2125 – Eating your Heart Out with Phil Rosenthal

Phil Rosenthanl
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Welcome in! 2125! Indeed the last episode of the season! Like the love boat!
Love Boat theme – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_Boat_(song)
Dropping the bead!
The Profit talk!
05 – CNBC – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNBC
Rayjus – http://www.morrisherald-news.com/lists/2018/01/10/2c81a3e53fa64c9190f5ae7267bbff5b/index.xml
Talking length of time living away from home.
10 – Im aggressive?
Posture talk.
“Look at this guy’s gate.” Danielle on someone’s walk.
Talking Eliot.
15 – Mom listens!
Talking Livonia and cars.
Bike Belt Drive – https://magazine.bikesoup.com/buyers-guide-10-best-gates-carbon-belt-drive-bikes

Thanks to Matt, I have to talk myself out of buying a Priority bicycle all over again!
25 – Bike talk!
PCAT Talk!
Fantasy Baseball auctions again this year!
Auctioning off a contestant spot on Playing Games!
More auction talk!
Pod pods?!
Uptown Heritage doing charity pennants for Pcat!
We’re 98% booked!
Almost ten years of PCAT. 9th this year, 10th last year.
“What are you guys doing?” – Jimmy to Matt and Eliot.
30 – Bathroom talk and Google street view.
Phil Rosenthal is here! He flipped us all off.
He talks about masturbating in front of people.
Jimmy’s opening mail!
It’s a record! Suzanne Sundfor from Oddvar!
Phil always has gays in the pool!
40 – Phil is out on electronic.
Phil is here!
Somebody Feed Phil is his new show! It’s been too long!
Phil talks about Milana!
Phil’s in a mood today! His wife left town this week to take care of her mother.
Ritz awning collapse – https://www.cbsnews.com/news/super-bowl-2018-eagles-fans-philadelphia-live-stream/
We’ll be back!
45 – We’re back!
Theme song talk. Phil loves our theme song.
Phil took Lake Street Dive to dinner. He loves them.
Round the horn!
Talking Jury Duty.
Phil plays his theme song.
50 – Talking Quentin and Uma, Beds, and school.
Phil talks about his daughter coming to visit and sleeping on the couch.
She goes to USC film school!
60 – Jimmy finally saw It’s A Wonderful Life! Jimmy Stewart greatest actor of all time?
It’s A Gift – WC Fields
Talking WC Fields.
Mr. Muckle –
1h5m – Talking Laurel and Hardy and being hilarious in Babes in Toyland.
The Flying Deuces – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Flying_Deuces
Go on youtube and “taste it!”
The Mechanic! Eliot talks about the earthquake retrofit going on at the familiar.
Phil has the best looking fake lawn that Jimmy has even seen. Phil says its because of the brown they weave into it.
1h10m – Get a fake lawn it’s just for show! – Phil
Jimmy gives credit for Everybody Loves Raymond to Peter Boyle.
Eliot gives his favorite Black and White movies.
Hi Matt!
Jimmy resets for Phil! Too many podcasts!
1h15m – Talking Seinfeld.
Somebody Feed Phil is on Netflix now and it’s in 4K!
Phil’s brother is the favorite apparently.
Jimmy talks about the Bangkok episode wherein Phil had the best Pad Thai he’s ever had.
The street food in Bangkok is unbelievable.
1h20m – Phil wants to go back to Lisbon.
Jimmy talks about his service in Vietnam and confirms he’d never go.
Talking Jimmy eating in Mexico.
1h25m – Jimmy tries to explain Bangkok Dangerous to Phil.
Phil talks about best worst movies including Mandingo. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073349/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
James Mason was in North By Northwest – http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000051/?ref_=tt_ov_st_sm
Phil hated Mystic River and walked out of his own screening.
Phil doesn’t like kids in danger or torture.
1h30m – Talking film and gross out humor.
Phil loves Borat.
1h35m – Borat released in 2006.
Khao Soi – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khao_soi
Phil talks about LA being his favorite food city in LA.
Somebody Feed Phil! He feels like he’s connecting with people via his show and social media.
We’ll be back!
1h40m – We’re back!
Closing it out with some clock talk.
Jimmy saw pirates of panzants to celebrate Danielle’s birthday.
Food talk.
Eliot’s got some trivia for us! It’s from the Sporkle trivia calendar.
1h45m – Jimmy wins Sporkle Trivia!
We’re done guys!
Join the players club!
Name your own VIP card! Like Stormy Chasers!
Trump tweets.
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth