27T – Taking the Window Seat with Cathy Ladman

Cathy Ladman
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 Hello!
27T! We’re in the Platinum!
Big things going down!
Talking about the capitol situation that happened during the Isolation Files.
Talking 25th Amendment.
Talking pardons, Pence, and Trump.
Matt talks about his anger about what happened yesterday.
Complete gear switch!
Jimmy talks about The Hustler, Craig Ferguson’s new game show.
NNF in Australia?
Lots of New Zealand talk!
Hey how about some news!
The 2021 Perks (for listeners in good standing) Tiers perks vary!
Canvas NNF Logo Totebag!
What about a NNF Jar Opener! Up Top My Brother!
Transparent NNF Logo sticker!
Plus live streams, and NNF Archives access! Tier 3 gets ALL of this stuff!
Also 2 Laser etched slates with the NNF logo!
Cameo style video from Jimmy or an appearance on the zoom live shows!
We’ll be back with Cathy Ladman!
35 – We’re back with Cathy Ladman!
Jimmy talks about his grandfather using some outdated racial language.
Mary Marry Merry!
40 – Cathy talks about traveling to New York and feeling like it was the first time flying. They were sitting people next to each other.
Talking seats on planes and bathroom trips.
Mile high solo club!
45 – Talking errands during covid.
Eliot’s doing okay, pantry wise.
Eliot’s talking about bitcoin.
55 – Eliot’s finishing his hats.
Cathy talks about how hats affect her hair.
60 – Cathy’s taking time from being in the other room of her apartment!
Cathy talks about the face shield.
Eliot shows off his masks.
Stupid question
If you could put saying on a rubberstamp and stamp it all over the place what would it be?
Jimmy: Nope.
Matt: NNF Logo
Eliot: Chill Out
Garon: @MyNameIsGaron
1h5m – The floor is open for questions!
Cathy wonders about Christmas lights up now.
Cathy’s daughter is laughing in the background. She applied to colleges!
1h10m – Talking oliver and his comedy tastes and how Jimmy doesn’t have to pretend to like bad comics.
Round the horn!
1h15m – I’m hanging still. Talking about injuries.
Cathy is 65 now and on Medicare! They also gave her her advanced healthcare initiative to fill out.
Cathy doesn’t want to be 100 if her days aren’t enjoyable in some way.
1h20m – Jimmy is feeding Cathy lines for her jokes.
My T is Paul F Tomkins!
Matt’s guess is Lily Tomlin.
Cathy’s T is gonna be Dave Thomas!
Jimmy talks about Oliver’s Five Neat Guys (SCTV) T-shirt.
Jimmy’s guess is Judy Tanuda!
Matt shuts down Eliot harshly.
Burger talk. Bun shapes! Cathy wants a round burger with a triangle bun like a scone.
1h30m – Burger-Za!
Real People – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_People
Fans guesses!
Cathy’s dog is fine!
Eliot reads the fans!
Eliot’s 6: Judy Tenuda, Paul F Tomkins, Chris Tucker, Geoff Tate, Dave Thomas
And #1 Lily Tomlin! Matt wins!
1h45m – Cathy talks about the Chicago documentary. She asks if Jimmy saw it not realizing that Jimmy is IN the documentary. He talks about it!
Joker’s wild style for Matt’s $15!
1h50m –
One more stupid question:
Dibs McGee @PermanentScowl
ice or no ice in your drink?
SO exciting!
Jimmy has to publicly thank Cathy for introducing us to Catie Lazarus.
Who’s Stone?!
We’re done!
See you guys next time!!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth