1923 – Running the Gauntlet with Matt Iseman
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Welcome to episode 1923!
New season(s) info coming up!
Pay attention at the break for the plugs and info about Season 20!
Live show last week at Flappers! It was a fun fun show but didn’t have much time to interact.
Talking 3-ways and “weird stuff” out there.
Jimmy and Matt talk about handling a three way and which Rob Lowe would be okay with Matt.
05 – Big revelations about my sex life!
10 – Jimmy can’t believe he cant remember any lyrics from Hamilton.
Talking about The Room Where It Happened podcast that Jimmy and Oliver did.
Jimmy and Oliver (who carried it) had a great time.
Matt also appeared on the show!
15 – Back to 3 way talk!
“Who doesn’t like four hands on you!?”
Our guest is here!
Matt Iseman from American Ninja Warrior!
Lucky Pierre?!
Matt Iseman wearing a fine shirt!
We’re back to the three-way!
Matt I is living with a girlfriend.
Jimmy thinks in a relationship a three-way is no good but if you’re young and just having fun then go for it.
20 – Quick Mail!
Jimmy hurt himself again.
More beer nuts! Joe Dehn!
25 – The Nomenclature of Chicken products.
Talking Popeye’s Chicken!
Mike Henry we need a song for beer nuts.
Johnathon Zylberberg. Jimmy makes fun of the name.
Batman Movie Lego Minifigs!
30 – Jimmy sets the stage and talks about Celebrity Apprentice which we can’t talk about it.
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Round the horn!
More three-way talk!
Ringing in New Years with a threesome!
Matt I says his co-hosts name perfectly.
Eliot had a nice and pleasant new years with his lady friend.
Matt and Jimmy both celebrate the east coast new years feed.
40 – White trash and rich people love New Years.
Talking NYE with Jenny McCarthy and Kathy Griffin and Anderson Cooper.
Don Lemon talk.
Talking Movie Stars vs TV Stars
Give us a little mystery.
45 – Jimmy loves Hidden Figures.
Talking American Ninja Warrior!
Are Jimmy and Matt gonna do a Run on the Ninja Warrior course?!!
Matt I talks about Ninja Warrior and it’s success and spin-offs.
50 – Matt I continues talking about ANW and how popular it is in the cities they visit.
Jimmy has questions about the athletes and how Matt I feels about them.
55 – All the ninjas share tips even after they fail. It’s tougher for the walk-ons because they go first or at sporadic times with no notice.
Matt I tells the story about a contestant running and gets choked up. There are so many incredible stories that the contestants have and being able to share that is really great.
60 – Matt I talks about the two ninjas that completed the course and what happened.
Matt I tried the course and dislocated a bone is his foot, hence the cast.
65 – Matt I talks about his friend running the course and smacking his face. He broke down laughing, even while telling the story.
Jimmy asks about Flip Rodriguez. Matt I talks about his revelations and the reasons for Flip wearing a mask.
70 – Talking couch to course and female competitors working to get on the show, especially since Kacy Catanzaro.
Jimmy wonders what the most serious injury was.
It was veteran Drue Dreschel in Japan who landed wrong and destroyed basically every muscle in his knee.
75 – Matt I talks about a weather guy in Dallas who popped his shoulder out when trying a press run.
Jimmy doesn’t think he’ll get past the first obstacle. Matt’s gonna try it in a bound.
Matt I gives us his co-hosts name again as we go to break!
80 – We’re back!
Talking Celebrity Apprentice and how NBC was trying to distance themselves from Trump in every way.
Matt I talks about working on the show, the “celebrities” on it, and how crazy it is to be with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
90 – Each episode is basically two days of work. From learning what the task is to the following night when someone is fired.
Matt I watched the premiere of the show in Arnold’s HOUSE! HE talks about how cool and surreal it was.
Matt I tells us what the firing words are. He’s using them all! “You’re terminated!” “Get to the chopper!” “You’re Terminated, hasta la vista, get to the chopper!”
Matt I talks about how he was enjoying the show and unabashedly a Schwarzenegger fan boy.
100 – Jimmy asks if there were any feuds between cast members. His plan was to go in as a value add and to help whoever was project manager win. Not to be an asshole or anything to anyone. He hopes he succeeded at that!
Matt I talks about a task he was project manager on.
110 – Matt I talks about how he is glad to be able to share his charity with the world and do some work to earn some money for them.
Talking Snookie and how the show has become politicized.
115 – Talking Carson Kressley.
Jimmy gives to Matt Iseman: 16 (80s)
Eliot wins!
Another bet!
Matt give to Matt Iseman: 20 (80s)
Jimmy gives to Matt Iseman: 23 (80s Music)
Dirty Carson!
Jim J Bullock is alive but he was NOT on Glee like I thought.
The guys are looking forward to running the course!
Celebrity Matt Iseman!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth