1814 – Taking a Little Trip with Dave Holmes


Dave Holmes

Dave Holmes

In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher

Party of One

00 – Hello! Welcome in!

Jimmy talks about the Earwolf credits on the show.

Jimmy talks Earwolf folks.

Disturbed cover of Sounds of Silence. Jimmy calls it Haunting.

Matt thinks it is weird.

Jimmy finds Disturbed unlistenable in general.

Jimmy talks Black Sabbath and Ozzie going through some marital issues.

Sinead was found! 

Get your tickets now for the Nashville show! There is a meet and great afterwards!

Jimmy talks about finding fans thanks to being on Doug Loves Movies.

Jimmy enjoyed Julian Loves Music!

10 – Talking my angry facebook post and self-serve robot stuff!

Jimmy and Matt talk about self-checkouts.

Jaws shoes!

Mott and Bow!

We’re gonna need a bigger size!

He makes a grand declaration!

Jimmy is done with Super Hero movies!

25 – jimmy would rather watch tornados than superheroes.

Let’s look around guys. Who’s show is this?
How much more chiseled is Dave Holmes gonna get? Elyse asks.

Dave Holmes is fine with Self Serve Kiosks.


The Grove had an automatic concession orders.

Davis is afraid of eating at a Wendy’s. He doesn’t want to get fat again.

Jimmy enjoys a salad that Wendy’s offers.

30 – In and Out Burger with a McDonald’s fry: Perfection.

It’s a special show guys! Jimmy explains it to

Jimmy just wants Dave to give me the mic but dave keeps talking and telling stories.

Sinead is found! 

35 – More Hanson talk. Jimmy talks about Wonderland (Sirius channel) with Dave Holmes.

Dave talks about no one caring about the 80s anymore.

Race relations talk.

“Bunch of Goofs.” – Dave’s parents on the riots in St. Louis.

Baskets talk.

Episode 9/11!

We forgot it.


We’ll be back!

40 – We’re back!!

More singing it!!

Dave left both times we sang.

More singing! Episode 1814!

45 – More super hero movie talk.

Danielle has excused Jimmy from further showings of super hero movies.

Dave talks about seeing The Black Hole again finally. He loved it as a kid watching it now he calls it dull and stupid.

The Black Hole – 

Joseph Bottoms – 

Trivia recap!

50 – Dave loves trivia!!

Adios surfers.

Eliot Hochberg is staring in a musical in town!

He landed those role he auditioned!

Eliot gives us some Missionary Man.

Dave and Jimmy compliment Eliot.

Eliot gives us some Death Cab.

Dave not a fan of egghead bands like Death Cab or Decemberists.

Dave is trying to listen to Pop music lately. IE Megan Trainor (who fell down recently apparently). Dave thinks everything sounds tinny and shitty nowadays.

55 – Shut Up and Dance video

“Don’t double corn it!” – Dave

What does Dave buy at the Amoeba? He’s replenishing his vinyls, lots of Prince. A Wendy and Lisa album.

Jimmy enjoys The Family.

60 – St Paul – 


Doc Talk!!


Frank and Cindy

Amazon link

Here’s the video from OXO

Red Line call!

Get Wet – 

65 – Phil Seymour – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Seymour

Dave is bored with aggressive rap.

70 – Beyonce talk.

Dave doesn’t think he’s gonna go with Ben to see Guns In Roses.

Jimmy and Matt agree to go see AC/DC with Axel Rose when they come to town.

Water park talk! Go the week school is back in session.

We’ll be back!

Preorder Dave’s book now!

75 – We’re back! Eliot immediately scolded.

Actor auditioning for a blind guy is unsettling Dave.

Matt talks about seeing Motion City Soundtrack’s show. He and Matt took the train.

Dave’s last concert may have been Dawes and also a festival downtown where he saw Steve Agee’s Baked.

Wayne’s World ruined Bohemian Rhapsody for Dave and Jimmy but introduced the song to Matt (also to me).

80 – Jimmy and Dave talk about the American Idol finale.

They talk more about the show and how its amazing that no one lost it on the air.
Pacman, fozzie bear.

I know what the pac-man does!

Eliot attempts a callback but fails.

Bumper Stickers – 

Jimmy talks about booker in the 90s.

90 – Talking facebook fan pages versus personal pages.

Dave is enjoying Snap Chat.

95 – Talking about being on “The List” and feeling special when your name is on one.

4.2 inches is a nice size guys.

Jimmy talks about his Improv show. Had a great time.

Great young comedians, including Sam Jay, joined him.

Laurie Kilmartin and Paul Gilmartin are not related guys.

100 – Dave talks about his parents reading his book and how he has to warn them about possible content.

Dave talks about his parents opinion on his being gay. They still call Ben his roommate.

105 – Dave tells a story about his parents freaking out about his brother falling asleep with his future wife and the neighborhood thinking he had sex with her.

Dave gives us an exclusive story not in his book!


Dave talks about seeing Carson Daly.

Kennedy talk.

Dave tells a story about going to a party where suddenly the conversation just stopped and no one was talking.

Eric Carmen talk.

115 – Favorite song from Dirty Dancing? Is it She’s like the Wind?


Dirty Dancing TV Remake – 

Eric McCormack’s TNT show was called Perception – 

The dirty dancing talk continues!

120 – Footloose talk.

Dave was forbidden from seeing Footloose because his parents thought it was about two young people cohabitating.

Sirius talk. Dave’s parents listen to the Seriously Sinatra channel.

Jimmy tells Dave about Richard Klein’s Ruth Buzzie rage.

Sevens with Dave!

Jimmy gives to Dave Holmes: 28 (80s Music)

Dave Holmes gives to Jimmy: 30 (80s Music)

Matt gives to Dave Holmes: (90s Music)

Dave Holmes gives to Jimmy and Matt: (90s Music)

Jimmy gives to Dave Holmes: (90s)

See you next time guys!

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth