605 – Jimmy Dore
Released 11/18/2009
Pardcast.com message board for this episode
Intro: Jimmy’s using earbuds today, and is defensive about being short.
2:45 Andrew is in a hard shoe and a ponytail

Jimmy Dore
3:30 Jimmy Dore loves how Pardo walks people around the room, but is he mocking or sincere?
4:15 The Hemingway writing style
6:00 Jimmy Pardo’s Reading Room
7:00 Doctor Pardo consults with Patient Matt regarding his allergies
8:30 How dare you bring a dog onto a plane
9:45 Jimmy Dore’s middle-seat phobia
11:00 How many episodes of Dore is enough?
11:30 Dore’s credits, including his left-wing nutbar radio show
13:30 Jimmy Pardo, Patriot
14:00 Sing along with Jimmy: Sundown (Gordon Lightfoot)
15:00 Old man hippy Jimmy
15:30 Jon Stewart as Perry White
16:00 2012: the end of time
16:30 Should women be on the PGA tour?
17:30 JimmyDoreComedy.com and underhanded domain name registration
19:30 Josh Blue and Theo Vaughn seem like nice people
20:30 All-Star Jammy Jam
21:00 Naked Not Hamlet and The Next Comedian
22:00 Tony Boswell defends nudity
25:00 Jimmy and Jimmy’s inferiority complexes
27:00 The Aristocrats
27:30 The Never Not Funny studio is just like being in a comfortable living room
28:30 Is Jimmy Twittering? Or is it just his eye?
31:00 Sing Along with Jimmy: I’m Against It! (Groucho Marx)
32:00 Marx Brothers movies
32:00 Bring back Vaudeville in a Bonneville
33:15 Jim Lampley introduces star power at the fight
34:00 Sports radio and callers
35:00 “How come nobody’s talkin’ about…”
36:00 Nancy Grace, Doer of God’s Work
37:30 Greta Van Susteren gets polished up for TV
38:30 “Southside! Insecure!”
38:45 The William Kennedy Smith trial on TV
40:30 Jimmy and Jimmy On Law
41:00 Stef’s drive-by counter-protesting
42:30 Clarifying the episode number
43:00 Cards in a deck vs. weeks in a year vs. number of states
44:15 Canadian geography: Where is Toronto?
46:00 Matt is really trying hard to have fun
46:45 More Canada talk
47:45 The buzzword is “Starbucks”
48:30 Goodson-Toddman
49:00 Jimmy Dore’s adopted brother and musical taste
50:15 Playing shitty music on a bus
51:30 Danielle texts Jimmy
52:15 Sing along with Jimmy: Armour Hot Dogs (Old commercial)
52:20 Sing along with Jimmy: Summer Breeze (Seals and Crofts)
53:00 Jimmy Dore’s neighborhood and Ford City Mall, featuring Peacock Alley
55:45 Revisiting the old neighborhood
56:00 Fellini films
57:00 Dubbed vs. subtitles
57:45 This ain’t no podcast, this is radio!
58:30 Matt makes the guests uncomfortable
59:45 Break
1:00:30 Jimmy Pardo’s name has not changed during the break
1:01:00 “Don’t say it over da phone!”
1:01:30 Jimmy Dore’s relationship talk
1:01:45 Revisiting Andrew’s love life
1:03:00 Sex talk with the parents
1:04:45 The complications of having an affair
1:05:45 Sing along with Jimmy: What’s Love Got to Do With It (Tina Turner)
1:06:15 Sing along with Jimmy: You Make Me Feel Like Dancing (Leo Sayer)
1:06:30 Sing along with Jimmy: Long Tall Glasses (I Can Dance) (Leo Sayer)
1:06:45 Sing along with Jimmy: I Won’t Dance (Frank Sinatra)
1:07:20 Sing Along with Jimmy: New York, New York (Frank Sinatra)
1:07:30 Sing Along with Jimmy: Somewhere Beyond the Sea (Bobby Darin)
1:07:45 How can you not like this music?
1:08:15 Jimmy loses everyone
1:08:30 Sing along with Jimmy: Great Balls of Fire (Jerry Lee Lewis)
1:08:45 Led Zeppelin vs. Rush
1:09:30 Sing along with Jimmy: Waiting for a Girl Like You (Foreigner)
1:09:45 Sing along with Jimmy: Reminiscing (Little River Band)
1:09:50 “How many songs can we sing that Matt doesn’t know?”
1:09:55 Sing along with Jimmy: The Star Spangled Banner (Francis Scott Key)
1:10:05 Sing along with Jimmy: Lonesome Loser (Little River Band)
1:10:30 Byron Allen’s segues
1:11:00 The long-awaited Jimmy Dore Starbucks story
1:12:00 Traffic light cameras
1:12:30 Back to the Starbucks story (man wearing a kilt)
1:16:00 Someone wore a kilt at MaxFunCon (No, not Darryl)
1:17:00 Tartan / Spartan / Cheerleaders
1:17:30 Male cheerleaders and tango dancing
1:18:45 Matt figures out everything about football players and male cheerleaders
1:19:45 Sing along with Jimmy: Let’s Get it On Marvin Gaye
1:20:00 How can you not like Marvin Gaye
1:20:30 Andrew gives the info on I Can Dance
1:21:00 Sing along with Jimmy: When I Need You (Leo Sayer)

Leo Sayer
1:21:30 Leo Sayer was a star!!!!
1:22:25 Stupid Question of the Week: Christina from Dallas: What is the most terrifying moment in your life?
1:33:45 Sing along with Jimmy: Oh Sherrie (Steve Perry)
1:34:00 Jimmy makes the Largo audience sing along with Jimmy!
1:34:30 Old Largo vs. new Largo
1:35:30 Jimmy’s most terrifying moment is something he never even did
1:37:00 Jimmy Dore nearly gets squished between two cars!
1:37:30 Plugs: Comedy and Everything Else, Jimmy Dore Live on KPFK, Citizen Jimmy
Ooonnnnn haaaahuuuu!
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Darryl’s super-trivial trivia: In the discussion about Toronto, Matt mentions that Windsor, Canada is north of Detroit. But surprisingly, Windsor is SOUTH of Detroit! Go to Google maps and check it out!