1622 – Getting Back on the Horse with Lauren Ash

Lauren Ash
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Hey welcome to the indeed!! Jimmy almost missed it.
Happy 4th of July Americans! Jimmy talks flags.
Jimmy gives us his flag routine. Including having homeless Vietnam vets folding it up for a hot dog, followed by realistic war games in the back yard.
In reality, he just rolls is up. It’s attached to a stick already.
Had to kill a spider. I feel bad about it. Maybe it’ll rain.
Jimmy and Matt talk Oddvar Roste.
Eliot’s phone chirps.
Oddvar created a spotify playlist of all the songs that come up or that Jimmy has sung on the show.
05 – Guys talk flags and fourth. Matt went to Starlight Bowl and saw Swing Kings.
Here is the Never Not Funny Spotify Playlist: Never Not Playlist
(Apparently there is an issue with the link to the playlist working correctly. I’ll see if I can figure it out. -Darryl)
10 – The guys talk zoot suit culture.
15 – Lauren Ash is here! She brought cookies!
Lauren was in high school in 1998. I graduated in 1998.
Lauren is ready to throw some rhymes and break it down.
Lauren went to a screening of Jaws last night. Carl Gotleib was there doing a Q&A.
20 – Jimmy talks bad Q&A questions including one that Danielle audibly scoffed at.
Lauren recounts her favorite question from the Q&A.
It was a 35mm screening. UGH.
Jimmy talks about seeing Jaws with his step-family as a kid. Divorce leads to a tough times.
25 – Jimmy opens a package!! From Jessica Cope. It’s a hat!
It’s a Nashville hat!
Oliver on Jimmy’s haircut: Looks the same as it always does!
Surf in the morning but get out of Jimmy’s way by 10P.
Thanks Jessica!! Jimmy looks great in that hat!
Lauren Ash is here! Second time in studio. Jimmy lets her know that she was one of the five we featured on the SiriusXM version of Pardcastathon.
Matt tells her to expect a hat.
We talk Harland Williams hat. It’s sweaty.
We’re back!
Jimmy talks Anthony Rapp with Lauren.
Jimmy tries to see Seasons of Love.
35 – Lauren sings some Take Me or Leave Me! She remembers all the words!
Tracey Thoms appeared on Catfish.
Lauren and Jimmy talk Catfish. They both feel like it was reverse engineered. Like it happened and then they built the movie around it.
Lauren likes Nev.
Lauren Ash sounding great!!
Jimmy wants to duet with Lauren!
40 – Jimmy guesses I’m Not Leaving took the gold from Lauren in the Musical Theater category. Lauren suspects it was that or a song from Jesus Christ Superstar.
Eliot’s got pipes!
Layren suggests PMS Cop or Crime Family.
45 – Chair assisted slow burn.
50 – Terminator talk!!
There’s a new spider-man!
Why so many spidermen!!!
Andrew Garfield spidey issues –
55 – Jimmy talks his Palm Springs vacation and watching full house reruns.
Fuller House talk. The Tanners are cursed.
Diff’rent Strokes talk. Lauren brings up Dear John.
60 – Jimmy talks about the brief time Courtney Love was liked.
Jimmy demands a thank you note from Kevin James for his love of Paul Blart.
Lauren is in PB2.
They talk reviews of the movie.
Jimmy guesses Lauren’s mom’s age.
Lauren was born in 1983.
She’s 53. Jimmy guessed 58.
Lauren’s step dad is 45.
Lauren holds herself older, not in an insulting or bad way.
Her stepdad is a UPS driver.
70 – Lauren now has a boyfriend! No more terrible dating stories. They’re six months in.
Lauren tells us how she met her BF. After Pardcastathon she cut off all dating profiles.
On a whim she put up OK Cupid on her phone. Within a day she had a message from a guy. Within 3 days they both cut off the site and have been together since.
She talks about their first date wherein they decide to go to Anaheim, get a hotel, and go to Disneyland the next day.
75 – Jimmy wants to now what happened in that hotel age. In fact, they did indeed “have intercourse.”
We’re back!
Jimmy talks about his first tweet about overstuffed paper towels.
Jimmy quotes some Jim Steinman.
Let’s guess Lauren’s pump up song!
80 – Rick Astley Uptown Funk
More Duran Duran talk.
True Detective talk!!
85 – Eliot seems to be growing out that hair. Matt wants him to put the hat on. Everyone loves the hat on Eliot.
Jimmy talks about being a party guest.
Lauren went out to the Queen Mary for the 4th.
It’s haunted. Jimmy talks about the tour when he had a fan as a tour guide.
90 – Jimmy finishes the horn.
Lauren is on Another Period! Jimmy calls it a whose who of UCB.
Lauren has another show coming to NBC called Superstore.
Lauren brought cookies! She almost brought raspberry turnovers.
Cookies are successful! Lauren can’t eat it. She has tons of food allergies. She made her boyfriend eat that Carl’s Jr American Burger. She likes seeing people eat things they enjoy.
100 – Jimmy not eating burgers in 2015 but if he were he would be eating that All American Burger.
Jimmy sings a tune and tells Eliot to put the hat on.
Lauren is filming at Universal. Jimmy wonders if a lot of shows film there.
Desperate Housewives talk!
No one saw Magic Mike XXL over the weekend.
Lauren talks about seeing Magic Mike with friends.
Jimmy enjoys the phrase “wet rag”
The way this podcast ends will be a headline in the newspaper.
Paul Rudd plays Jimmy in the lifetime movie about the show.
105 – Lauren talks about dressing for success for her table read.
We never guessed her song. It’s Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull song.
Sex talk!!
Lauren’s boyfriend’s band is called Joe and the Jungle. She saw him perform a show for the first time recently. She found it really hot and she took him into the bathroom to have sex. They got caught by some woman who ratted them out. Lauren went on a feminist rampage when the security guard came to get them.
Lauren used the words “taken from behind”
Lauren is from television she can’t engage in that kind of behavior.
Jimmy just had some severe pain from pinching his finger between his shin and the table.
Mexico talk. Lots of Canadians die there apparently. Murders happen in Mexico guys.
Jimmy talks about Lauren not being happy with Josh Donaldson trade which apparently is leading him to be MVP. She admits that she is eating crow.
We’re done! 2 hours!
Lauren’s awesome!
See ya next time!!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth