2725 – Leading the Glamorous Life with Kimberly Clark

Kimberly Clark
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
@KimberlyClarkComedy on Instagram
00 Final free episode of the season!
Happy post Superbowl!
Chiefs lost.
This was the first full football game Jimmy’s watched since the last times the Bears went to the Superbowl in 2007.
Eliot says what could be the funniest thing he’s ever said RE Neil Lombardi and his plumbing company.
25000 fans, 7500 of which were vaccinated front line workers.
Talking coaches and masks.
10 – Talking making up words, like Earnesty.
Talking Framing Britney Spears.
Jimmy and Danielle are watching The Lady and the Dale.
Dave Holmes and Barbara Grey (co-host with Brandy Posey) were in the Britney doc.
The lemon commercial seems to be everyone’s favorite.
Jimmy comments on the lack of masks in the superbowl commercials.
20 – Jimmy talks about watching the Valley Girl musical.
Matt talks about being Gen X with Jimmy but having an entirely different sexual experience growing up.
Jimmy cut himself shaving. He was not using a harrys!
We’ll be right back with Kimberly Clark!
We’re back!
Jimmy explains what happened!
He and Oliver watched some comedy! One of them was Kimberly’s special!
Apparently, Jimmy has done at least one show with her in the past to his shock and embarrassment.
Oliver quotes Kimberly’s act. “That beast still slaps!”
35 – Jimmy compliments Kimberly on her set being squeaky clean.
Kimberly is a preacher’s kid so that is why her language isn’t as bad as it could be.
Talking intent and “cussing someone out” without profanity.
Jimmy talks about seeing a hypnotist to stop saying fuck. That didn’t work but he has stopped chewing on straws!
40 – Jimmy wants to know about the production of Kimberly’s special.
It was shot outdoors! (You cannot tell)
Jimmy talks about doing Caroline’s Comedy Hour and it not even feeling real.
Lopez Tonight was Kimberly’s first TV appearance. She played Ping Pong backstage with The Rock.
Talking Vaccines!
45 – Kimberly talks about people being apprehensive about the vaccine but eating a Popeyes chicken sandwich.
They filmed at the Long Beach Convention Center, where Richard Pryor filmed his special.
Kimberly talks about the interview portion of the special where she felt like a fish out of water with people like Godfrey, Tony Woods, and Barbara Carlisle.
50 – Kimberly talks about working at LAX in Baggage Services and at the Laugh Factory.
She got to see Rodney Dangerfield before he died!
Kimberly talks about her long-time relationship ending in 2019. Just in time for the pandemic!
Round the horn!
Category is How Comical
I’m going 25!
55 –
Category: How Comical
Question: What Punctual character has a partner whose name means Pillar of Strength?
Fun piece of trivia courtesy of Ally and Bean. How many podcasts were started during the Pandemic? 878,000 podcasts in 2019 it was 300,000.
60 – Kimberly is in the process of starting one.
Jimmy addresses the album covers behind Kimberly. Roberta Flack – Chapter Two, Sun City Artists United Against Apartheid that was her brothers, the last one is Sheila E.
Steven Van Zandt played Silvio Dante on the Sopranos.
Jimmy saw Sheila E open for Prince. Kimberly talks about Sheila being an influence.
1h5m – Talking about Franklin Ajai.
Kimberly talks about meeting him.
Round the horn!
In and Of Itself talk. “Philosophical Magic” as Eliot calls it, also Jimmy’s new band.
Matt talks about Kimberly’s crush on the LA Phil conductor Gustavo Dudamel.
1h10m – Kimberly talks about working at a classical station in college and the old lady fans that came up after shows.
Talkng about the Walt Disney Concert Hall.
Jimmy went there for a Mother’s Day Brunch not at all to do with Showbiz as he thought.
1h15m – My answer is Beatle Bailey!
Eliot was woken by crows.
He talks about being up late a lot.
Diana Ross talk.
Nick Ashford is 6’2’’
Talking about Kimberly’s tall basketball player joke.
Back to Eliot’s birds. He thought they were a precursor to an earth quake.
1h20m – Are they counting?
Journey to Fierce: The Garon Cockrell Story
Eliot’s answer is…Calvin
Favorite album covers? Jimmy likes a Chicago 16. Kimberly’s is Midnight Marauders by a Tribe Called Quest.
1h25m – Kimberly loves Chicago!
Talking Vanessa Williams and her controversy. She went to Syracuse University, where Kimberly is from.
1h30m –
Trivia results!
Category: How Comical
Question: What Punctual character has a partner whose name means Pillar of Strength?
Garon: Beatle Bailey (25 pts)
Eliot: Calvin (and hobbes) (15 pts)
Matt: Asterix (25 pts)
Kimberly: Marmaduke ( pts)
Jimmy: The Flash ( pts)
The answer is: Asterix
Matt wins.
We’ll be right back!
1h30m – We’re back!
Watch Kimberly’s special on Netflix on Tiffany Haddish Presents They Ready!
How about a Stupid Question:
Stupid Questions:
Do you fold your underwear?
Matt Rolls. “Condor style” – Jimmy
Kimberly also rolls.
Garon – Throw and Go
Eliot folds and rolls
Jimmy stacks
Pinterest talk no one wants to log in!
Her dad was very strict and a “no dancing” type of pastor.
1h35m –
Which do you miss more: movies or concerts
Matt misses movies
Kimberly misses concerts
Jimmy shockingly misses movies more!
Garon – movies duh
Eliot – Eliot doesn’t enjoy crowds so neither.
Talking Concerts!
1h40m – Jimmy doesn’t like Grunge. He doesn’t know why he doesn’t.
Jimmy liked Pearl Jam when they wore suits.
Jimmy sent the crows!
Oliver stops by to say hi to Kimberly and compliment her special! Also Danielle stops by to compliment her as well.
Happy birthday Danielle!
1h45m – talking Danielle birthday dinner at Basa Nova.
Kimberly Clark has brought the Pardo-Koenig family together.
Matt brings up the Kimberly Clark paper company.
Watch Kimberly’s special!
The Fierce One!!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth