Episode 319 – Graham Elwood (Bag o’ Corn, Friend!)
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The “Bag o’ corn, friend” episode
Jimmy is immediately mumble-mouthed, but pushes on anyway
“That’s fun, that’s what happens, that’s life!”
Welcome to episode 318!
Jimmy proves that he remembers the last several episodes
A little Michael Jackson trashing
Restarting episode 319
Walking around the room
Matt and Graham are in black on a 100 degree day
Andrew can’t have less clothes on
The Andrew/Graham show, featuring bus-talk
Danielle’s overreaction to a unicycle
Graham’s audition with Mark Decarlo
The details of Graham’s wardrobe
Audition for the Unknown
How does life work?
More about bus schedules
Jimmy calls out Andrew on his bus hatred
Andrew’s bus-shaped pork chops
Graham and Jimmy love a good salesman
Jimmy talks to Jerry from Time-Warner Cable; or maybe it was the guy from Mel’s Diner
“This is the only job I’ve ever had and ever loved!”
At Mel’s Diner, don’t get the waffle; I prefer Eggos
Graham buying a suit at Men’s Wearhouse
This guy will blow – – you like a salesman
Protein shakes and pineapple juice
“It’s good for your hair!”
Graham’s two-tone hairdo
Kent Stryker – Graham’s detective character
Bus passes and prices
More Andrew/Graham bus controversy
Jimmy steps all over Andrew’s joke
Why Graham has a spot of blonde in his hair
Seigel and Pat Francis bleached their hair in the 90s
“Lemon juice is good for your eyes”
Joe Wagner’s many hair styles
Jimmy should dye his hair, or let Matt carve a zig-zag into it
Jimmy has stopped dying his hair
Graham wears a young man’s look because he is an idiot
Trying too hard to look young vs. being comfortable
Jimmy has the legs of a paraplegic
Arguing over tee shirts
The Long-Sleeve-Under-Short-Sleeve Club
Finkle and Siegel, LLC
“If that’s how you wanna run your business!”
Matt totally spoils Ace Ventura
This episode has a weird energy
Running toward the sun
One more thing about the bus
Jimmy’s anger at other humans makes him anti-bus
How San Francisco’s BART was named. Maybe.
Matt’s garage sale
Jimmy missed out on Graham’s garage sale, and will be furious about it within moments
Matt didn’t want his address on Craigslist, so he gave cryptic directions
Jimmy learns the hard way to not ask for early-birds
Matt gives more information about where he lives than if he had just given the address
Filipino Joe: Savior of Matt’s garage sale
What constitutes a Journey power ballad?
“It’s not a rocking jangle!”
Graham’s on board, but doesn’t know what for
Star Wars toys / bike / elliptical
Joe becomes Matt’s garage sale agent
Joe comes back for more
Board games don’t go on pillows
52:30 Here begins the Bag o’ corn, friend story
How much should Andrew sell CDs for at a garage sale?
Breaking news: VHS movies are no longer a hot item
Do you tell friends about your garage sale?
Graham’s garage sale techniques: the master class
Boogie boarding
War of the Ducks: Donald vs. Daffy
Closer to Fine featuring Tammy Pescatelli
Elise’s unlucky song by Eve 6, an omen of doom at the end of the garage sale?
Which version of Trivial Pursuit?
Yard sale songs
Stupid Question of the Week: Fresh water lake, ocean, or pool?
Stupid Question of the Week: If you could play one song perfectly, what would it be?
Andrew walked away from Growing Pains Boner fame
Kids don’t have good plans
Stupid Question of the Week: Communal shower or wait until you get home?
Stupid Question of the Week: If you could eat only one food for the next 20 years, what would it be?
What’s worse, Andrew’s salad bar, or his opinion on busses?
The Return of Fingle and Siegel
Oooooonnnnnn the podcast