity
Matt thinks Siegel’s take is more believable, because Jimmy lets things eat at him
In fairness, Siegel was not a good caddy
Siegel brought a gift for Mike and Jimmy: White Sox baseball cards
Nothing for Matt
Siegel is disappointed that they already talked about the KISS concert he got them tickets to
Siegel used to be an MTV VJ
Jimmy’s first show was a non-paying pilot with Gary Coleman
“Looking Up at the Nightly News” was short people talking about the news
Siegel doesn’t remember Wade Nordhagen, who is on the card he just gave Jimmy
Mike calls back to Jimmy’s “appearances” as Spiderman, which makes Matt wish there was a way for people to search previous episodes
Superhero related songs
Ted Nugent talk
Wango Tango lyrics
Has my baby been wangoed to death?
Stranglehold is a great riff
Nugent and KISS at the Arrowhead Pond (?)
Nugent lost Jimmy as a fan by calling the crowd “liberal faggots” and singing the song “Kiss My Ass”
Siegel is not a reality show fan
Siegel went to surf camp in Costa Rica
Siegel travels a lot alone; he loves foreign travel
Drinking and knowing soccer helps when travelling
Jimmy thinks Pele is terrific
Mike wants to know about safety
Matt thinks The Girl from Ipanema is the worst song ever
Mike doesn’t want a kebab, he wants a steak, not a meat puzzle
All about the meat on kebab sword restaurants
Mike is off red meat, since he is dying of high cholesterol
Jimmy thinks Siegel is training for a triathalon, but it’s a marathon
Matt tries to use the Rule of Threes to insult Jimmy’s intellegence
Siegel is on the all-fudge marathon prep
How do we all take our steak?
Lots of “Kiss My Ass” singing
Siegel does not listen to music while training
The guys avoid telling people the are comedians
On the plane: aisle or window? Jimmy is aisle in economy, but window in first class
Jimmy won’t sit in the same row as Mike since he got moved to a middle seat
When he was bigger Mike was charged for two seats, so he refused to let someone sit next to him
Jimmy had a gym coach who pronounced “puberty” “pooberty”
Reservoir Dogs is Mike’s favorite movie
Siegel is surprised that the hour went by so fast
Matt “It’s the fastest hour in podcasting”
Siegel was in a scene in the movie Traffic
Siegel may have to ditch his current tenants
Jimmy demands to know the details of Siegel’s deal with the tenants
Vaudeville Jimmy closes out the show
Member of Handheld Comedy Network
Onnnn the podcast.