2721 – Taking the Silver with Erin Foley

Erin Foley
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Hello!
Jimmy’s focused on the skunk like nature of my hair!
Hopefully it’s a better week than last! (Probably not)
We’ve been jumping in early!
Some brief Corba Kai talk and the Okinawan drum from Karate Kid 2.
5 – Jimmy’s got some housecleaning! He had some good phone calls today and always likes hearing how people discovered us.
Talking The Barkley Marathons
Doc Talk!
The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young
The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia
Jimmy hurt his finger and is going to take care of it while Matt goes through the new Platinum perks!
Jimmy will NOT read you The Firm!
20 – Jimmy went to see a Styx cover band: Styxology. The guys talk about different and better names for a Styx cover band. The Grand Illusion seems to be the best one. The band turned out to be great musicians and good vocalists!
25 – Jimmy talks about going with his dad to an audition at one point and knowing right away he wasn’t gonna get it because he had kids and was older than the other guys.
30 – The Belknaps caught up with The Goldbergs! They are trying to figure out what to watch next, but they did end up watching the pilot episode of The Brady Bunch.
There are 117 episodes of The Brady Bunch!
35 – Golden Girls talk!
We lost Tom LaBonge – https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-01-08/tom-labonge-la-city-councilman-dies
He’s the guy that crashed into Jimmy at the Beastly Ball!
40 – Erin Foley is back! We’ll be back in a minute!
We’re back!!
Erin Foley is with us!
Breaking News: Trump’s Term MAY BE OVER?!
50 – Zoom should be called Styxology – CALL BACK!
Erin talked about living in a retirement community for the pandemic up until December.
Two lesbians in masks and plenty of senior conservatives asking if they were sisters every two days.
55 – Erin talks about her travels during covid returning from Florida to the new apartment in LA.
60 – Erin talks about lesbian footwear and what kind of clothes is too gay for her.
Disgruntled staffer behind the State.gov update?
Forest Gump wrote imagine? Matt’s still angry about it.
1h15m – Jimmy talks about NNF coming up in his search for Wade Nordhagen and the bet Matt won (of course) it was on the release date of Gremlins.
Erin talks about following a hall of famer around ESPN Zone. She’s sports crazy!
Erin talks about searching for Abby Wombach in a Whole Foods wearing an Equal Play T-Shirt.
Category: Horrific History
Question: Napoleon was once attacked by what when a hunt went wrong?
Results below!
Ann Margaret and Bye Bye Birdy talk!
Who would you cast in Bye Bye Birdy?
1h30m – Erin doesn’t seem to have enjoyed Midnight Sky. She suggests grabbing a chair and staring at the Midnight Sky for two hours before watching this movie.
Celebrity sighting at work!
1h40m – People Vs OJ quotes talk! Jimmy found in an old notebook!
John Ross Bowie! Matt gets it!
Brief Masked Dancer talk.
We’ll be right back!
1h50m – We’re back!
Erin is getting ready for her fantasy baseball draft! She’s still fuming about last season.
Jimmy won that season!
My answer is Wild Hog, not my Match Game style French Prostitute answer.
Eliot may have eaten spoiled pork.
Category: Horrific History
Question: Napoleon was once attacked by what when a hunt went wrong?
Garon: Wild Hog (13 pts)
Eliot: Wild Boars (3 pts)
Matt: Bear (24 pts)
Erin: Dragon (14.8 pts)
Jimmy: Lion (2 pts)
Answer is: Bunny?! 3000 vicious bunnies?!
Jimmy wins on points!
Erin is having rules issues apparently. They talk about the league’s rules.
We’re done!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth