Episode 622 – 200th Episode LIVE at UCB with Andy Richter, Jen Kirkman, Matt Besser and Pat Francis
Release date 4/7/2010
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Intro: Our two hundredths episode! Why is Jimmy not on television?
1:20 Episode 200, and one day from the fourth anniversary, which the audience greets with pointed apathy

Jimmy Pardo
2:00 “That guy’s got a laugh that’ll be distracting.”
2:10 Twilight start in a 99 seat theater
2:45 The cast of Twilight are nice people and we wish them luck
3:45 Matt hates hackey weather
4:20 “I have never sat gayer.”
4:50 A classic Jimmy scare-take
5:15 Sit in each other’s laps if you need to
5:30 Ladies in attendance: 17
5:45 Matt wants to play Pac-Man

Matt Belknap
6:00 Never Not Funny is a bigger draw than Neal Schon of Journey
6:45 Scooby-Doo / Jerry Reed reference is lost on the audience
7:15 The “scalped” ticket plan falls apart
7:45 Old people like Mannix
8:30 The UCB has a back-vac. Or maybe a leaf blower.
9:00 New territory: 4 guests on the show
9:20 Matt’s style is throwing Jimmy off
9:45 Matt sandbags Andy Richter
10:10 Andy Richer everybody!

Andy Richter
10:30 Andy is dressed for the driving range, thereby revealing his true feelings about the anniversary
10:50 Andy gets a TV-star laugh
11:00 Andy calls out Matt for shushing his phone call
12:00 “Some of us don’t live in Timid Town!”
12:45 Note to audience: do not be helpful!
13:15 Andy clarifies the definition of “scalped tickets”
13:50 Jimmy gets discount tickets by avoiding good performers
14:00 An intimate evening with Neal Schon
14:30 La Bamba is in the audience!
15:00 Don’t boo Leno!
15:15 The upcoming Conan tour has Andy rattled
16:00 Jimmy does what he does best: puts Andy at ease
16:45 Will Conan be on the Conan tour?

Matt and Andy
17:15 There may be hot sandwiches on the Conan tour
17:45 The L.A. food truck explosion
18:30 Jimmy learns Spanish
19:00 Andy on the driving range
19:00 Golf is the new white shame
21:00 Andy is an alt-golfer
21:30 A little elitism is a good thing
22:00 Jimmy’s going to sell his old clubs on the wrong website
22:30 “404 invalid” is a good piece of business
22:45 Andy’s golf history and equipment

Jerry Reed
23:15 The career of Jerry Reed
24:00 The coke-fueled Jerry Reed TV show
24:40 Sing along with Jimmy: East Bound and Down (Jerry Reed)
25:15 Andy half-heartedly dishes on the content of the Conan tour
26:00 “What a joy!” is Pardo for “Fuck off!”

27:45 Andy’s exciting post-show plans
29:00 How to avoid caring for your sick child
29:30 Andy’s anti-social crust
30:30 The Golden Girls are comforting and sassy
31:00 Andy is rushed off stage
31:15 We are close to getting an intern
32:45 Jimmy’s awkward introduction of Jen Kirkman
33:30 Jimmy makes people hate Jen
34:00 Jen’s negative feedback
34:45 Jen has a good story about Nineteen
35:15 Jen knows more references than Matt

Jen Kirkman
35:40 Matt likes that old time Rock and Roll
36:00 No Bob Seger on iTunes, yet Jen keeps accidentally downloading covers of Hollywood Nights
36:45 Puttin’ on the Hits live!
37:45 “What’s a BluBlocker?”
38:45 This lip-synching, not karaoke
39:15 Matt is perhaps too intrigued with Jen’s boots
40:15 Panda Juice
40:45 Jen provides Jimmy’s new Lucille Ball avatar
41:30 Jimmy may have missed the point of Avatar
42:00 Spiking drinks at Starbucks
44:00 Sing along with Jimmy: Coffee in a Cardboard Cup (Mandy Patinkin)
44:15 Starbucks has comic-blocking signage

44:30 B-12 shots from a white-coated non-shady lady at the health food store
45:45 Jen needs her alone time
46:00 Facebook drama
49:00 Some groups should not mix on facebook
49:30 Jimmy’s creepiness rips a hole in Jen’s stocking
50:15 Matt gets all up in Jen’s business
50:45 We wish the best of luck to Kurt Cobain

Jen as Lucy
51:00 Horny for Vinny Barbarino
52:00 Divinyls: grotesquely sexy (Christina Amphlett)
52:45 “There’s nothing sexier than a sweatshirt!”
54:00 The Marriage Ref
54:45 Seinfeld on Letterman
54:55 “Jerry didn’t understand socks in 1988!”
55:15 You don’t have to be rich and in show business to have an iPhone
55:40 “I haven’t touched a grocery cart in 20 years!”
56:00 Jen withholds her applause but tips her hat
56:30 Matt breaks out the show-biz lingo: “panel”
57:15 Jimmy goes to a conceptual Seinfeld show at the Roxy
58:00 The Thrilling Supernatural Suspense Adventure. Or something.
58:30 Jimmy was not yelling at Jen
58:45 Jimmy is jacked up on Monster drinks
59:15 Unavailability and lack of interest have kept Matt Besser of the show until now
59:45 More yelling at the audience
1:100:15 Sing along with Jimmy: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (The Beatles)
1:00:30 Matt and Jimmy’s history

Jimmy, Matt, and Matt
1:01:30 Besser is a unforgettable opener
1:02:00 Besser and Bernie Mac
1:03:00 “We gotta get you a suit!”
1:04:00 Besser getting married
1:05:15 Jimmy is defensive about his age
1:06:15 Jimmy’s foolproof way to make sure Besser has a baby boy
1:07:30 Freedom Rock… turn it up!
1:09:00 Besser is being taunted by Justin Bieber
1:11:00 Is the “W” word acceptable?

Matt Besser
1:11:45 Dancing around words is more offensive than the words
1:13:00 Chocolate Sundays at the Laugh Factory
1:13:30 Lynard Skynard’s new album is pretty good
1:14:00 The New Cars
1:14:45 Don’t kids like adults singing?
11:15:45 Besser’s brand new 6-year old movie Wild Girls Gone
1:16:45 Freak Dance
1:18:00 Besser’s grandfather was a one-eyed cliche
1:19:30 Jimmy loves to go to the gym, including showering and shaving
1:21:15 “Look what Jerry just did in my hand!”
1:22:00 Jimmy’s Blue Brothers performance
1:22:36 Besser’s gone and Matt has to hit the head
1:23:30 Crazy Laugher hasn’t laughed since being called out
1:24:00 Jen Kirkman’s reprise

The Man with the Yellow Bag
1:24:55 Pat Francis everybody
1:25:20 “What’s up my w*****!”
1:26:15 Racism in Winnie the Pooh
1:27:45 Pat’s family watches Don Knotts in Cinderfella (Don Knotts?)
1:29:00 The Return of The Man with the Yellow Bag
1:29:45 Jimmy proves he is a true friend
1:30:00 The Neal Schon experience
1:33:30 The Neal Schon merch experience
1:36:15 A journey back to April 5, 1991 with Jimmy and Pat
1:38:45 Pat brought a clip
1:39:30 Experience the Shake Weight
1:41:00 You really need the video for anything past here
1:42:00 Matt may have done this before

Shake Weight
1:43:00 Jimmy avoids eye-contact
1:43:30 Old Man Handy J.
1:44:30 Pat’s Workout Sex Club
1:45:15 Pat whines about not getting to do his third piece
AK-47, gone, not forgotten!
Thanks Darryl! What a joy, and I mean that in the complimentary.
Well, fuck-off to you too!!!!!
Wait, I may have misunderstood.