14D – Chris Mancini

Chris Mancini
NNF Players Club – 14D – Chris Mancini
00 – OUCH! Welcome to the Players Club! 14D. Chris Mancini from Comedy Film Nerds will be here. Jimmy and Matt are wearing their Podfest T-Shirts.
Jimmy loves a submarine movie.
Welcome to the players club baby! 14D as in diamond.
Hal Rudnick meets Shia – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6rDDZioHoM
Jimmy talks about a fan coming at him about Billy Joel albums on pardcast.com (not really). Jimmy confirms that Uptown Girl sucks.
05 – Jimmy’s having elaborate murder fantasies and ending them with DNA tests.
Speaking of stupid, Eliot’s here!
Hi Matt!
Jimmy went to Home Depot to get supplies for Oliver’s pinewood derby. Oliver said, “Dad, I’d rather do it ourselves even if it’s awful.” Jimmy ended up cutting himself with a coping saw. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coping_saw
Apparently the girl scouts have a pinewood derby also! so Matt will be doing that with Zoe also.
10 – Jimmy thinks their car has a chance to win. The race is march 9. The designed the car like the Batmobile. (Jimmy HAS opened the floor to questions.) They did their own version of the bat mobile at Oliver’s request.
Home Depot guy apparently laughed at Jimmy for not knowing what Spray Paint to use. Jimmy wanted to stick his head into a drill press and of course test his DNA for stupid.
15 – Talk To The Hand Cuz The Wrist Is Pissed: The Best of Matt Belknap. PLEASE SOMEONE PHOTOSHOP THIS!
What’s with the flying in the 90s guys?
Jimmy’s reopened the floor for questions!
Matt asks: Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible. Jimmy says fly. Eliot can’t answer so Jimmy is going to take an electric screwdriver to his head to get an answer. Eliot decides invisible.
Eliot went to Strategicon with his Modest Games partners. Jimmy says to get a contract because the other two are definitely trying to get him out.
Jamzilla did not effect them much.
Chris Mancini is here!
We’ll be back!
20 – We’re back! Players Club D as in Duck Dynasty! All the Duck Dynasty ties are at Kohl’s for $1.99!
We might do some movie katz tonight!
Jimmy went to see Philomena this week.
Comedy Film Nerds Chris Mancini is here! He is also one of the cofounders of Podfest. He and Jimmy met in 1995. They went to Queensryche together. Jimmy didn’t have money for the ticket so he took Chris to dinner at Sizzler (Chris could not remember the restaurant.)
That tour Queensryche did Operation: Mindcrime in its entirety.
Apparently there are two queensryches right now.
Jimmy loved Philomena.
25 – Here is Geoff Tate spitting on his audience http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHEmryX9T0k&feature=plcp
Chris talks about Earbuds and how it is going to be about the connection between podcasters and fans.
Jimmy has NOT opened the floor for questions. Chris says he’ll table his question. Jimmy opens the floor and Chris asks again. Whats the most important thing about podcasting to Jimmy. He answers Freedom and Connection.
Contribute to the Earbuds Kickstarter if you can! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/comedyfilmnerds/ear-buds-the-podcasting-documentary
30 – Jimmy says that the new garfield is the worst thing that Oliver watches. It makes Jimmy wants to go to home depot and shoot spray paint down his throat. Matt says Jimmy should then put his head into one of those paint can shakers.
Lorenzo Music did indeed to the voice on Garfield. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0615718/?ref_=nv_sr_1
35 – Jimmy doesn’t like the idea of a cup of water. Bring him a bottled water. Chris tells a story about his agent telling him that his script was like black knight. He then admitted to not having seen black knight.
Chris wrote on Port Charles! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118435/fullcredits?ref_=tt_ql_1
He was mainly a dialogue writer.
40 – The Have and the Have Nots http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Haves_and_the_Have_Nots_(TV_series)
Board game chat.
There is a rumor of a Marvel Live show coming. Oliver will start crying if they talk about Batman Live too much. “You know what’s gonna happen!”
45 – I cannot find that Harlem Globetrotter story. Jimmy got a $2 bill from a 7/11.
Sweet intern action!
I did find this one though. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/harlem-globetrotter-pulls-trick-shot-msg-court-article-1.1614965
50 – MovieKatz!!!
Matt out first!
Eliot out on the dark knight rises!
Purple Krueger!
Chris Wins!
Round 2!
i knock out Eliot.
Jimmy sings and tells a story about a guy railing on meryl streep.
Chris is out!
Me vs Matt!
Winner is…THE BEAST! on Jon Stewart.
Catherine Keener bothered Jimmy when she didn’t play along in a fake interview.
Cliff Floyd update!! He recommends getting the best player with all your picks.
Jimmy tells about playing Jim Neighbors all day at the record store on Jim Neighbors Day and a record guy coming in not knowing who he is.
We’re done!
Check out the kickstarter for earbuds!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/comedyfilmnerds/ear-buds-the-podcasting-documentary
Podfest 2014 is coming! A new location across from the Beverly Center. Last weekend in september! Tickets on sale soon!
My pleasure!
Garon/The Beast/Human Jello/The Bean Bag/Purple Krueger