Episode 326 – Paul F. Tompkins
Released 9/16/2008
(No Pardcast.com message board for this episode)
Intro: Matt Belknap: “PRODUCER OF HUMAN LIFE!” Matt and Andrew are in camp shirts.

Producer of Human Life Matt Belknap, and Paul F. Tompkins
1:25 Andrew thanks Jimmy for pronouncing his last name correctly
1:35 Paul is immediately impatient about not being introduced yet
1:45 “This is the last show of the episode!”
2:00 Paul is in black: “How you doin’ Johnny Cash?”
3:00 Civilians can’t take it like comics can
3:30 How to handle being confronted by a ghost
4:30 Paul is not afraid of no ghost
5:00 Jimmy isn’t humming what he thinks he’s humming
5:40 Sing along with Jimmy: I Want a New Drug (Huey Lewis and The News)
6:00 Jimmy whips out a good segue
6:20 Paul and Andrew chat and play JirboBreak
6:40 Mother Effer! Jimmy didn’t set his DVR for the ball game
7:15 Housekeeping about the Primo mixup. Podbean, iTunes, PayPal, Pardcast and other internetty sounding words are involved
8:30 Matt’s kid has messed up the the system and ruined lives
9:15 Jimmy mocks the listeners’s emails
9:30 Iconoid is better than JirboBreak
10:00 Andrew has new content at MonkeyGoLucky.com
10:45 Bailey Quarters: Paul’s crush
11:15 Celebrity murder is not funny
11:45 Arguing about the definition of “attack”

Gabe Kaplan
12:15 Bonnie Bedelia and Marcia Strassman
13:00 ‘I know Gabe Kaplan can be a dick!”
14:00 Jimmy and Paul can’t tell a joke
15:15 Andrew tries to calm everyone down
15:30 Guy On Plane 1 would love to hear Jimmy’s act
16:15 The Airplane reunion
17:00 Early indications that NNF needs an intern
18:00 Lonnie Anderson’s WKRP look

Loni Anderson
18:30 Ugly guys used to be able to get acting work
18:45 Headphones down!
19:00 One week ago from recording day, 5:43 pm, Zoe Juliet was born
19:45 Jimmy has responded to hundreds of emails
20:00 Thanks to all Matt’s well-wishers
20:20 Like most babies, looks a little Asian
20:50 Paul calls out the racism
21:30 Will there be a third Ghostbusters movie?
22:00 “You don’t want to see babies busting ghosts?”
22:15 Jimmy’s white-guy pronunciation of rapper names

Eric B & Rakim
23:15 Matt likes Eric B and Rakim
24:00 Man on Wire is Jimmy’s 3rd favorite movie of the year
25:00 It turns out Matt hates Asians
25:15 The Aukerman wedding
25:45 It’s nice to see jaded comedians be like real human beings
27:15 Jon Hamm’s attractiveness bends light
28:00 Paul calls out Jimmy’s Jon Hamm obsession
28:15 Matt watches both Regis and Kelly
29:45 Regis and Joy love The Mad Men
31:00 Kelly’s grueling work schedule

Regis and Kelly
31:30 Jimmy crumbles without a pause
32:00 Sweet n Low should be allowed to advertise
33:15 Will advertising electricity get more people on board?
34:00 Suprising Joy Philbin with Jon Hamm
34:45 Bon-bons and stories
35:15 The comedian on Mad Men
36:00 Paul is curious about Jimmy’s acting technique
36:00 TV show premier galas
37:00 Eminem and Vanilla Ice
37:00 Remembering Hart to Hart
37:30 Modern music by The Decemberists on Mad Men
38:15 Back to Matt’s birth story
38:45 Jimmy’s uncanny ability to predict Zoe’s birth as happening “any day now”
39:30 The Avacado Grill
40:00 “Dollar pound… dollar pound
dollar pound.”
41:00 Elise’s dogsitting job
42:00 Jimmy laments the lack of headphones
42:00 “Dollar pound” could become a recurring rap phrase
43:00 Andrew is pleased with himself over his gross joke about water breaking
44:15 Matt proves he is not a professional
45:00 Jimmy goes to remedial flipping-off school
45:45 Bag packing for the delievery
46:30 Palin talk
47:15 “We took a walk just to see what would happen”
48:30 Matt was overwhelmed with information, so he couldn’t remember the most important part of timing delivery
49:00 “I’m calling you out! On the world wide web!”
50:00 Avoiding childbirth trends
51:00 “Let’s not dick around here”
51:45 Jimmy knows about the earth on its axis

Purchased from Paul's Baby-Bait Store
52:30 Matt has a horrible idea about inducing labor
53:15 Paul suggests luring the baby out
53:3o Break time!
54:15 Jimmy recites We’re an American Band
54:45 Shortening kids’ names
56:30 Pain meds during labor
58:30 Paul knows why the doctor took so long to get there
59:45 Salt n Pepa help with the pushing
1:00:30 Matt tells Paul (the shut-down king) how comedy works
1:01:30 Who’s winning at breakout?
1:02:15 Jimmy’s hillbilly housewife character
1:03:00 Matt discusses “the major part”

Bernadette Peters
1:05:15 “Even at this, I’m a little bit better than you”
1:06:00 Billy Crystal in Rabbit Test
1:07:00 The adorable Bernadette Peters
1:07:30 Rushing to the O.R.
1:08:00 Paul gently explains the c-section process
1:09:00 Andrew ponders the future of marital romance after watching birth
1:10:00 Jimmy gloats
1:11:00 Baby Monitor: The Sound of Fear
1:12:30 Sing along with Jimmy: A Moment Like This (Kelly Clarkson)
1:12:45 Childhood video and photos
1:13:30 Matt’s first look at Zoe
1:14:00 Announcing the name
1:15:00 Paul mocks Matt
1:15:45 Al Pacino likes playing humans
1:17:00 Paul is either dying, or moving to New York

Absolutely worth a flight across the country
1:17:30 If the show is successful, maybe he can move it back to L.A.
1:18:45 Paul will fly back to L.A. for his $20 NNF appearance
1:19:00 ISDN
1:19:45 Paul’s yard sale plans
1:20:00 Paul meets a petite couch-moving woman
1:22:00 True Blood and switchblade sound effects
1:24:00 Andrew is afraid to get involved with J.J. Abrams again
1:24:30 Lost gets Lost
1:25:30 Cloverfield /Star Trek
1:26:30 Paul is not sure if he allowed to mention the show name
1:27:00 We need a jingle for Question of the Week
1:27:15 “Don’t just pay for the show, also work for it!” (Hmmm, that’s a little close to home)
1:28:00 Video has bailed, audio is still going
1:28:32 David Riewald: At the urinal, what do you aim for?
1:30:00 Aiming / foot splash / urinal cakes / ice /spit (no more details… this is making me queasy)
1:32:00 “I like how the cameras are down but his mic is still working”
1:32:30 Why do men spit so much?
1:33:30 Talking in the bathroom
1:34:00 “No, that sounds normal and great”
1:34:30 Sing along with Jimmy: Mind Games (John Lennon)
1:35:00 This was “The Best Season Ever” for obvious reasons!
1:35:30 We’ll get 7 versions of the jingle
1:36:00 Jimmy bails out of season 4
1:36:30 Sing along with Jimmy: Mad at the World (Daver) – No link, you’ve heard it already.
1:37:00 Paul is non-commital about staying in touch
1:37:15 “If that town is just an apple, then brother take a bite.”
1:37:45 Congrats to everybody
1:38:00 Plugging the Paul F. Tompkins roast
Ooonnnn the Primo!
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