27A – Sending Regards with Eliza Skinner
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Hello! Welcome to the first episode of the Platinum!
The Old Cool One! The Fonz! Did he have mood based “Aaays?”
Biff and Back To The Future talk.
Eric Stolz worked for five weeks on the movie.
Talking Michael J Fox.
10 – Tom Cruise vs Michael J Fox.
Rush Limbaugh vs Michael J Fox https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rush-limbaugh-michael-j-fox/
15 – Matt talks about The Movies That Made Us.
Jimmy’s heard Reddit is evil.
Matt talks about his theories of Reddit.
20 – Talking Mask and Cher
Jimmy explains the new letter game this season!
Dane Coffee chooses first!
25 – Jimmy talks about the Live Stream yesterday. It was a blast!
LAFC did not play yesterday in honor of Jacob Blake.
35 – We’ll be right back with Eliza Skinner!
We’re back! 27A!
Jimmy’s not getting much sleep lately.
He watched 6 hours of Les Mis on PBS. Not the musical.
40 – Les Mis talk.
Eliza fell asleep watching the Les Mis musical but was awake for every moment of Starlight Express.
Eliot’s never seen Starlight Express but he likens it to Cats. Eliza agrees that it is exactly like cats.
Enjoy puns!
45 – Tell us about your projects Eliza!
She talks about Earth To Ned on Disney + this September (9/4)!
Eliza’s debut album “Regarding My Lovers” is out the same day! (and on SiriusXM a week before!)
Talking Sirius XM and their comedy options (IE Raw Dog rebranding maybe?)
Jimmy and Oliver watched Thank God For Jokes, Mike Birbiglia’s special.
50 – Eliza introduces us to her pets Boo and Casper, her cat who is a serial humper who she had to get a stuffed animal for.
Jimmy watched a cat take a rat to give to his owner.
Round the horn!
Eco Race chat!
Jimmy also started watching The Vow, HBO Doc about NXVIM.
We’re binging more shows apparently.
60 – Hey now! – Oliver
93 in North Sherman Oaks and 92 in Sherman Oaks.
Eliza is using tin foil to keep her house cool! It works!
Raccoon Parliament?! Raccoon Mixer?
1h5m – Eliza is negative of Covid!
Remixes on Eliza’s album? Kanye style?
RNC talk.
My A word is Fred Armisen!
Matt watched Comedy For Drummers no one else has.
Jimmy talks about working with Fred on a project where Maria Bamford played his wife.
1h10m – Eliot vanishes for a moment. Returns with an update and tells us about his Imperfect Foods box.
1h15m – We’ve moved on to Eliza’s pillows.
Back to Eliot! He changed his nickname back to Iron Dragon and goes back to talking about Imperfect Foods.
Eliot got himself a new 3D Printer. Jimmy wonders why.
1h20m – Eliot flew his drone 3 years ago.
Jimmy got a new printer also. Laser!
Eliot’s A word is…: Scott Aukerman
Jimmy talks about a high school incident: “I have a disagreement with this guy that you can end any conversation just by agreeing with someone.” Jimmy: “Yes.”
1h25m – Matt talks the school event via Zoom they did last night. Jimmy’s got a meeting with Oliver’s school on his birthday.
Matt talks about Zoe’s phys ed Zoom class getting raided by some people who someone jumped into the class.
Jimmy talks about how he interrupts Oliver’s class time out of sheer boredom. Danielle tweeted about it.
1h30m – Matt’s A is Louie Anderson! Which was Jimmy’s first choice.
Eliza talks about the songs on her album.
There’s a movie concession song, a magic song, and one on LA Comedian’s on tour which Matt likes.
Eliza’s A is Dan Aykroyd!
Jimmy is going with Bud Abbot.
1h35m – Debating the game theme.
We hear the fans!
The name that Dane Coffee has chosen is:
Dave Attell
Steve Agee
Tim Allen
James Adonian
Jeff Altman?!
1h40m – Eliza talks a bit about Earth To Ned and the puppetry.
“Who wouldn’t want to be on Sesame?” – Tina Fey on being asked to do Sesame Street.
1h45m – Jimmy’s in for a manager role on Earth To Ned!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth