21V – Robbing Banks with Rebecca Loebe

Rebecca Loebe

In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher


21V – Ritchie Valens (Jerry Vale)

00 – 21 V! V for Victory! Not the answer. Jimmy hopes the recording artist with a last name of Victory sucks. Matt says he’s on paisley park records. Jimmy blames the purple king for Victory’s failure.

Talking Prince and the songs he wrote for other people.

Tito and Jermaine played guitar



Matt wants Eliot to fax his jokes to him from now on.

Eliot strained his voice yelling at his computer.

PCAT is in 6 weeks?!

It’s coming right up! Get it in gear!

10 – Going through Thriller and dodging Eliot’s jokes.

Going through Bad – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_(album)

15 – Thriller Vs Bad.

Matt plays some Speed Demon.

20 – Eliot looks like an Iranian hostage in the 2012 pcat pictures.

Talking about remembering track names from albums we love.

Jimmy talks about the flood of tweets/messages/emails he’s received after 2121. He thanks everyone for their wishes. He talks about what he’s been up to and how busy work like packing up her apartment and dealing with her affairs is actually taking his mind off his grief.

Donate to Smile Train or your favorite charity in the name of his mother if you’d like to do that in lieu of flowers. Elaine M Ryan.

25 – Somebody Feed Phil with Phil Rosenthal is up on Netflix!

Thanks for the snacks Joe Dean!

30 – Danielle would go see Britney Spears. She confirms via text.

Britney Spears Signs a New Las Vegas Deal

Talking Las Vegas.

35 – Jimmy talks about Hugh Jackman and hearing he is super nice.

Is there anything Neil Patrick Harris can’t do?!



Seal – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fly_Like_an_Eagle_(song)

House passes spy bill – https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-congress-surveillance/house-passes-nsa-spying-bill-after-trump-tweets-cause-confusion-idUSKBN1F01XD

40 – Rebecca Loebe is here!!

Roseanne Cash – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosanne_Cash


Talking Rebecca’s boyfriend. 8 years!

45 – Roseanne Cash gets it!

Rebecca has a new album..

Talking my new medication and the Profit.

We’ll be back!

We’re back!

Talking Jacksons again.

50 – Rebecca talks about her experiences with Michael Jackson. “He’s really good for a boy.” Rebecca on Thriller at 5.

She used to listen to girl groups as a kid. She talks about music she listened to growing up.

Talking Nirvana.

Talking kids in band tshirts. Is it them or their parents?!

55 – Talking about Capos and the conversation in the break about them.

We’re gonna hear a song and then go around the Horn!

Rebecca is gonna sing Easy Money!

She talks about co-writing sessions

1h5m – The two guys she wrote a song with both had someone they know arrested for robbing a bank in the same week which led to the creation of Easy Money.

She sings it for us!

1h10m – Rebecca has a private show in Huntington Beach. She knows Joseph’s wife Ash!

Talking fans and Rebecca’s had a lot of NNF fans supporting her.

1h15m – Rebecca talks about setting up the performance at the private event and how it works.

Round the horn!

Pantages 2018 season – https://www.hollywoodpantages.com/seasonpackages

Rebecca saw Hamilton twice!

1h20m – She talks about going to see it.

Talking Hamiton and Miguel Cervantes and how he does the Stage Door every night.

Matt gives a treatise on Stage Door.

Rebecca talks about a Hamilton cast party she went to. It was Hamilton vs Margaritaville whirlyball. Jimmy Buffet showed up and played.

1h25m – Jimmy reminds us that Jimmy Buffet’s wife once rear-ended him.

Rebecca wants to advertise on Grindr!

Talking Theater shows.

1h30m – Matt recommends Rebecca go see Bright Star.

Talking 83! Jimmy worked at a gas station.

Talking The Big Bopper.

My V is Ritchie Valens!

Eliot is here! The Head Writer!

Eliot talks about his lady friend’s new tv. 32.5 of Jimmy’s cocks.

1h40m – Eliot’s V is Frankie Valley!

Grease is the word or is the Bird?!

Rebecca talks about Grease 2 and how it ends with a slow anthem.

1h45m – Talking Grease and the songs!

Talking the adult themes of Grease.

“Guillotine dick”

Rebecca talks about her mom.


Matt’s V is Steve Vai!

Rebecca’s V is Sarah Vaughn!

1h50m – my backup was Jerry Vale. “I despise Jerry Vale.” – Jimmy’s mom.


No winner!

Listener top seven: Steve Vai, Luther Vandross (Jimmy saw him buy porn), Eddie Vedder, Frankie Valley, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Suzanne Vega, Gino Vanelli.

Gino Vanelli is Jimmy’s word!

Matt plays some music from Charlie’s holiday play where they sing Dominic The Donkey!

1h55m – Jimmy found a picture of his parents at their wedding and talks about how shockingly attractive they were.

We’ll be back!

We’re back!

Rebecca is gonna do a brand new song for us after Jimmy talks about Panini.


New song from Rebecca! Growing Up.

2h – Jimmy points out Rebecca’s shoes.

Talking about the robots that tweet Rebecca’s tour dates.

2h5m – Rebecca talks about how Hamilton helped her get through the election.

2h10m – “Just so you know we pity you.” A dutch woman to Rebecca re Trump.

We’re done!

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth