Episode 240 – Live 100th Episode with Pat Francis
Released March 7, 2008
Intro: It’s 240 you idiot! Headphone issues right outta the box.
1:30 We don’t edit jerk
1:40 Jimmy can’t handle seeing the faces of his adoring fans

NNF Unplugged
2:00 Never Not Funny Unplugged from the studio with a select group
2:50 Phil Semenik was on standby for the crowd of 30
4:00 A glimpse behind the curtain
4:15 PELKEY!!!!!! She was here way too early
4:30 Good looking listeners
5:15 Jimmy is curt in his emails to Pat
6:15 Jimmy is amazed that anyone listens to him
6:45 Revisiting sexyis.com

7:15 Two bottoms and a top, that’s where it’s at
7:30 Phil Defalco, Andrew Koenig and a 3 camera shoot,
7:50 Jimmy is left out of the U2 3D viewing
8:45 Pat thinks Jimmy is very much like Tony Clifton
9:05 Jimmy is more like Groucho than Rickles
9:45 Matt goes scatological
10:15 Pat is going to collect money from audience members at the 20 minute mark
10:45 Did Jimmy and Pat ever talk about making fun of Neal Shon to his face?
11:30 Friends of NNF are in Semi-Pro
12:30 Rob Corddry was treated like a janitor
13:30 Loudness and headphones
13:45 Pat’s haircare secrets
14:15 The Sex and the City movie trailer causes Belknap family dischord
15:15 Pat hits on an audience member
15:30 Shoulder talk
16:30 Putting way too much thought into Sex and the City than it deserves
17:30 Greg Behrendt and metrosexuality
18:30 Matt has come into his own in season 2
18:45 Complaints about the upcoming pay format
19:00 Pat’s hat-wearing habits
19:45 Show clothes
20:00 Jimmy’s bolo tie earplugs
20:40 Jimmy is blending into the background
21:15 Soap operas in the morning?
21:45 The crowd is against Matt
22:15 Jimmy’s sleepless, stormy drive, and flight
22:50 “That’s fun! That’s fun for everyone but you!”
23:25 Too much garlic for Jimmy
23:45 Pizza Hut? Does that sound right?
24:00 Pat just had laser eye surgery
24:00 Right outta the act: They used the laser from my CD player
24:00 Pat does crowd work
25:45 Pat does Jimmy’s act
26:00 The coupon jokes upstages the audience member’s blindness
26:00 Matt is still upset over his parents’ divorce 22 years ago
27:00 Jimmy’s folks married extremely young
27:45 Pat wants to know the cause of the divorce
28:30 More insultis of the partially blind audience member
29:30 Pat’s recover from laser surgery
29:45 Jimmy’s a 10! Or a 7.
30:15 Jimmy still thinks he a shot with teenagers
30:45 Inappropriate talk about Danielle
31:45 Matt chooses to have good vision
31:55 Babies with glasses
32:30 Lipnicky talk
33:30 Technical camera talk
34:00 Deciding whether to play to the audience, or do the show as normal
34:30 Jimmy’s uncomfortable topics
35:00 Jimmy’s string of best friends
36:30 Jimmy’s Chicago story about Paul Partyka
37:45 History of a Joke and George Carlin
40:00 Jimmy’s experience with History of a Joke
41:00 Back to the Chicago story (but not really)
44:30 Jimmy has the skills necessary to teach acting
45:00 Jimmy as a rapist in acting class
46:45 Melissa Etheridge demographic
47:30 Matt admits the whole thing is scripted
48:00 Bicycling to the tennis courts
50:00 Jimmy steals Matt’s joke right in front of him
50:30 Punt, pass, and kick with a heavy football
51:15 Pat lightens the mood with death talk
52:00 Matt follows instructions in the Producer Book
53:45 The hackey, Head-On commercial
54:15 Once again, back to the tennis story
56:30 Partyka’s stomach trouble on the tennis court
58:15 A hose of dirty water
1:00:30 What might have happened to the stain?
1:03:00 Pat was fired from 2 warm up jobs
1:04:00 Pat as warm-up on the Hindenberg
1:04:30 Craig Kilborne yelling at Jimmy
1:06:00 Jimmy has the chops
1:07:30 Jimmy defends his shit story
1:08:30 Pat at movies
1:11:00 Seat buffer
1:13:45 Matt gets stiffed by the crowd
1:14:30 Pat works on Win Ben Stein’s Money
1:15:30 Don’t reveal the location of NNFstudios!
1:15:45 Pelkey talk
1:16::45 Pat defends his actions
1:17:15 Macho Pat wants to be behind 2-way mirror
1:18:45 Pat’s mailbox
1:20:00 Eating habits for take-out
1:23:00 Food smells and movies
1:23:45 If your oxygen mask bag does not inflate, is it still working?
1:24:00 Jimmy will check in with Oliver from time to time to make sure he’s ok.
1:24:45 What is your American Gladiator name?
1:25:15 Tag vs. punchline
1:25:30 Back to History of a Joke
1:25:45 Jimmy doesn’t understand the physical universe
1:26:50 Don’t tell Bil Dwyer he wasn’t first choice for Rock of Love
1:27:00 Jimmy doesn’t want to contribute to the world’s hell-going
1:28:00 Bil Dwyer is a good-looking, always-smiling, happy man
1:28:30 Jimmy as a bellhop on The Surreal Life
1:29:30 Sing along with Jimmy: Up All Night (Slaughter)
1:30:00 The show name may be in error
1:30:15 Pat has opinions about the pay format
1:31:00 Info about the new Primo format
1:31:45 Email response has been overwhelming
1:32:00 Cloistered above a 7-11 in Sherman Oaks, it’s hard to be in touch with “the people”
1:32:25 “Let me cut you off and pretend you’re not talking at all…”
1:32:30 Pat is a big help to Matt
1:33:30 “You and I are going to have mink coats in six weeks”
1:33:45 Elise’s mink coat
1:35:15 Jimmy takes it out on the ladies!
1:35:45 Audience Q & A

Jack Inferno (Rich Galvin)
1:36:00 Sam gets a Jack Inferno CD
1:37:00 Sam’s question for Jimmy: Talk about being on the show Jury Duty
1:38:00 Pat is being nice. Or doing a bit.
1:38:45 Laney Kazan, torch singer and jury member
1:39:45 Michael gets a Low Strung t-shirt
1:40:15 Michael’s question: Have you regretted anything you talked about on the podcast, and how close have you come to editing?
1:40:30 Pat tells about the New Year’s episode they ditched and did entirely over
1:41:30 Pat calls back the tennis poop story
1:41:00 Masturbation talk
1:42:30 A fan emailed a list of “You remember ______” references
1:43:30 Matt’s one regretted story: Masturbation to Madonna audio
1:46:00 Jimmy has to beg for one for question
1:46:00 Candace gets a Low Strung t-shirt
1:46:30 Why didn’t anyone make a bigger deal about Jimmy calling Oliver the wrong name last episode?
1:47:00 Oliver was almost named Oscar
1:47:45 Jimmy won’t reveal potential girl-baby names, although he may have on a previous episode. If only there were some show notes to reference.
1:49:30 This is the longest podcast in the history of podcasts
1:49:45 Pat is not happy with his numbers
1:50:15 Pat’s theme music is not being played at the top of the show
1:50:40 Andrew Koenig asks for a plug for MonkeyGoLucky.com, where video clips will be available
Oooooooonnnnn …. the podcast!
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Traffic failed to meet my expectations… and hanging out downstairs outside the 7-11 started to feel creepy and scary…
That is a creepy place to hang out. For Pardcastathon, I stood down there for 10 minutes before I realized I was in the Indian restaurant line.
Wrong spelling on the name, but nice to be mentioned!
Corrected! Thanks for showing up!
Thanks! You’re doing God’s work. Keep it up!
Hey, look it’s me. Season two was my season. Nice work DA.