1211 – Pardomizing with John Ross Bowie
For Never Not Funny 1211, Jimmy Pardo welcomes John Ross Bowie
00 – Indeed welcome!! Jimmy is squinty! Jimmy went to every war except the gulf. Jimmy has a little darker hair paint. Eternal darkness to Jimmy’s hair. Toto 1.28 is the toilet Jimmy installed. Jimmy does his Chicago voice.
05 – Jimmy watched Bully, the Teddy Roosevelt doc. Seems to be missing a lot of information. Glasses and Stash – great morning team. Matt calls them erudite. New sound buffering seems to be working! Vanilla Ice chat – White man doing black man’s music – Jimmy on board! Mac Davis did indeed write In The Ghetto.
10 – Jimmy thinks his timer was off but we are already at 10 minutes. John Bowie is here! Bee Movie chat! Awful movie. Hello me, Hello Eliot, Hello Matt. Friend John Ross Bowie is official introduced!
15 – Delta House (Animal House spin-off show) aired 13 episodes in 1979. Eliot gets called a human speedbump. Matt uses the term Headmaster, John doesn’t know what Smiths record he grew up in. John saw Eddie Murphy at a Coffee Bean this morning! Identified by googling Eddie Murphy Tattoo. This lead to chat about the Beverly Hills Cop TV Series, and 80s action films.
20 – Eddie Murphy is Matt’s #1 Celeb Sighting Wish. Matt loved him as a kid. Jimmy saw John at a purem carnival. If Jimmy were going to the Oscar’s his entire day would be going to the oscars, unlike Sascha Baron Cohen. Don’t forget the NNF295 godaddy code! A year for a .com for $2.95. email and photo album.
25 – There is a godaddy banner up on the site now. Matt is called Young Kitten by Jimmy. Cliff Floyd Quote of the Week! Coming up. John on Mike Piazza’s facelift: “I don’t want to talk about it.”
30 – Cliff Floyd Quote of the week: “When you’re drafting, you got you gotta get the best players.” Jimy acknowledges good advice Cliff gave about parents taking kids to little league. Walk away and let the coach handle it. Oliver is already better at sports than Jimmy ever was. Oliver only draws robots. Oliver is good at Soccer and terrific at baseball. John’s son Walter is enjoying PE. Matt tries to attack on Nursery school but is shut down by John and Jimmy.
35 – Jimmy sets the stage. Jimmy alleges Eddie Murphy enjoys getting plugged. Matt calls him a good samaritan. Jimmy loves everyone in Dreamgirls. John is watching Smash. Jimmy went from hate watching to watching to now luke warm watching.
40 – John is mad at smash for insinuating they can fit as much space as they do in the Flat Iron building. Jimmy doesn’t like how people sit on the show. Jimmy’s chair is comfie but loud. John appreciates Jimmy’s 99 cent joke.
45 – John and Jimmy feel Katherine McPhee has not found her voice as an actor. More betting on guessing John’s first celeb sighting in LA. I got it! 4 bucks!
50 – Jimmy’s first sighting was Ernest Borgnine, Ernie B! At a target buying fake plant. LA is a magical place! Matt recounts his David Carusco sighting. John says, “Life’s a gas man.”
We’ll be back!
and We’re back!
00 – John Ross Bowie is here! I’m here. Eliot’s on thin ice but told a nice story about Get Smart at the break. John’s kids not yet into The Monkeys! Might be too young. John’s bday is May 30! No guessing game! Oliver is child of the week! Jimmy went in and read Who’s On First to his class today. Class liked the first half, got lost in the second half. Oliver: Comedy means funny, guys!
05 – Rusty Warren is a female comedian. also white. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusty_warren. Jimmy discusses Ellis Paul’s mullet picture and his own headshots from the 90s.
10 – John calls Jimmy,”doughy.” in the picture and that it looks like it’s hanging on a drycleaner wall. Chevy Chase chat! Jimmy said he was great. Some talk about the 5 timer sketch on SNL. and Paul Simon’s “face work” More SNL talk. John enjoys Cecily Strong.
15 – Jimmy resets so John can get back to Tommy Bahamas. John’s shirt is authetic tropical shirt from Puerto Rico. We all love Jimmy’s hair! Jimmy calls Subdivisions a top 5 song of all time. Danielle’s response to this: Who cares?
20 – Jimmy and John wonder how their wives “fuck off” or waste time. Jimmy has a new mouse!
25 – Pardomizer.com! Randomize at home! Eliot wins! sigh.
30 – We’re calling Ryan Fields in LVNV. Jimmy does his morning DJ voice. Trading card chat. Ryan owns Viceroy cards!
35 – Ryan asks who Jimmy’s top fantasy Baseball picks are. And it looks like Ryan is joining Jimmy’s Fantasy Baseball League!
40 – Josh LaPearl is going to be the Matt Damon of this show (Jimmy Kimmel reference)
45 – Rich Sommer winners! Ken Roberts wins with 77! Jimmy officially calls Go On his favorite sitcom right now. Neck and Neck with Parks and Rec. If you’re not watching Go On you should be and if you are and don’t like it stop listening to us. Jimmy also loves Southland. Jimmy loves John’s hair. As do I. Jimmy enjoys the cast of Big Bang Theory.
50 – Jim Parsons is turning 40! We’re done! See you next week!
– Garon/The Beast/The Scout/The Thief/The Defector/The Whistler