1404 – Playing the Back Nine with Craig Bierko

Jimmy Pardo caddies for Craig Bierko on the back nine
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In-studio notes by Garon Cockrell
NNF 1404 – Craig Bierko
00 – Hello! 4th episode of the 14th season! Hello earwolf friends! The world’s talking about us. We’re doing a great job since April 2006. 4/4/06 to be exact. north movie star south dicey.
NNF Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Never_Not_Funny
Mike Pardo says hello world!
05 – Jimmy sings some Aaron Neville for us. Everybody plays the fool!
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10 – Ginger from Gilligan’s Island was a junkie on the recent episode of Kojak that Jimmy watched. It was a weird dark episode.
Friends of the show Graham Elwood and Chris Mancini are making a documentary about podcasting called Earbuds. Check it out at kickstarter and ComedyFilmNerds.com.
Jimmy hates that hipster bullshit.
15 – Jimmy got sucked into a Facebook thread war about Ellen Page coming out. He didn’t participate but was caught up in reading it.
Jimmy makes some great comments on celebrity coming out and how it might lead to a bully changing their attitudes.
Jimmy quotes Less Than Zero. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093407/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 James Spader played Rip.
20 – If you listen to this show and you think the next step from gay is beastiality then let someone chop your head off with a band saw (also stop listening.)
Jimmy thinks that Andrew McCarthy is Underrated.
He wants to do a documentary called Finding Chis Makepeace – http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0538485/?ref_=nv_sr_1
25 – They filmed Lucas near Jimmy’s home. Matt impresses Jimmy buy pulling Murder in the Rue Morgue.
Matt hates The Doors but admits he hasn’t given them a chance but he hates everything he’s heard.
Sugar Pie Honey Bunch is indeed The Four Tops – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugar_Pie_Honey_Bunch Also official title is I Can’t Help Myself.
We’ll be back with Craig Bierko!!
30 – We’re back! Craig’s here! Jimmy apologizes for the abrupt end to the first act. Jimmy defends The Doors. His favorite 4 Tops song is Burnadette!
Eliot and I brought in some DVDs to giveaway.
Eliot’s here dressed up again.
Matt’s here.
Hello Craig Bierko! He recently appeared on the Michael J. Fox show. Jimmy says he had a beard and Craig says he’s not dating her anymore.
Jimmy says he’s taking time away from looking in a mirror to be here. Jimmy wants to have Richard Kind on the show. He’s friends with Craig. Craig says there’s a 70% chance that George Clooney would recognize him and know his last name.
35 – Craig knows George Clooney. And Alan Alda. The Michael J Fox Show is not officially canceled. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/02/06/michael-j-fox-show-creator-we-re-not-canceled-yet.html
We’re back to Richard Kind. Craig says if he calls Richard and he’s in town he’d be here in 11 minutes.
40 – Jimmy puts some makeup on. Natural Beige, Craig would argue that. Craig tells a story of how he wrote a fan letter to Steve Jobs. He died the following week. Jimmy thinks Craig may be poison and responsible for jobs and the demise of MJFox Show.
Craig gets lost easily now. He also thinks the Google Voice lady is into him. He talks about how he was going to CBS Radford studios, a place he is very familiar with, and ending up near the water. Which is far far far from the correct radford.
45 – Craig is a Tony Nominated actor, still has to auditions. God gives you nails to protect you during over gesturing. Craig references the Heil mic.
Craig compliments the Richard Lewis episode.
Jimmy also gives 110%. He’s the Lou Ferigno of comedy.
Ted Danson told a named actor that everyone auditions after he complained about having to do so.
Craig tells how his mom loved Damages and would not like getting interrupted during it.
The guys discuss who is still alive from Welcome Back Kotter.
50 – Craig turns 50 on 8/18. Jimmy loves that he calls it the “Back Nine.”
BTW Hotsy Totsy, Debralee Scott, from Kotter died in 2005.
Jimmy quotes Todd Glass’s joke about turning 50.
