1120 – Rob Corddry’s Exxtra Connsonannts

Rob “The-First-D-Is-Silent” Corddry

Season 11 of Never Not Funny just keep humming along, chugging down the tracks, bringing out the big guns, and whatever other metaphor you want to think of to mean it’s continuing with wonderful guests.

For episode 1120, Jimmy Pardo welcomes Rob Corddry to hash it out over creepy cartoon/commercial characters, the Superfans, a little political talk, and Mr. Magoo. This episode also sees the first warning of the season to GET YOUR FINANCES IN ORDER because season 12 is really not that far away! We also see the return of Stupid Question of the Week and an Obvious Trivia reference.

Enjoy the show notes!

In-studio notes by Garon Cockrell [Additional notes by Darryl Asher]

1120 – Rob Corddry


00 Welcome To The Show!

Indeed! Get your finances in order! Remember Remember the fifth of November! Get your voting in. Jimmy’s voted for: Mondale, Dukakis, Perot, Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama. Jimmy is disappointed Perot is not running. Lefties suck. Puck from Real World called the one finger nose blow a Snot Rocket. 9-1 bears vs. debate. Apocolips.


05 – Intro. Da Bears vs. Debate. Bad reviews rant! Eliot Vs. Jimmy email battle pours over onto show. ya’ll gone! Anka!

Children’s Hospital’s Rob Corddry is here! Emmy talk! It’s heavy man.
Paul Anka is Canadian and either Syrian or Labanese.

10 – Rob’s Assistant is named Asher. Rob fires and rehires him a lot. Jimmy wonders why Rob has an assistant. Answer: Because Children’s Hospital pays for it. Asher’s job today: get AV people to set up Rob’s home theater. Anka is here doing the Long Con. Rob loves So You Think You Can Dance, and may have shed a tear. He is 100% man.

15 – Rob’s wearing clothes to move in. Matt thinks Mitt Romney isn’t as conservative as conservatives think he is. Matt wants Asher to go to Portillo’s for sandwiches. Asher drives a Prius. Car talk. System back up talk. Drobo (?) is what Rob uses. CH spinoff is called News Readers.

20 – Bachman and Cannon, shit named buddy cop team. Kid’s name chat! Yuck on my brother! get in deep in Garon chat! Mayor McCheese made the decision to get rid of the coffee spoons.

What. The. Hell.

25 – Barbapapa

Mac Tonight, hamburgler, fry kids, grimace, ronald mcdonald, captain crook, officer big mac, Mayor McCheese, The Professor, hamburger patch, Birdie the early bird, happy meal gang, WAY MORE

Rob’s mom is gay as the day is long. Jimmy doesn’t understand the lesbian venacular.

30 – Matt asks Rob if he ever asks Asher to ask Siri something. Rob launches into a masterful reminder system that I cannot compute.

35 – Hobby chat! Fantasy baseball chat. Fantasy Golf exists! Jimmy plays at work. Jimmy’s childhood was two football games, now you get as many as you want.

Red Zone

Jimmy wonders how more pitchers aren’t dead or getting hit by balls. Rob asks if Jimmy ever hit a home run. Jimmy recounts a story from his one man show. Rob remembers an in the park home run he hit on his dad’s birthday, that he still talks about to this day with a fatherly chuckle.
40 – At a chicago show, jimmy got the audience (5000 people) to yell out “Happy Birthday, Jim!” Gift chat! Candleabra gift story from Jimmy.
Jimmy sets the stage!

Rob is looking into a Sonos, wireless music player

Jimmy could listen to his Labanese music in one room, while Oliver listens to Pocahontas in another room with Sonos.

45 – Rob just got a record player and Matt realizes Rob has a hobby! Jimmy suggests going to the store to get your Long Plays. (Out of the Closet in Encino has a lot of LPs FYI). Jimmy doesn’t like Billy Joel’s Ray Charles rip off period.

Paul McCartney disco song: Don’t Say Goodnight Tonight.

50 – The Who’s version of A Quick One during the Rolling Stones Rock and Roll Circus is the best piece of music you will see or hear. Jimmy loves the Who’s performance from the Woodstock movie. Sammy was a race joke magnet during the Sinatra/Martin/Davis Jr. tours.


And we’re back:

00 – Sammy Davis Jr. story apparently true, featured in her book Ordeal. Davis also a Satanist, reached all stations of the cross (?) Rob thinks he’d be All Teeth. Tom Dreeson is a class act.


Rob wants to be CCd on the email about editing in the Stupid Question Jingle.
05 – Stupid question coming up!

Staring contest almost just broke out. Matt correctly guesses the ages of Rob’s kids (6 and 3). Bukake chat. “Plop em and Walk away” – Jimmy in TV as a babysitter. Rob thinks Disney Channel sitcoms are crazy! “I like Car Commercials.” – Rob’s 4yo. Rob on Flintstones: “these poor women dealing with lieing assholes.”

10 – Oliver loves Mr. Magoo. Rob says he is graceful for “a blindie.” He wants a Magoo POV. Leslie Neilson was Mr. Magoo in the 1997 Disney film. Jimmy says he is great when he plays it straight but when he tries to be funny,

15 – Jason “Nerdy South” (Jimmy thinks you should get rid of that email)- As a male, when pumping gas do you shake it off when done like a penis or let it drip. Jimmy is furious with the bit.

Matt shakes it off. Rob taps it in the hole. No one else cares. To be fair, when I pump gas for someone I shake it in the hole)

Eliot chimes in with men stand outside while they pump, women wait in the car.

Rob was OSHA trained. Fume guy Rob worked with said he never got out of the car when.

20 – Incredible Eddible male eggs!

Next question: What’s your first stop when you go into a Zoo. “Good old Bent Neck” giraffe. Rob is anti circus. Jimmy said if you watch the video alec baldwin hosts, you will never go to a circus again. Dumbo is the Pinnochio of animals.

Elephants do have a death rite: When an elephant dies, its family members engage in intense mourning and burial rituals, conducting weeklong vigils over the body, carefully covering it with earth and brush, revisiting the bones for years afterward, caressing the bones with their trunks, often taking turns rubbing their trunks along the teeth of a skull’s lower jaw, the way living elephants do in greeting.” – http://www.wild.org/blog/elephant-death-rites/

Rob says Toy Story 3 was written for 30 – 40 year old men. Jimmy sobbed. As did I. Rob’s 6yo is terrified of volcanos. Rob says if you have the time, vote, otherwise, eh.

25 – Jimmy likes going to the polls. Jimmy’s neighborhood was like a party on the last election. Zoo question was from Gaby M. Get out and vote – Jimmy. If you want – Rob. Oliverism re guy on roof: Daddy, what’s that guy doing up there? Only Santa Claus goes on the roof!

30 – Jimmy’s friend Cecily Adams, daughter of Don Adams (get smart) said he denied having kids on Johnny Carson.

Oliverism that makes Jimmy cry: (choosing to go to the movies or park) ooh. They both sound so good.

one more question: Michael Michaels (DJ from Omaha?) if you forget to shake the mustard and get the mustard water do you abort and start over? Everyone hates when that happens. Jimmy starts over if he can.

Beavis and Butthead impressions all around. Mike Judge chat.

Rob is in Warm Bodies coming out in February. Tub Machine 2 is being written!

Apparently John Stewart is a speed-reader. Children’s Hospital website sucks.

and we’re done!

-Garon/The Beast/Cuban Defector

AK-47 gone, not forgotten