1416 – Blowing it Up with Tig Notaro
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In-studio notes by Garon Cockrell
NNF 1416 – Tig Notaro
00 – Hello! Yes! Indeed! 1814 we took a little trip. Jimmy would make fun of my purple shirt if he wasn’t wearing his orange one. Jimmy wonders if Matt’s on leave. He has a new short haircut! Jimmy says it looks more like 8-mile juvie.
Jimmy’s way or the highway. He got stuck between van nuys and woodman. Police activity!
We check in with Rich Sommer on Flight 370!
He’s one hand driving to take our call. Jimmy needs him to confirm the flight number. He is confirming the time the flights been missing but not the flight number.
05 – Jimmy calls Rich’s mom Dame Sommer and calls the two of them both on speaker as a disaster not unlike the missing plane.
Jimmy struggling with his allergies last night. Big time winds.
That fluttery part of the awning is called a valance.
10 – Retractable awnings are apparently for hillbillies. Jimmy wishes he was a hillbilly this time so he could get one. He was convinced into getting a beige awning instead of the darker brown he wanted. It gets dirty easily.
Some house near Oliver’s school got toilet papered. Plastic from a nearby construction site ended up in Jimmy’s trees. Oliver thinks they got “plasticed.” That plastic will be in the tree forever.
Matt wonders if Eliot is always on mic making noises. Like hmms and stuff.
Don’t use jokes Jimmy would enjoy when he’s mad at you Eliot!
15 – Apparently the plexiglass drummer this is: It’s to stop the sound from the drums getting to the other microphones on stage, and the sound of other instruments on stage from getting into the drum microphones. This makes for better overall sound, and is much better especially if they are recording the performance. Without the plexiglass you end up with bleeding between tracks, which affects the total sound quality when you try to mix all of the instruments together on the mixing board.
Eliot’s band was called Toasted Head. Green Day Led Zepp type stuff.
Jimmy doesn’t understand why he was never kicked out of his band. His friends must have been great guys.
If you found out if your surgeon was in a Ska band would you continue to see him?
20 – Jimmy and Matt discuss doctors in bands and tattoos. They discuss the mysterious absence of their doctor who has since returned.
Jimmy went to a new dentist in a high tech office. He cut him loose already. No good. Great office just not a fan of it.
Tig Notaro is here!
25 – The Alarm – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sixty_Eight_Guns
The lyrics were inspired by a book that Peters read on the 1960s street gangs of Glasgow
What band has never had a member go solo?
Oliver loves the police.
Tig says Jimmy is no where near as good a drummer as Stuart Copeland, who Jimmy was on The List with.
Jimmy asks what Sister Hazel’s big hit was. I WANT TO SCREAM IT OUT.
All For You. Jimmy plays it everyone sings it. True story, I own most if not all of Sister Hazel’s album.
30 – We’re back! Jimmy used the restroom like a comfortable gentleman. He’s wearing a comfortable boxer brief from reebok.
Four thighs!
35 – Mad Dog is here! I’m here. Eliot is here! The Honcho!
TIG NOTARO is here!
Professor Blastoff!
Tig is having some dental problems. Jimm thinks he got a filling he didn’t need. The guy was super nice just Jimmy thinks he did something he didn’t need.
Tig’s had the same dentist for 17 years. He always has a joke for her when she comes in. She has an infected root canal. She can’t take antibiotics because of previous bout of cdiff.
40 – Jimmy said he was worried about Tig when he saw her at Conan because she was so skinny. She said she was gaining weight back at that point.
Cancer + C. Diff great for weight loss.
Tig talks about her pants sliding down while playing pool. She has her own cue stick!
45 – You don’t mess around with Jim. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_Don’t_Mess_Around_with_Jim_(song)
Jimmy asks if Tig is interested in taking over Toaster Head vocals. Apparently their drummer is not interested in setting up for a 20 minute gig.
Tig suggests Jimmy do it.
Quote from Planet of the Apes – You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!
Matt ponders what someone’s actual reaction to seeing a crumbled statue of liberty would be.
Tig’s bored.
50 – Jimmy asks Tig if she’d go to a dentist in a band. Tig would.
Emily Deschanel.
Bones not canceled renewed.
Matt’s HS friend has Kiss tattooed on his calves.
Tig said she might not be comfortable with a doctor who comes in showing off the tattoos.
Jimmy not sure if he can take a doctor seriously after seeing them performing in a band.
55 – Eliot asks if it matters what instrument they play.
Jimmy and Tig love Cat Stevens. Favorite song of his appears to be Father and Son. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father_and_Son_(song)
Jimmy will also factor in the set times of that musician doctor.
C. Diff apparently is incurable. It’s a super bug. “Like Herbie!” – Jimmy.
60 – K.I.T. is Matt’s favorite media car. He saw him in a parade a couple weeks ago. Apparently Zoe was in this parade. Tig and Jimmy say she’s too young to drive and shouldn’t be in that parade.
Apparently Herbie photo-bombed him while he was trying to film KIT.
Jimmy sees a Planet of the Apes parade. Thinks it’d be great fun.
65 – Brian Keith – http://www.franksreelreviews.com/shorttakes/briankeith/briankeith.htm
Herbie’s back!
Electric Avenue – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_Avenue_(song) street in London.
Jimmy done with Stray Cat Strut. Flips them off when they come on.
70 – Jimmy asks Tig what she thinks the earwolf ads will be. She guesses Audible or bungaloos pants.
We’re back!
This is all fun banter.
Jimmy bought some shoes from Shoebuy.com. Had to return them. Not a fit!
Jimmy might launch Shoehouse with Tig.
Tig won $300 at the horse raises over the holidays down in New Orleans. Matt asks if she chose her vacation because they sort of rhyme with the holidays. Jimmy asks Matt if he has Asperger’s, not as an insult though.
75 – Tig wonders when this episode will premiere on youtube. Tig cured Matt’s asbergers by asking where shed go for thanksgiving.
Jimmy and Tig discuss celebrities people say Tig looks like, Sean Cassidy, etc.
No evidence of Buddy Hackett hosting Kids Say The Darndest Things.
Jimmy doesn’t like sugared beverages lady!
80 – We finally got NeverNotFunny.com! We own it!
Tig and co have only missed 2 weeks of recording over three years.
Turns out Jimmy was thinking about You Bet Your Life.
Tig considers Jimmy high profile.
Jimmy gets the correct Apes quote. Tig wonders how he didn’t know that. Jimmy tells Tig his favorite movie is Top Gun.
90 – Zoe was in that parade with her daisy troop. Jimmy’s anti valley.
Flat Bread vs Regular bread, Less carbs, no yeast. Depends on flour used.
Deep discussion of Jimmy’s attic. TIg is wondering about marbles in the attack. Tig is in Walk of Shame with Elizabeth Banks.
Eliot enjoyed Tig in In A World. She’s basically a movie star now. Tig has a show at Largo on May 22!
The Toadies sang that song so help me jesus.
We’re done!
See ya next time! Jimmy guessed the opposite of C right.
We’re glad to have Tig back!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper