Episode 525 – Rachel Quaintance
Released 9/30/2009
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Intro: Hot on the mic! Rachel pipes in to make sure everyone noticed she wasn’t talking until introduced.
1:45 Rachel and Jimmy: piecing blue eyes “R” us
2:30 Sing along with Jimmy: You Make My Dreams (Hall and Oates)

Rachel Quaintance
2:45 500 (Day)s of Summ(er)
3:30 Matt Belknap: T-shirt marketeer extraordinaire
3:45 (rachelquaintanceishere)
4:00 Folding dingy t-shirts
5:00 Rachel’s “audition shirt” saga
7:30 Chinese vs. Korean Orientals
8:15 Obvious Trivia: Did you know a black guy played Jar-Jar Binks?
9:15 Traffic altercations
11:30 Don’t badmouth people in the crosswalk!
13:00 Rachel’s big fat giant baby
14:30 Movies at Our House: the Woodstock connection
15:45 Sing (?) along with Jimmy: In the Mood (Glenn Miller Orchestra)
16:15 Every man’s fantasy: Rachel shouting in her sexy Volvo
16:45 Rachel’s voiceover audition
17:00 Jimmy’s weirdass burp/yawn
17:45 Andrew looks high, man

Neil Patrick Harris
18:00 The Emmys
20:45 Matt somehow ends up in an argument with himself
21:45 Neil Patrick Harris and his classy old-school vibe
23:00 Non-celebrity celebrities
24:30 Jimmy recaps his mic-throwing incident
25:45 Jimmy’s diva-like on-set tantrum on Movies at Our House
27:45 Andrew’s agent calls!
30:15 “Allan… come in here!”
32:00 Actor’s tantrums are sometimes understandable
33:00 Movies at Our House: the greatest gig in the world
34:00 Sarah Silverman has an opinion about Rachel’s baby
35:00 The motion picture preferences of Rachel’s children
36:00 “Matt is not feeling me today”
36:15 Rachel’s 7-up audition
37:15 Hybrids on hills
37:30 Sing along with Jimmy: Running Up That Hill (Kate Bush)
37:45 Do hybrid batteries “go into your baby”?
39:30 Matt is exahusted
40:45 Jimmy’s new house
42:00 L.A. house prices
42:15 “At the end of the day” moratorium
42:45 Rachel’s in-laws
43:45 Andrew (on mic!) talks about the upcoming “tops and bottoms” video
44:00 Jimmy’s bad-mouthing, caught on camera!
45:00 Matt explains gossip
45:30 Mom or Rachel?
53:30 Rachel is the female Louis C.K.
54:00 It’s OK to not like some kids
55:00 Hugs from “Schweet-heart”
56:45 Fargo, North Dakota: Land of Racial Diversity
58:00 Jimmy calls dibs on whatever snack Matt gets on break
58:15 Jimmy’s life has been ruined by Monster addiction
58:30 Rachel is a hyperactive, annoying, asshole
59:00 The Monster Drink refrigerator debacle
59:30 Rachel the Waitress and L.L. Cool J.
1:00:30 Sing along with Jimmy: Goin’ Back to Cali (L.L. Cool J.)
1:01:00 Break time!
1:01:30 Matt and Jimmy wolfed down their break snacks
1:02:00 Sing along with Jimmy: I Got the Music in Me (Kiki Dee)
1:02:30 Jimmy’s stomach has issues
1:02:45 Jimmy’s crush on the hockey rink girl
1:05:30 Love among age differences
1:06:30 Rachel lays down the law: no premarital frenching
1:06:45 Jimmy lays down the law: frenching in 6th grade
1:07:30 Babysitter crushes
1:08:00 Balwin vs. Lowe in the Handsome Finals
1:08:30 Sing along with Jimmy: I Feel Pretty (West Side Story)
1:09:30 Before the record store, there was Jimmy’s Garage
1:10:15 What happened when Jimmy was 17?
1:10:45 Sing along with Jimmy: Seventeen (Winger)
1:12:00 Matt’s Facebook time machine
1:12:30 F-word hypnosis
1:13:15 “I think my mommy…” (Jimmy’s spectacular simultaneous imitation of Yoda, Grover, Louie Armstrong, and Fat Albert)
1:14:30 Jimmy gets caught in the (solo) act
1:15:30 Don’t talk to your son about masturbation!
1:16:15 The sex-partner database
1:16:30 Rachel’s feedback on the coolness of record stores
1:17:45 M-m-m-m-m-y G-g-g-g-generation
1:19:15 Sing along with Jimmy: Rock the Casbah (The Clash)
1:19:30 Rachel’s music knowledge
1:19:45 Musicals
1:21:15 Rachel Quaintance: sexy sounding song and dance lady
1:21:45 Sing along with Jimmy: I Wanna Sex You Up (Color Me Badd)
1:22:15 Judge Jimmy: Adam Leibowitz: Giving away your award: gracious or arrogant?
1:28:30 How to subscribe to season 6 for free video!
I’m Jimmy Pardo. Adieu.
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