Jimmy is opening the floor to questions. Craig wonders how weird it is when you can’t remember words.
55 – Matt asks if there is a difference between being in front of a crowd than normal with the juices flowing. Jimmy says in here and in stand up the juices are flowing. At a party he’s a mumble mouth.
Craig does a great Richard Kind impression.
Empty Nest chat! The dog’s name was Dreyfuss. Craig played Dougie the gift shop manager. He kissed Kristy McNichol. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristy_McNichol Jimmy sent her a letter asking to be friends with her.
The guys talk about Oaktree and Oakwoods. Kristy never answered his letter.
The guys are talking about Little Darlings http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Darlings
Little Foxes is a Betty Davis movie. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0033836/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Craig has a warm place in his heart for Kristy. Says she’s a genuine person.
65 – Craig says to get Kristy on the show.
Jimmy Baio – http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0047815/?ref_=nv_sr_1
Jimmy Baio is indeed Scott’s cousin.
Scott Baio is currently on See Dad Run. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2382108/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_1
Craig has no memory of facing a black board before 4th grade.
70 – Craig blames the Kennedys for the change of kids not helping the parents in the fields anymore.
The Day of the Dolphin – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2382108/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_1
George C Scott used to go to the same country club as Craig’s family. Jimmy’s stomach is going nuts today guys.
We’re gonna take a break! We’ll be right back!!
We’re back! Craig Bierko’s here taking time from his auditions. He lives in NY and is visiting LA.
If nobody knows you, pilot season is the worst time to be in LA. Jimmy thinks Craig’s gonna pick up a pilot.
75 – Craig would love to work on a mutl-camera sitcom. Me and the Chimp is a real show. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me_and_the_Chimp. Garry Marshall was one of the creators.
Here is the trailer for the Planet of the Apes remake. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1lZ3un-kcg
Jimmy and Craig loved the Rise of the Planet of the Apes film and are thrilled by the preview for the new one, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.
Here is the trailer for that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0wP5ZkaUGg
Planet of the Apes TV series – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0071033/?ref_=nv_sr_3g
Roy Harper – http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0363951/?ref_=tt_cl_t2
80 – Craig tells a funny Shakespeare story about doing Twelfth Night and flubbing and having a great lighting guy save it.
Little Mary Sunshine – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Mary_Sunshine
Theater on the Lake: http://www.theatreinchicago.com/theatredetail.php?theatreID=81
Matt’s dad was a big Shakespeare guy. Matt endured it.
85 – Paul Giamatti was the only good thing about the Planet of the Apes remake. also Tim Roth. APES!
Six Million Dollar man toy http://bionic.wikia.com/wiki/Steve_Austin_(Doll)
Cinderella Man was nominated for 3 oscars. Best Supporting Actor, Best Editing, and Best Makeup. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0352248/awards?ref_=tt_awd
90 – The day Craig saw Pippin (with Ben Vareen and half naked ladies) was evolution day. Craig talks about how you can only tell certain versions of Christ’s life. One of them is Jesus Christ Superstar. The other one is about Hitler.
95 – Craig talks about how Hitler may have survived and lived in Argentina until he was 73. The skulls the russians have is actually a female skull. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/sep/27/adolf-hitler-suicide-skull-fragment
Craig does his Richard Kind for us.
Craig talks about appreciated people like Jimmy, Paul, Patton and his thoughts on Alternative Comedy.
100 – Jimmy’s stomach goes off again. Craig impersonates it and does some herbert from family guy.
We’re done and we’re ending on Craig’s dullness.
Craig talks about his experience with David Zucker on Scary Movie 4. He said that airplane was not a dangerous movie. They never came close to the real “line” of too far.
Some brief discussion about Craig and Janeane Garofalo. He thinks she’s a great american. Craig tells Jimmy to reach out to Janeane and Kristy McNichol for the show.
9/11 ruined all airplane movies. United 93 was really dry.
See ya next time!!
My Pleasure!
Garon/The Beast/Cuban Defector/The Sloth