2208 – Talking the Talk with Leah Krinsky

Leah Krinsky
In studio notes by Garon-for-a-Day Tony Thaxton
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
Here’s my “sure to be made fun of” notes!
These are actually pretty good! Since Matt and I publicly shamed you on Twitter last time, you are much improved. Shaming works! -Darryl
00 – Weather hoax! Garon is gone. Tony Stills is filling in.
05 – Ryan Walsh from Hallelujah The Hills is here, going to play a song, but in Los Angeles to promote his book, Astral Weeks.
10 – What Van Morrison songs aren’t we sick of?
15 – The Red Hot Chilli Peppers are terrible.
20 – Why are we Chilli Peppers trashing? Back to Ryan’s book.
25 – By the way…what was Jimmy going to say? Why didn’t Ryan say hi to Jimmy in Providence?
30- Jimmy saw family at his Peoria shows over the weekend. Ryan has to leave to go to Matt Besser’s podcast.
35- Ryan plays a song exclusive for NNF NOT Improv for Humans. “Three Minute Mark”
40 – Ryan has to leave, Leah Krinsky arrives!
45 – Matt owes Ryan an apology. astralweeks.net is Ryan’s website for the book. Take a break!
50 – Around the horn. Jimmy doesn’t follow Leah on Twitter, but loves her on Facebook.
55 – Celebrity Sighting!
60 – Jimmie Walker talk.
1h5m –Leah talks her time doing standup in the 80’s.
1h10m – Leah talks Dennis Miller/writing for Dennis Miller Live, time as a therapist, coming back to writing, eventually for Conan. She just got back from the east coast visiting her soon to be 90 year old mother.
1h15m – Craigslist/missed connections. Jimmy’s therapist is too attractive and he doesn’t tell all.
1h20m – Little difference between Mike Huckabee/Dennis Miller jokes. Leah talks about her tattoos.
1h25m – Trump talk. Around the horn to Eliot, Kickstarter update.
1h30m- Talking funny women on Twitter.
1h40- More talk about Leah’s mom. Rachel Krinsky does Yiddish Gilbert and Sullivan plays. Family and therapy talk.
1h45- Can’t let adult conversations happen on NNF. Leah continued to be a therapist while writing at Conan. Daniel Glover?
1h50m- Movie talk. Water world stunt show is still at Universal.
1h55m- Walking around studio backlots, knot in Jimmy’s stomach. BREAK.
2h- More Chili Peppers talk. Leah liked Billy Joel briefly when she was 14.
2h5m- Leah talks living in a Topanga trailer. Jimmy was too old to go and meet mascots at the mall.
2h10m- Jimmy tells Leah about not being able to smell meat cooking.
2h15m- Leah talks her online dating experiences. Star Wars talk.
2h20m- Doc talk- Wild Wild Country.
2h25m- Jimmy was a hero on his flight yesterday.