28G – Crushing it with Nicky Urban

Nicky Urban
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
28 Gilda Radner
00 28G! Welcome in!
Already a covid scare in baseball.
Serious news?
April fools?! Jimy gives up on it immediately.
Matt hit traffic. LA is back to normal!
Fuck it I’ll have (Insert fast food reference)
Jimmy and Oliver went to see a Pat Benatar cover band! There was some painfully bad musician interactions.
5 – Jimmy’s phone is turned off but is still ringing??
Talking “Spyder” (Neal Geraldo)
What should the Pat Benatar cover band be called?
We give our suggestions!
Best Shot is their name.
Jimmy and Oliver went to see Godzilla V Kong at a drive in.
We talk about it the franchise.
10 – Talking traffic.
Talking tattoos for me!
Steve Winwood!
15 – Young Sheldon talk! 3-season renewal?
20 – Broadway talk.
Matt and Fam watched Hairspray.
They did not like it. It doesn’t hold up apparently.
Jason Statham new movie:
It’s Guy Ritchie’s new movie.
We’ll be right back with Nicky Urban!
We’re back! To a laptop alert! It’s Nicky’s phone.
35 – We help Nicky’s phone sound problem!
Nicky Urban is here!
The show is now called Pop Cultured with Nicky and Jimmy!
Nicky’s Twitter handle is @TweetsAtToilets. She explains it.
Nicky has and loves her Hello Tushy!
Matt has an announcement.
It’s time for Tier 2 folks to submit their shipment info for PayPal. Platinum – Perks – Click the button! May 15 is the deadline!
40 – Nicky’s podcast is called Comedy Girl Crush! She interviews women in comedy.
Nicky “Self-identifies” as Floridian. She was born in near Detroit in Michigan!
Some brief mention of me moving back.
45 – Nicky got laid off recently. She worked at Paramount in Marketing. She talks about how much of a blessing it was.
50 – She started an OnlyFans!!
She talks about her plans for her two onlyfans.
55 – Round the horn!
Eliot is in charge of the letter game!
I am not a comic nor a sketch performer.
Jimmy asks if someone got a fax. He could think of no other word to use for the sound we all heard.
60 – Talking about Nicky’s dog custody issues. He’s aggressive.
Matt fills us in on Biden’s dog Major.
I finished Punky!
1h5m – What’s Up Doc? Talk
Jimmy talks about Paul Poundstone on Twitter.
My G is Gilda Radner!
Talking Miles Stroth!
1h10m – Matt’s guess is Greg Behrendt!
Anything new for Matt? He got his shot!
Nicky’s ex lives with wrestlers, she can’t say much more.
1h15m – Back to Wrath of Man!
Talking Vaccines.
Eliot talks about his thoughts and ideas on the situation. He’s getting his shot TOMORROW!
Matt talks about how he helped get his dad an appointment, it also caused a lot of problems and stress before hand.
1h20m – Eliot talks about the issues he had trying to find appointments.
Matt talks about Elise’s appointment skills.
Nicky thought Jimmy was 67?!
1h25m – Nicky tries to explain herself.
Jimmy loves it.
Nicky’s g guess is Greg Proops!
Jimmy’s guess is Gary Gulman.
Tony Thaxton does watch wrestling!
Jimmy talks about wrestlers on Conan.
Talking John Cena.
1h30m – We hear the fans!
Talking, or trying to, about his neighbor.
1h40m – Eliot’s names:
5) Greg Proops
4) Geoff Tate
3) Greg Beherndt
2) George Carlin
1) Gary Gulman! – JIMMY WINS!
Should I start an Only Fans?!
Join Jimmy and Nicky at Popcultured! On Rushtix
Fuck off Marjorie Taylor Greene!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth