1403 – Flip-Flopping with John Ross Bowie
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In-Studio notes by Garon Cockrell
NNF 1403 – John Ross Bowie
00 – Hello! Indeed! 1403! Jimmy is the pioneer of podcasting west coast style! He likes pioneer rather than the first because he was one of the first. Jimmy says we’re the first to use the number system. Jimmy invented numbers.
Sprettzatura shot like a bullet hundreds of numbers past 1.
Sprettzatura is coming to vinyl soon! This is a fan collectible! EOD does not mean every other day eliot.
End Of Day. Business nomenclature. Donald and Ted Nugent hadn’t gone off the rails jet yet when Apprentice started so Jimmy didn’t hate them yet.
05 – Stop using EOD. Decision made. Jimmy’s congested. Continue using the IUD. Jimmy had a little lock up there but he made it through and found the funny.
Chris Kattan arrested on suspicion of DUI.
Jimmy Pardo Pilot March 7! Get tickets by emailing PARDO@CONACOENT.COM Tickets in subject line. 4 max.
10 – Jimmy sings an Eliot has lots of bad ideas song. Eliot had a good idea this morning, tech one not important.
Casey Casem’s show was scripted and he knocked it out in 30 – 35 minutes.
Casey’s 81. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casey_Casem
Doug Benson GPS http://www.mireo.hr/en/navigation-apps/comedian-voices/doug-benson-voice
15 -Woody Allen Jokes – too soonyi? Guy on twitter
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_South_Dakota_Learjet_crash – Payne Stewarts plane.
We’re back!
Hello Earwolf!
Don’t forget you can join the players club for video, extra episode, t-shirt and membership card! GOing out soon.
Weird shadows at the door here.
Don’t show up to Jimmy’s house early for a party.
20 – John Ross Bowie is here! He’s eating a peanut butter something. No Gluten no Dairy. It apparently tastes like a peanut butter coaster.
Gluten Free is not good right? John enjoys a Gluten Free toaster waffle. John has been on Big Bang Theory and will be on About A Boy this spring.
Jimmy gives us a blow by blow of the trip he was on when he saw About a Boy. He sobbed.
Paul Gilmartin had a bit about the organ player at the mall.
“You want a live pianist when you’re buying slacks.” – Jimmy
25 – Dress up for a holiday! The dress up thing seems like it’s going away. Dress up for the theater! A guy in flip fops kicked them off and put his feet up on the bannister at Urine Town when John and his wife attended.
Put some fucking shoes on! – John.
Jimmy will never go nude. He has too much genital shame. John seems genuinely sad to hear that.
Jimmy also cannot use a urinal in front of other people.
Jimmy is opening the floor to questions – Matt asks if its okay to wear flip flops to Flip Flops the musical. The answer is no.
30 – John not a fan of The Lion King play. He says Julie Taymor is a set dresser masquerading as a director. Jimmy wants to know John’s opinion of Book of Mormon since he is a big time theater guy.
Jimmy saw Chicago last night and John welcomes him to Twitter. @Chicago belongs to Chicago.com @chicagotheband is Chicago the band.
Jimmy lists what original members remain in Chicago and reveals that while he dislikes a drum solo he is on board with a percussion solo.
35 – Lou Pardini on vocals has reinvigorated the band according to Jimmy. Foreigner is nearly devoid of original members. They were inducted into the songwriter’s half of fame. http://www.blabbermouth.net/news/video-foreigner-aerosmith-members-inducted-into-songwriters-hall-of-fame/
John saw Iron Maiden at the amphitheater in Irvine. People were lighting fires in the lawn seats and launching flaming posters at the more expensive seats. John and his wife had to leave before the encore and appearance of Eddie (the zombie mascot). John on long guys at the men’s room to a guy in line for the bathroom at the Maiden show, “No, not at the theater.”
40 – 2 shows where guys bathroom line longer than ladies room? Iron Maiden and Rush. Both lady repellants. Apparently Chicago is black people repellent. “Not a lot of brothers here.” – Black security guard. Verdine White was the one black guy at the chicago show. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verdine_White
Morrisey not sure why he has such a large hispanic following.
45 – Verdine was behind Jimmy at the show. He stood up when Robert Lamb introduced him and Robert said, “Ok dean you can sit down.” Jimmy went back stage and met the band. Had some chats about the documentary. to one of the guys jimmy said, “You too,” when he was wished luck in his career.
Jimmy approves of the Bruce Springsteen Highway to Hell cover.
Jimmy thinks Robin Thicke is a little too showboaty to front Chicago.
50 – Oliver’s school has jews and gentiles alike. Very mixed! Jimmy didn’t get to say hello to Jimmy Panko. He must have head back to Calabasas. Jimmy’s been seeing Chicago since 1981. The show is wall to wall hits, Jimmy wants some album tracks.
John is seeing Billy Joel in May at the Hollywood Bowl. His wife said he could go if he behaved. He’s looking forward to the show. He hasn’t seen a big “classic rock” show in a while. Jimmy talks about how he he’s coming around on early bill joel. An Innocent Man and River of Dreams are terrible albums.
Here is the cover of Big Shot by The Beastie Boys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TC1oTEiKaM
55 – John saw Tenacious D at The Echo. He says they were delightful! It was a benefit show for the school. John’s kid goes to school with Jack Black’s son, Sammy.
John did an impression of morrisey doing restaurant reviews after falling off the vegetarian wagon for a show at sketch fest. It bombed with the 40 people in the audience.
60 – He was wide awake after the bombing and able to think about it. He left a bar at 3am still unable to sleep. He did not fall off the wagon! We confirm Jimmy is pretty much bomb proof. Jimmy says if he does that same show as steve perry, he bombs worse and is at the bar with John inside a bottle.
John had to follow Andy Daly on that show. Everyone agrees you have Andy close that show.
We’ll be back!!
We’re back!
Jimmy used the restroom.
No phones at my trivia!
65 – Eliot, to everyone’s shock and amazement, just said he loves CW McCall. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CW_McCall
Jimmy wants to take a belt sander to Eliot for saying that.
70 – Jimmy and Matt go on a Nashville tangent for a moment. Jimmy didn’t know that he saw Megan Hilty in Wicked. The guys love Defying Gravity. The guys discuss Frozen.
75 – Jimmy still trying to figure out what musical he wore jeans too. He’s gonna text danielle to find out.
Jimmy says the Lego Movie is great but is literally five minutes too long.
Jimmy wants to know the next highest charting CW McCall song and will go ahead and give him a new listen.
Men Without Hats – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_without_hats#Studio_albums
80 – Carrie Underwood beat Constantine on season 4 of idol.
Is Stevie Wonder better than Prince?
90 – Rasberry Beret was on the Around The World in a Day album. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Around_the_World_in_a_Day
Jimmy saw Prince opening night at the forum, I saw him there 3 times.
Jimmy’s favorite Casey Casemism is about Steve Forbert doing Romeo’s Tune.
John mentions his favorite Caseyism about introducing a guy named after a mexican sandwich (Taco)
95 – Hello Eliot! April WIne: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_Wine Oh and here are their singles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_Wine_discography#Singles
Thanks Gabe!
We’re done!
Watch John on About a Boy on NBC! Starts 2/22. His first episode is on 2/29. Jimmy says John will love Nashville, “It’s a show for us.”
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/The Thief/Cuban Defector/Sad Sack/The Slowpoke