1225 – Christian Finnegan and His Chin-again

Christian Finnegan
In-Studio Notes by Garon Cockrell
For Never Not Funny 1225 Jimmy Pardo welcomes Christian Finnegan
00 – Hello indeed AHHH! Jimmy’s clock does not land on its feet. Does not have cat like reflexes! Oliver died laughing over Batman and Robin cartoon where batman says,”Oh catwoman! You felonious feline!” He laughed even harder when Jimmy explained the words to him.
Welcome to 1225! The Christmas Episode! No gifts. Jimmy’s allergies are acting up due to the drastic temperature change. Jimmy worried he may catch fire. Matt’s response: Oh dear. Eliot’s the show punching bag. Jimmy can’t yell at me because of my new supreme court friends.
05 – Jimmy’s in a mood! Matt’s tired from lack of sleep. Zoe wanted Matt to be a raindrop whp is kind of mean when they were playing. Kids do not want your ideas! Jimmy and Oliver had a great time alphabatizing his DVD/Blu-rays.
Oliver quotes on Kiss videos: “All of these have crazy outfits!” On Tears Are Falling video: “Dad why are they in a jungle? the yshould be in a water park.” “They all end crazy” “dad he’s shaking his booty!” (followed by an impression.)
Matt is excited by getting access to digital movies via Flixter.
10 – This is not an ad for Flixter. Matt is genuinely excited by it. No Disney though. Disney is a “whole new world.” per Matt. Everyone is in a costume today. Jimmy is fascinated by soap stars in public. GH chat! “If Olivia dies you die!” – Sonny. No interest in the kissing cousins storyline. Move on writers! Soap actors are magical mysterious people!
15 – Jimmy guesses he would be the only man at the soap fest should he go. He kinda wants to pitch it to Conan. Christian Finnegan is here! Jimmy describes Christian Finnegan as a soap opera head.
Jimmy is a paid member of Phil Hendrie’s website. Phil went off on his former bosses for the first hour (for backstage members).
20 – Another Oliverism! Crazy Nights by Kiss paroday: Farty farty farty farty nights cleaned up for jimmy these are gas passey passey passey nights. Jimmy does a bit of a Paul Stanley impression. Matt says Kiss does not rock as hard as they’re imagine might suggest.
New seasons right around the corner! Presale is up for Season 13!
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25 – Christian did a roomba bit before anyone knew what a roomba was. Jimmy says if you use a lawn roomba you’re lazy. Oliver helped mow the lawn and called it a field.
Reel Push Mower BTW.
We’ll be back with Christian Finnegan!!
We’re back!
Daddy might get something important on the blower! Jimmy’s chair is haunted.
30 – Around the room! Jimmy has an idea for tweeting! Call in with 70s 80s music trivia and Jimmy will go head to head with Christian!
Toad the wet shutup how about that. – Jimmy Zing! – Christian Matt made a great gay joke abgout the air freshener Jimmy saw (butt with a line through it No farting!). Jimmy says Not today! Scotus has ruled! Christian says Scotus sounds like an 80s metal band with 2 bass players.
35 – bad bad leeroy brown is back! Pop Culture Beast presents SHOW! Maybe part of NNF in the future? Maybe not? Eliot is here! Matt the Honcho is here!
The chiseled chin of Christian Finnegan is here also! “You can’t blush and think it at the same time.” – Jimmy. Christian described Jimmy’s forehead as a lot of square footage.
40 – Christian is playing at pechanga tonight (a week ago as you listen). Jimmy loved that venue when it was the improv. Hasn’t been back since the change. Christian got rid of hs agent last week. Jimmy and Christian both prefer to not see he audience before the show. All clubs need greenrooms! Jimmy doesn’t want to know what kind of people are there (bachlorette party, backwards cap guys) so he doesnt come on stage hating them.
Jimmy’s friend Steve Ayett in Michigan is always paired with Def Comedy types. Craig Robinson opened for Jimmy once.
45 – Christian calls Jimmy one of the nicest people he’s ever met in comedy after he calls himself the most unlikeable guy in comedy. Jimmy acknowledges he is a nice guy who says mean things for humor. Jimmy says he was jealous of Christian doing the myspace interviews. Christian says, “Raise the bar!”
Myspace is back! Jimmy says myspace was great for 3 months. Christian finds networking to be bad. Network sounds like a villianous word.
50 – Jimmy and Matt went to the Ke$ha show and are wearing the t-shirts to prove it. christian calls the new studio peaceful, like a children’s dentist office or a time out room. Jimmy feels bad for classmates.com since they never got it right. Is it weird to still want to have sex with the girls you knew in highschool? Jimmy hits the high hat on hot girls in love by loverboy. Other half of Almost Paradise? Anne Wilson. Pat and Jimmy wrote a pilot where Jimmy was running for mayor against incumbent Kim Carnes.
55 – Christian Finnegan’s music podcast is called Audio Spackle. audiospackle.tumblr.com/? (@audiospackle). In 1979, Kim Carnes recorded a single using the pseudonym Connie con Carne titled “She Dances With Meat.” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BkVY08FmYg
Kesha/Pitbull talk! 18000 fans cant be wrong!
60 – Christian can’t get behind Kesha. Jimmy says her deep cuts are fantastic. Matt says to let kesha into your heart! Christian calls Kesha gutter dirty after Jimmy says she is dirty. Place went crazy for Chris Brown when he came out at the Pitbull show but by the time he left the crowd seemed to realize he beats women.
65 – Matt and Jimmy waiting game to see who would want to leave first. It was Matt. Jimmy said he would stay the whole show if Matt would have stayed. Christian went to his first concert alone (School of seven bells). Jimmy say the killers, the bravery, tom jones, and chicago (at 19 and everyone thought he was weird for it) by himself. Chicago 16 may be Jimmy’s favorite Chicago album. There is a band called Antartica http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antarctica_(band) AND Alaska! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alaska!
70 – St. Paul was a member of Prince’s band The Family. Kesha had a half full crowd when she started. Jimmy says it is a misbooking. Most of the crowds was there for Pitbull (like 100 people for kesha). Sitting behind them at the show was a better looking Pitbull. Joyce Van Patten is Dick Van Patten’s brother.
75 – Christian brings up Bar Rescue and talks about how most bar managers are. Alpha Douches. “ECE- Exceeding Customer Expectations.” Bar Rescue is on SpikeTV. Pawn Stars is getting too sketchy now, it is overshadowing the items people are bringing in.
Taking some phone calls after the break!
We’ll be back!
80 – We’re back! Christian Finnegan is here. Jimmy and Matt got their shirts from outside the venue from the shirt scalpers. Jimmy enjoys his shirt, his was $10. Every time Jimmy goes to a merch stand, he finds he likes the lady t-shirt. Christian brings up House of Guitars in Rochester, NY. “Mountains of concert t-shirts.” Someone in San Francisco told Jimmy he should get on twitter and build his brand.
85 – Taking calls! Jimmy resets. christian married 8 years in august. Jimmy says to save the dark stuff for Gilmartin when Christian brings up family historys. His wife wrote a book called Burn Down the Ground which has been optioned. http://www.amazon.com/Burn-Down-Ground-A-Memoir/dp/0345516028/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1372281710&sr=8-1&keywords=burn+down+the+ground
90 – Christian also does not have a relationship wth his mother (mentally ill). Jimmy does kevin pollack doing peter falk. We got a call!
Alan’s talked to us before, he designed Pat Francis’ site Consistant Jackass. Can Alan stump the room? Alan is out. (btw I can’t hear the questions). Jimmy Pankow lives right over in calabassas.
New caller. Greg (Craig?) in Tallahassee. Jimmy says he would spend all the time figuring out how to move out of Tallahassee. Craig is the founder of Gentleman Baby Comics: https://www.facebook.com/GentlemanBabyComics?fref=ts.
He asks about the final exchange btween waylon jennings and buddy holly. No one got it. “I hope your plane crashes.” Cut loose no winner!
100 – Tom’s outta here. We got a lady! Kelly from Seattle. Weird Al’s first single to crack the top 10: White and Nerdy! She’s outta here!
Mark from DT Chicago! Jimmy asks if the city is burning. Mark says the’re destracted by the Blackhawks win. Mark’s outta here. Eliott’s calling and shut down. Mark in Chicago calls back! Jimmy finishes telling him about the SCOTUS decision coming today so Chicago is distracted by Blackhawks win. Mark does sales for NPR and PBS. Married for about 18 months. No kids.
Backlog of voicemails with questions!
105: if you’re calling for Jenny you should be called 867-5309. Just so you know, I can’t hear the calls most of the times. matt allows Eliot’s sting/genesis joke.
More calls! Mark again, cut loose just before his question. Eliott back again and he’s gone. Mark calls back! Gets a huge laugh. Friday on my mind is the song the easy beats is the song. Eliott calls back and gets scolded by Jimmy. Takes it like a man. His question: Original title of License to Ill?
Michael calls in from a basement in Brooklyn apparently.
115 – Did he call to fight with Jimmy? guess not. His question is: cut off. new caller! Mike Erway calls in. He designed some logos for season 11. Mike’s from Traverse City, jimmy loves it. what billy Joel song won record of the year in 1979? Christian says always a woman. Jimmy and chistian both say you may be right. the answer is just the way you are. It’s gorgeous in MI today. Jimmy says to go to the casino and to double down. Mike asks Jimmy to come to Traverse City in Februrary. Jimmy says no fucking way is he coming to Traverse City in Februrary.
120 – Christian recounts an Eddie Pepitone bit. Great fun! We’re done! Licence to Ill original title is Don’t Be A F*ggot. Nice Eliot.
Audio Spackle is Christian Finnegan’s podcast! End of Prom song? Last Dance or Dream On. The first Butt Christian touched was during Tempted by Squeeze.
Get your finances in order! New season coming!
Without our lifestyle Disney wouldn’t exist. Matt did’t trust the wrap. We’re outta here!
See ya next time!!!
My Pleasure,
– Garon/The Thief/Cuban Defector/Scout/The Beast