2616 – Taking a Trip with Eric Andre

Eric Andre

Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher


00 – Hello! We’re here!

Supreme Court did something correct! Hooray!

I’m wearing a rainbow hat.

Jimmy talks about Weiner’s Circle, Chicago, ketchup hot dogs, and Ed Debevics.

Matt says Jimmy looks a little like J Jonah Jameson. He gives us a reading!

Jimmy wonders about why we don’t see an adult Spider-man.

10 – Lots of talking about aged super-heroes.

Batman talk!

15 – Are we gonna visit the Belknap Cave?

Talking music were listening too.

Winds of Change podcast talk.

20 – Mask chat. Lots of people arent’t wearing them.

25 – Jimmy and Matt enjoy Biden in a mask.

Lazy Queen t-shirt talk! It’s based on me!

Speaking of me!


Talking beers, lagers, drinking

Heroine next!

We’ll be back with Eric Andre!

We’re back!

Gays can drink!

45 – Eric Andre is here!

Jimmy talks about the first time they met and Eric was opening for the Conan writers show.

Jimmy introduces everyone to Eric.

It was Alito, Cavanaugh, and Thomas voted against LGBT rights.


50 – Eric’s getting email!

Talking payphones and how we never wiped them down.

Eric enjoys my library.

Talking about Eric’s Netflix special, “Legalize Everything”

55 – Eric talks about getting high with his mom. It was a one and done for her.

Jimmy talks with Andre about drinking and how he finally quit.

60 – Eric talks about the drugs he’s done/does.

Jimmy and Eric talk about doing acid. Jimmy recounts a story about some high school kid he knew who did Acid and saw his dad as a dragon and beat the hell out of him.

Talking with Eric about touring.

1h5m – Talking clubs vs theater vs stadium with Stand up

Eric wants as intimate of a venue as possible when he does stand-up. His favorite club is Comedy Cellar.

Eric shows off his favorite album cover. It’s Lenny Bruce – Togetherness.

More albums.

1h10m – Talking 80s comedy and Sam Kinison.


Jimmy is right about the locations for Steve Martin’s album!
George Carlin appeared on an episode of That Girl!

Eric’s special drops June 23!

1h15m – Eric has not met Burt Kreischer. Jimmy only sees him at an Airport.

Eric talks about the Cuban souvenir he talks about in his special. He reads what it says.

Eric talks about visiting Cuba and how the place is like a time capsule.

Vegas is open and everyone is taking Covid seriously!

1h20m – Eric talks his travels. He went to Canada! He talks about traveling in Japan with a big group of comedians.

He loves France but hasn’t had a Monte Christo in a while!

We’ll be right back!

1h25m – We’re back!

Trivia time!

History Mysteries

In the 80s a bunch of telephones based on a pop culture icon started washing on shore on the ionese (sp) coast. What was it?

13 pts

Garon: Garfield (13pts)
Eliot: Mickey Mouse
Matt: Mickey Mouse
Eric: Garfield (15 pts)
Jimmy: Michael Jackson

Correct answer is: Garfield! Eric and I are correct!

Eric wins!

1h40m – We’re done!

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth