1925 – Hitting the Post with Rich Sommer
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Welcome in! 18 no 1925! Final episode of the season! We did it!
Jimmy talks how we did a wall before Trump did. A pay wall!
Join the players club especially after Jimmy’s fantastic segue. NeverNotFunny.com!
Jimmy wonders if there is room for Eliot’s hair in here.
Rain on and off. One of those days.
Jimmy talks hair styles.
Eliot is nothing but a prop.
Welcome in! Loose AND goose!
Lots of rain, apparently the most since 2010.
Jimmy tries to talk about picking up Oliver and Danielle and Eliot chiming in weirdly with what sounded like noises.
05 – Talking bad rain in the past.
Jimmy’s hands have not left his hoodie.
He had a free night at home the other night since Oliver had a sleepover.
Jimmy talks about the Riotfest show he hosted at the Ace Hotel. He doesn’t see much of the young comics out there but he enjoyed all of them.
Talking Jimmy’s dancing on the ceiling joke.
Jimmy and Matt had a nice Saturday, together. They went to A march but not downtown. It was in Burbank and it was organized a couple days before hand.
10 – Matt talks about the march in Burbank and how it kept growing and growing. He got a text from Jimmy about where he was because he was coming.
Jimmy gives his part of the story about how he and Oliver were heading downtown. The train was insane. Hundreds of people were trying to get on the train or to buy the ticket to take the subway. The trains were also severely delayed. A train finally showed up and it was sardine like. JAMMED PACKED. Jimmy decided to just go to Burbank.
Matt dropped a pin.
Jimmy almost joined an impromptu march in North Hollywood.
15 – The march in Burbank ended up being close to or more than 1k people (maybe even 500-700).
Jimmy talks about mucking up a joke so badly that he should have been asked to quit comedy.
As soon as Jimmy parked, he saw Matt and Charlie.
Jimmy describes it as a very nice walk.
750k people in Los Angeles!
20 – More march talk. Charlie found a lego cat in his pocket.
Eliot did not go to the march. His lady friend intended to. He talks about what happened. Her parents went.
Jimmy’s car is all better!
He talks about an Uber driver who told him that there was no traffic down to the march because everyone was on the train.
Tess Rafferty – https://twitter.com/TessRafferty
25 – Jimmy’s mother in law went to the march! She’s 80!
Carrie Fisher talk!
Rich Sommer is here! He’s dressed like a rain cloud!
Rich says he rolls in grey.
“Madonna’s here with her many accents.” Danielle to Jim via text.
“This is terrible.” Oliver’s review of Madonna’s performance.
Jimmy does not approve of Madonna’s speech.
Helen Reddy singing –
Rich was in NYC so he didn’t go to the march here. He won an award!
Rich saw a fan at some kind of sign up for something for his kids. The fan said he’s looking forward to the next plane update.
He got there at 5:45AM and was the 72 person in line.
30 – New York Video Game Critics Circle Best Actor in a Game: Rich Sommer!
Firewatch! Available on your consoles and PC
Jimmy talks about playing a game with Oliver.
Akinator The Genie
35 – Helen Reddy is 75!
Talking more about Helen and Jamie lee.
Matt talks about his annoyance with pick up trucks in the city.
Toby Keith talk
We’ll be right back!
40 – We’re back! With more Helen Reddy.
Jimmy talks about his mom embracing the song after her divorce.
Matt says it would have been cool if all the marches connected somehow. Ala Hands Across America.
Rich and Jimmy talk about it and why Hands Across America failed
Jimmy talks about the slow way the guy gave him his change.
45 – Rich talks about how his wife is obsessed wit the thermostat.
50 – We’re gonna bet on where the song went in the charts!!
Matt: 46
Eliot: 23
Rich: 20
Jimmy: 37
Jimmy talks the record industry in the 80s.
“Calm down game boy.” – Matt
55 – Voices that care!
Jimmy: 56
Matt: 67
Eliot: 40
Rich: 87
60 –
65 – who won the bet? Eliot! #11.
Adult Contemporary chart bet:
Matt: 1
Rich: 2
Eliot: 5
Jimmy: 4
Larry: 7
#6! Jimmy and Eliot split!
70 – Talking LA vs DC. We had more people!
Danielle had a wonderful time.
Talking football teams! LA went from zero to two football teams. Vegas is gaining one.
Jimmy talks to Eliot about football here growing up.
LA Stars?
Hollywood Stars played on Gilmore Field – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilmore_Field
We’ll be right back!
75 – We’re back! Playing a little Brenda Russell.
Jimmy plays a song called Jureau.
Timing jokes!
The Familliare is solid in this rain!
80 – Rich talks about enjoying a cigar with Jesse Ventura in the Governor’s Mansion.
Rich talks about his radio days. He started as an intern. He tells stories about the job. He hated it and says it was so dishonest.
Broadway Bill Lee:
Jimmy plays some of his videos. Rich calls it “jazz.”
Let’s get this genie going!
The Akinator Genie!
We’re gonna try to get to Jimmy with this app.
90 – It got to Jimmy! So did 266 other people.
Everyone is fascinated!
Is General Questions getting confirmed?
95 – Had to run and help with a delivery.
The guys talk Extreme and Metal?
Oh they’re trying to guess a band. One of the Nelson’s?
GUNNAR NELSON! It got it! It guessed the correct Nelson!
Eliot unsure if he is telling the app the right things…about himself.
105 – Bettign on the app getting to Rich.
Matt: 18
Jimmy: 22
Eliot: 30
Rich: 25
Garon: 20
We might have messed up this round but we’re playing it through.
We just passed 20 so I’m out.
No winner!
It did not guess rich! It guessed Chip Gaines!
2nd guess: Jeremy Piven!
No winner! Rich takes the money.
Rich has to tell the app who he was.
We’re done!
Always the dumbest most fun episodes!
The Vespa is doing well.
Rich confirms that he will be a part of Pardcastathon!
Matt asks Rich about his work on the Malaysian Airlines. Rich talks about it. He’s not giving up! He’s gonna remain strong and keep digging.
Get your finances in order!
See ya next season!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth