1822 – Name Dropping with David Wild

David Wild
In studio notes by Andrew Wild
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Jimmy misses the buttons and starts to sing Iron Maiden
I am introduced, Garren is not welcomed back
Jimmy is home alone, family in Tulsa. The rice cooker is very scary
05 – Dead skin on Jimmy’s microphone is causing a brouhaha.
Elliot and Jimmy can not catch a screw, Matt and I can. Or maybe Elliot can’t throw
I discuss my major and my mother’s fandom is brought up
10 – Matt’s vacation to the east coast is discussed
Zoe loves Hamilton, and Matt is done with Facebook. Deleting the app was terrific
Jimmy saw a redhead making out with her boyfriend outside his house
Jimmy tries to give out Roald Dahl books
Intelligent/Information Dance Music
15 – PBS will not air Hamilton, but they will do a doc
Rent got a movie after 10 years, so fast
Matt regrets not listening to Hamilton sooner
Jimmy doesn’t approve of Matt’s kids listening to Hamilton
20 – I play Boards of Canada, Jimmy doesn’t approve
There’s no such thing as moral shopping
Jimmy forgot 9/11, and today is 7/11. The day Aaron Burr shot Hamilton
Live show in Chicago, Rosemont Zanie’s
25 – Beautiful, the Carole King “jew-box” musical. Rave reviews
The City, the unsuccessful King album, right before she peaked with Tapestry
David’s first joke bombs
David calls “Motown” the musical a whitewash, Matt and Jimmy are offended
Nepotism comes up, I feel tense
30- Father daughter dances are definitely creepy
We’re the first Rockwell Gordy podcast
Michael McDonald great SNL sketch. Doobie Brothers on What’s Happening
35- Hamilton made Matt sad on the way back from home
So hard to avoid the coverage and only listen to the music
Lamar Odom’s IDM album
Elliot says “Somebody’s Watching Me” went to #1. David says #3. Fran #2, I go #4. Jimmy says #9, Matt says #1, but has to take #5.
40 – No one can guess that “Jump” was a #1 song in 1984
David tells story about getting into a fight with David Lee Roth, Jimmy doesn’t want to hear it
Years ago, David was in David Lee Roth’s father’s bar, Roth shows up, David is forbidden to talk with him by Eddie.
45 – “Trying to get a word in edgewise” with David Lee Roth during his radio show
Roth confronts my father after all these years at Billboard Music Awards
Matt gets a case of the mush mouth
David name drops Chris Isaak as a friend
50 – David and Fran had first date at Van Halen, Fran gets to meet Valerie Bertinelli, sees Roth showering.
Eddie likes to vape in studio with L.L Cool J, David doesn’t know what it is, and neither do I
I have to confront that I don’t like Chicago
55 – We go around the horn, David makes a poor incest joke
Jimmy asks me if I bang around at college while I’m with my parents
LMFAO are old guys
60 – Jimmy explains the Mark and Brian morning radio split
Jimmy and David argue over Chicago’s manager
Jimmy defends Chicago’s concert at the Hollywood Bowl
65 – Chicago is repped by a mafioso apparently
Borderline Doc Talk, no theme song
David tries to explain what a phone is
70 – We all love Love&Mercy
David wants to know about Jimmy’s time at MCA, Jimmy tells how he got hired
75 – David says MCA rejects first version of Tom Petty’s “Full Moon Fever”
David said no to getting high with Tom Petty, Jeff Lynn, and George Harrison
Beatles gift exchange in front of George Harrison
80 – David calls Ringo the nicest guy in music
David and Jimmy discuss the hottest Jews of all time (their wives)
David and I ignored Jon Hamm when we met The Gang
85 – Jon Hamm kills at SketchFest, bombs at the Emmy’s
David discusses writing Tom Bergeron’s Emmy’s
He also wrote the James Franco Oscar’s, not his only time bombing an award show
90 – David tried to stop Bergeron’s improv monologue
Neil Patrick Harris holds a grudge
The Gang visited the Familiare, wonder if Rockwell could live there
Opening at the Familiare
Jimmy and David duet on a love song to a horse
95 – We all get to fuck teenagers when Donny T is in office
Jimmy and David bash Pat’s music taste
Jimmy and Fran disagree on Bon Jovi
Jimmy is mad that Bon Jovi did some nice things
100 – Name that tune, Chicago edition
Old Days or Roses, Chicago fan doesn’t know the name of his favorite song
David is mocked for name dropping, but Jimmy and Matt like the stories
105 – What Chicago liner notes did David do
David hosts a Swingers reunion, is mistaken for a swinger
Dirty Carson sees the Beach Boys
David was cut out of Popstar
110 – Jimmy commiserates over being cut out of Dreamgirls
Jimmy thinks Matt doesn’t know Gloria Gaynor did “I Will Survive”
Stevie Nicks loves David, and she makes a great prime rib
115 – David started with Esquire, went to Rolling Stone, fell into T.V
Jimmy is from T.V!
120 – David and Fran love Bon Jovi, saw Paula Abdul on an early date
David tries to defend music while MC Scatt Cat is in the background
125- Lou Reed kissed David on the lips for making him money
Dave Grohl is a prompter natural, and likes to improvise
Pee Wee Herman, straight or not?
David is a reluctant tennis champion
My pleasure,