2225 – Remembering the Time with Scott Aukerman

Scott Aukerman
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
Comedy Bang Bang
00 – 2225! I can’t open my soda!
Stallone’s in the bottle!
We’re talking a lot to Stallone in a bottle.
05 – The ORIGIN of Stallone in a Bottle!
Frank Stallone in a Bottle is here!
Jimmy’s wearing a shirt created by Oliver. “My son likes Ebn/Ozn. I’ve done my job as a father.”
10 – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebn_Ozn
Talking the 80s show Jimmy went to for his birthday!
15 – Annabella is from Bow Wow Wow.
20 – Talking Birthday and surprises.
Trump and Trump Supporter talk. Matt’s off social media.
Talking news coverage.
What news is safe and unbiased?
25 – Talking pizzas! Mama’s and Papas.
30 – Eliot and Jimmy went to see Jesus Christ Superstar together.
Jimmy and Oliver met Ted and Yvonne. Ted remembered Julie Dixon-Jackson! Jimmy got signatures.
Jimmy calls it fantastic.
Eliot saved seats.
35 – More screening talk. It was a sing-a-long and Jimmy says it was joyful.
Scott Aukerman is here!
He comments on Jimmy’s leg exposure.
Basic Instinct situation.
40 – Talking dueling 80s shows.
Back to under a buck.
Jimmy’s watching The Office with Oliver.
45 – Board game talk.
Gaming talk!
50 – Matt’s competitive.
Fortnight talk! (Banned)
Matt’s seen Scott doing stand-up.
Scotty Gervais is here!
55 – We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Round the Horn!
Scott was supposed to audition for Eighth Grade. It got canceled.
Josh Hamilton got the part – https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0357979/?ref_=tt_cl_t2
60 – No comic-con for Scott this year!
Scott offered his pass to Jimmy/Oliver to use.
Comic-Con talk
1h5m – Jimmy jokes about Playing Games at Comic-con.
Scott talks about doing shows in front of people who don’t know who he is.
Two birthday boys itching for spankings!
Durst you dog!
1h10m – Who directed Remember The Time? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remember_the_Time
John Singleton!
1h15m – The Pet Bat?! No one understands that.
Eliot’s game!
Notes, Jealousy, Ghost. – Amadeus.
Someone’s trying to extort Eliot apparently. Seth Ryan?
1h25m – Scott has lots of podcasts.
Todd Glass was on Scott’s REM podcast and the U2 podcast. Staind Glass! Scott talks about it.
Break! We’ll be right back!
Welcome back!
Scott sings happy birthday!
Happy birthday guys!
1h30m – Matt saw Teen Titans Go to the Movies. Calls it very funny.
Matt fixed the sprinkler system?!
Talking electricians.
Everyone’s Ring going off.
Talking female killers.
1h35m – Post 88 music talk.
Pitbull I Know You Want Me –
Scott talks about talking with Jimmy about Chicago 2.
$10 dick suck!
With the recurring reference to this, I was surprised no one brought up this old joke:
A priest is doing some community work downtown when he is propositioned by a hooker.
“Hey Father, I’ll give the best blow job of your life for $10.”
Confused, the priest replies “No thank you, my dear.”
Later, back at the church, he approaches one of the nuns.
“Sister, this is kind of embarrassing, but what’s a blow job?”
“Oh, you know,” says the nun, “$10, same as downtown.”
Sonos talk.
1h40m – Giving Scott a Mister nickname.
Scott had a secret nickname for Matt: Cholesterol.
1h45m – Jimmy got recognized t the 80s show by a woman who got way to close to his face.
Key Club talk.
Tears Are Not Enough – Northern Lights –
How does Jimmy want to die? Scott gives some elaborate options.
1h50m – Fed ex stopped by.
Jimmy and Scott debate why they hung out more before. Dogs, distance.
Talking Instacart vs in person shopping.
Iman – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iman_(model)
Spencer Haywood – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spencer_Haywood
B-Ball Tournament: https://www.thetournament.com/
The guys are turning it into a podcast?!
Get us into the tournament!
2h5m – Sevens!
Jimmy gives to Scott Aukerman: 25 (80s Music)
Read Scott’s X-Men book! X-Men Black: Mojo!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth