29Q – Bouncing with Murray Valeriano
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In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
NNF Platinum 29Q – Murray Valeriano
00 Hello! Welcome in! 29 Q! Conspiracy talk!
Nothing but the best for Hanks!
Eliot says even hate can be flattering.
How much for Lithgow to eat Eliot’s finger. 10 Mil.
We jump from liberal cannibalism to how great of an actor Brian Cox is.
5 – Talking about the live in front of a studio audience episode! Facts of Life and Diff’rent Strokes.
Jimmy got a little sick on Tuesday. He’s on the mend.
Lots of love for Uno! Thanks everyone!
Wedding Song (There Is Love) Noel Paul Stookey – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hR051uCNrAw
10 – Matt talks about Zoe’s choir performance.
They have special choir masks.
15 – The DAD is Santa in I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus.
Talking sad Christmas songs.
Peter Paul & Mary talk! They are NOT in the Hall of Fame.
Lots of RRHoF talk.
25 – The Gibbs!
Jimmy saw The Beegees in 89!
How To Survive!! Go Listen!
Jingle Jangle! Thanks Austin!
30 – Jimmy not a dark chocolate fan!
Pet Shop Boys!
They’re touring with New Order.
Something big from Matt Mullet?
It’s a big bucket of corn?! TopsyPopcorn.com!
35 – Our guest is here!
Topsy famous 3!
40 – Matt asks for a cup of popcorn. Jimmy slides over an empty cup.
Thanks for the tin of corn friend!
40 – Chris Meloni!
Chicago styles!
45 – Ghost pizza!
West Side Story chat!
The Belknaps are planning to see it.
50 – Jimmy and Oliver started watching Swingers!
Swingers release date https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swingers_(1996_film)
55 – Talking Doogie Howser!
Murray Valeriano is here! Jimmy and fam watch his gameshow while they eat.
Can Oliver be on For What It’s Worth?!
Mary Gallagher wants her daughter to do it!
Murray has a NSync lunchbox that he carries around as a “man purse.”
It’s “much cooler” than a fanny pack. “Is it?” – Matt
We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Murray Valeriano is here!!
Cat scan ball appearance.
Guatemalan Kick Sack! Aka Hackey Sack.
60 – Jimmy defends the Fanny Pack.
Leather fanny pack? No.
Chewbacca’s Bandolier apparently has items to help with his tinkering.
Jimmy tells the story of seeing Blues Brothers 2000 and Mike Schmidt yelling out “oh no!” during a bad scene.
1h5m – Dan Akroyd talk.
Archie DeBunker.
Andy Dick talk – https://torontosun.com/entertainment/celebrity/andy-dick-arrested
Everybody Has An Andy Dick Story – https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6258332/
1h10m – Murray talks about celebrities he’s thrown out of establishments including Old Dirty Bastard and Shane McGowan from The Pogues.
Murray talks about his show, For What It’s Worth. It’s comics fucking around!
Murray has a question. The floor is open. He only asks if it’s hot in here to Jimmy’s disappointment.
1h15m – Murray photographs wonderfully!
Round the horn!
Battery talk! CR2032?
1h20m – Trump’s crazier than ever.
Vance Gilbert talk!
Matt finally reveals the song he and Elise danced to at their wedding: Dream A Little Dream!
Murray and his wife didn’t have a dance. He talks about their wedding, including a random Grey’s Anatomy actor showing up to the bar.
1h25m – Murray talks about his past and when he got their marriage license when a security guard recognized him.
Matt’s offended on Chris Kirkpatrick’s behalf re the lunchbox.
1h30m –
We’re matching Eliot!
Murray’s guess: Queen
Matt’s guess: Quiet Riot
Jimmy’s guess: Queens of the Stone Age
I watched And Just Like That…
Talking John Corbett and Northern Exposure.
No one who writes podcasts in movies/tv seems to have ever seen or heard a podcast.
1h45m –
My guess: Quarterflash
Murray sells CDs at his shows.
Talking sales tactics!
Murray and Jimmy talk the “Oregon Coast” gig.
1h50m – Eliot’s 5!
Jimmy and Oliver have a question for Eliot and he cannot remember what it was.
Murray talks about his Chicago Pizza joke that stirred the ire of a friend.
1h55m – “you scrap right, Murray?”
Jimmy got the question he wanted, it was just whether or not a restaurant was good.
Doc Talk – Brian Wilson doc.
Brian Wilson: Long Promised Road
Jimmy tells a story about a guy wanting to fight him at a gig. He hid in the kitchen, Mike Burton and Pete Schwaba started stretching to fight the guy.
2h – Eliot has a scrapping story?
Costas Mandylor – https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0541908/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1
Top Gun 2 releases May 27 2022!
Will John Travolta run for office? No?
Eliot reads the fans.
2h10m –
5) Queen
4) Quicksilver Messenger Service
3) Quiet Riot
2) Queens of the Stone Age
1) Quarterflash!
Garon wins $10!
Thank you for your contributions Dane Coffey, Mike French, and Jeremy Herbal!

Jimmy says the last time he saw Murray was when he was with Darryl at the Roger Waters concert. (However, this is not true, as Murray and I were both in the studio after that.)
Talking Tickets and fighting them. Murray fought a ticket and ended up with community service.
We’re done! See you next time.
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth