1224 – Mike Siegel – The Head of Volkswagen

Mike Siegel - the "head" of Volkswagen

Mike Siegel – the “head” of Volkswagen

In-Studio Notes by Garon Cockrell

Jimmy Pardo welcomes Mike Siegel to Never Not Funny #1224



Travel Tales Podcast

00 – Zoot Suit Riot is the song of the day! The song that popped into Jimmy’s head as he was peeing! We’ve reached a new low! Jimmy’s Pee Pee rant is where it ends folks. World War Pee! Legendary cock? Maybe. Real Cock hosted by Bryant Gumble. Cockrell – Cock real? Jeremy Piven’s father founded the Piven Theatre Workshop. Don’t compare seasons! Good shows here, good show there, good shows everywhere!

05 – Mike Seigel is joining us today! Here is what you get for $50 http://movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-talk/meet-50-world-war-z-movie-ticket-162450958.html. Poster, HD Download, 3D Glasses, small popcorn.

Cliff Floyd Quote of the day involvs getting $800 shoes for father’s day. actual quote of the week “That was real good that he came on here and gave us that explainer.”

Jimmy’s phone is a discotheque when it rings.

Jimmy and Matt debating on what to pay for Ke$ha tickets. Happy birthday to Rick, Jimmy’s Mom, Barry Manilow and Jimmy’s dad! Jimmy sings some Fantastiks.

10 – Oliver was talking singing a song and making himself laugh. Jimmy forgets what song it was. jake johannsen opened for Barry Manilow. One of a handfull of comedians Jimmy has not yet met, despite wanting to get him on the show for a long time. He did great! Eliot raises his hand to interrupt with a great question! Jimmy would have liked him to dress up a little but still loved the set. Liked that he didn’t clean it up. Jimmy was made into a puppet for a pilot with Doug Benson and Bill Dwyer. Pilot not shot.

15 – Jimmy’s mom enjoys Pitbull! Thinks he is becoming a song and dance man. Dick Van Dyke says Mad Men’s costumes are inaccurate. How close can Jimmy and Matt get to the stage and still be able to put their hands down their pants. Matt calls Iggy Pop a piece of String Cheese. Jimmy calls him a shirtless devil.

20 – Cyndi Lauper chat! Stacked Parking at the Greek may lead to be raped by some woods creature. Dad who made coaster: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/07/rollercoaster-backyard_n_1750989.html. Internet rages against Jimmy for saying Iris is about an eye on The List. Eliot says cochclea (SP??) Matt does a Family Feud

25 – Lauper gets 8 out of 10 Goonies! Sloth is an Ancillary Goonie.


A person who deceives others, esp. in order to trick them out of their money; a charlatan.
A person who sold patent medicines in public places. “Mountebank” comes from the Italian montambanco or montimbanco based on the phrase monta in banco – literally referring to the action of a seller of dubious medicines getting up on a bench to address his audience of potential customers. Monte Bank is a Spanish Card Game (the national card game of mexico).

30 – Matt got a #1 Dad shirt with Darth Vader on it. One of the greatest plot twists in Jimmy/Matt’s lifetimes ruined by the prequels. Vader and Sons Junkyard! Jimmy is the only guyin his golf poll to pick Hunter Mayhew.

35 – We’re back! Don’t be confused by Mike’s jacket and coffee. It is hot outside. He’s in a fleece guys! Jimmy says it’s freezing at Conan. Jimmy isn’t cliff floyd with throwaway shoe money so no AC at his place. Jimmy blankets up when he watches TV. Like a fleece or something.

40 – Joe Walsh is hated after watching The Eagles documentary! Cyndi Lauper was one of Mike’s first celebrity interviews. it was 97 and Cyndi was opening for Tina Turner. Tina blew them off so they ended up talking with Cyndi. “Why don’t you guys play my records no more?” She asked. The next day, Mike interviewed John Mellencamp. He said fuck a lot and smoked through the entire thing (this was just after his heart attack). He seemed angry. (John Sykes is the MTV guy they were discussing) When Jimmy saw Cyndi at the Roxy, all the gays brought her hand made trinkets.

45 – Jimmy sings True Colors as Carol Channing/Edith Bunker. Mike’s first VO gig was for Fisher Nuts. He nailed the audition but could not reproduce it at the actual gig. Jimmy had a vo gig that was so bad he had to push his flights back three times. Mike did a gig with Linda Carter! He recently found it and discovered he had a major chicago accent back then.

50 – Jimmy does chicago accents! Mike’s VW commercial picked up again. Mike talks about a great time in NY where he was paid to do nothing due to the weather. He ended up working for six hours. The commercial got him health insurance this year! Jimmy blames Obama (for humor).

55 – Here we go! Gambling time!! Not enough Kiss stuff at Gene Simmon’s restaraunt. Jimmy went to the one in El Segundo. Great coverage in a kiss casket phone. Jimmy still haunted by his VO audition. John Fugalsang was the music nerd of VH1. Sway and his hat worked at MTV.

60 – Mike only got three free concerts during his time at VH1. U2 (pop tour), Aerosmith, John Fogerty Storytellers. AJ Hammer gives major important to shit entertainment news stories. Same urgency about miley cyrus getting a sandwich as kurt cobain dying.

Here we go! Gambling! Mike goes 88 (Piano/Flux Capacitor) Eliot goes 111 (despite his confusing hand gestures), I go Trombones – 76, Spirit of! Matt is wounded by the mic but goes 22 (jose valentene). Jimmy gives serious consideration and goes 17 for the birthdays!

65 – Winner is…103! Congrats to Paducah’s own Brad Miller! Mike did a show there and was heckled by the bar owner’s wife!

70 – What is richard, VA know for? Tom Raper RVs! Largest RV Dealership in the country. Elk Heart IN also has a large RV dealership. JImmy almost got hit by a tornado in Elkheart. He had to rush into a gas station. “Storm Chasers: It’s what they did.” – Mike Bently fan from San diego. Gorgeous! Mike not in the military despite his appearance. Time for Barry Manilow chat! Manilow on Broadway was not showtunes. He played the hits! Is Manilow a gay icon? Jimmy says he is a house wife icon. Mike says he is growing into the face lift. JImmy says he looks great becase his head is carved out of clay.

75 – greek theaters seats too narrow! Tall guy and Fat Guy antics in making room for the fat guy. Despite the drunk fat guy trying to ruin the night, it was a great night out. Ironically, Barry did not write “I Write the songs.” Mike went to Fleetwood Mac with Pat Francis. shaun white incident: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/17/shaun-white-arrested-nashville-fire-alarm-vandalism-intoxication_n_1891973.html

80 – Jimmy goes through barry manilow’s greatest hits. Have you ever met an improper cat? – Jimmy. Mike says LA Zoo is not good. Jimmy disagrees. The Councilman that charged Jimmy at the last Beastly Ball explained what happened. Jimmy referenced it on stage and the place went bananas.

85 – Jimmy had Betty White rolling at the ball. ALso at one point she stopped listening to him completely. Jimmy waving paper around was making the vulture go nuts. Jay Leno is not good with the animals on his show. Mike does his Jay Leno and he goes Low! Jimmy loves it. Mike was at the CMA’s this year. Matt confirms Juliet Barnes won this year. Jimmy thinks Raina deserved it. Mike interviewed the kids from the show. He also interviewed a general hospital actor that played Patrick Drake, Jr. Mike compares soap fans at these conventions to Barry Manilow fans, only heavier. Jimmy did some sets at the Blue Bird. Watty White was there!

90 – Jimmy geeked out over caroline from GH at the beast ball. He asked her tons of GH questions, including reading her a text. “this is a sickness.” she says and invites him to Fan Fest. Jimmy says he is in, Danielle asks if he wants a Divorce for his birthday.

95 – Jimmy says it would be weird for him to MC a fan fest thing. Jimmy’s goal was to be famous enough to do a proam, which he did, now he wants to be famous enough to cameo on General Hospital. Jimmy says he and Matt will look like a couple. Eliot jumps in with “nice tight shirts” to everyone’s chargrin. Jimmy tells again about how his golf teacher wanted to hit him with a sand wedge.

100 – Pete Schwaba is the biggest Bodeans fan in the world. He convinced Mike to go see them once. Ended up having to drive home in a snow storm because the guy who’s house they were going to crash at forgot they were coming. The ended up stuck on a median. Bodean’s chat!

Btw that MCA Exec jimmy was talking about is Jimmy Bowen. All the warrior dash pics look like Mike is the star and Jimmy is an extra.

We’re all fuckin!

Jimmy thinks his warrior dash time would have been 3 minutes faster had he been alone. Jimmy loved it and would do it every week if he could. He is gonna do a 10k next.

Get your finances in order!

Traveltalespodcast.com is Mike’s podcast. seven chopsticks for taiwan! My podcast is Pop Culture Beast presents SHOW! Eliot has no show. Matt has too many.

See you next time!!

My Pleasure,
– Garon/The Thief/Cuban Defector/Scout/The Beast