2807 – Building a mystery with Terry Carnation (Rainn Wilson)

Rainn Wilson as Terry Carnation

Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher


00 It’s almost 80 in Los Angeles!

Jimmy had Taco Bell twice this week!

Jimmy correctly remembers a Nazareth song Hair of the Dog.

Matt talks about NOT recalling Nazareth (or a similar band) from a youtube music quiz and it pissed him off.

Thanks for joining us on the live stream!

Jimmy talks about the NNF Fantasy Baseball Draft.

Eliot wonders if fantasy leagues have periodic meetings. Jimmy talks about how in the old days they used to but with technology it’s make interaction easier, and in person meetings unnecessary.

The Belknaps went to Palm Springs on the break. They got an Air B&B and it had a pool.

10 – Matt missed his “ass blaster.” (Bidet)


Jimmy’s neighbor’s dog is barking a lot.

Matt and Eliot both watched the new One Day At A Time and both loved it.

15 – Kiss cam break ups? Proposals?

20 – We talk about the latest entry in the Randy Travis Wiki controversy!


We’ll be right back with Terry Carnation!

25 – We’re back! 2807!

From Dark Air with Terry Carnation, broadcasting legend Terry Carnation!

Jimmy talks with Terry about Art Bell and George Noory.


What’s the deal with aliens and human anuses? – Terry

Is there a Chinese/alien connection now that they’re doing anal covid tests?

Urethra talk!

30 – Terry talks about viruses.

32 years of Terry’s show, Dark Air.

Terry talks about it.

Mosquitos are robots!

Jimmy talks about Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery.


Jimmy saw a ghost car. He talks about it.

35 – Terry wants Jimmy to improvise a Jonathan Richman song. Jimmy chooses to do Foghat instead: Ghost Ride.

Terry talks about how he got his start in paranormal radio.

Jimmy shares his favorite Art Bell moment.

“I don’t want to live with a ghost.” – Art Bell

40 – Terry talks about his podcast and what it is.

Fifteen episodes of Dark Air!

There are no kiosks in Tijuana – Terry

Listen to Dark Air while giving birth!

Terry insults Jimmy about social queues.

Terry roasts everyone.

He insists I have a fictitious name.

We’ll be back!
45 – We’re back!

Jimmy talks about forgetting to ask about Pop Culture.

Oliver’s trivia coming up!

Watch The Overnight Hours on twitch! Twitch.tv/mynameisgaron

Matt and Eliot got a haircut.

Matt hasn’t had a person in his house (outside of family) for over a year.

50 – Oliver trivia time!

Third trivia theme!

David Fincher The Game talk

Talking Docs!

Tina Turner doc talk.

55 –

Category: Mask up!
Question: What Household Item was originally created to be used as gas mask filters?

I’m betting 21!

Oliver is doing a Zoom D&D today!

60 – Talking the Obi Wan show! Kumail is in it!

Jamie Gertz talk.

1h5m – Eliot talks about his watching of the DCEU, including the Snyder Cut.

We talk about it. At length.


1h10m – Talking break, my trip to San Jose, getting back to normal post quarantine.

My answer is Cotton Balls!

1h20m – Eliot updated his computers during the break.

Eliot’s answer is: Coffee Filters. Jimmy loves this answer.

Matt’s answer is the Swiffer.

Jimmy goes with Vacuum Cleaner bag.

1h25m – Talking CDC folks apology tour.

The answer is: Kleenex! No winner!

Jimmy and Eliot tie for Points.

1h30m – Time for the music quiz!


Nazareth was indeed the last question on the quiz.


See you next time!!

Trivia Results:

Category: Mask up!
Question: What Household Item was originally created to be used as gas mask filters?

Garon: Cotton Balls (21)
Eliot: Coffee Filters (11)
Matt: Swiffer (20)
Jimmy: Vacuum cleaner bag (11)

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth