1518 – Swinging Away with Erin Foley
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In-studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher

Erin Foley, without balls
Sports Without Balls
00 – Welcome in! Episode 1518! We took a trip around the mighty mississip! Jimmy can’t wait to get out of the teens to stop saying that.
Might be a sleepy episode! We’re still coming off PCAT14 which is trying on the system.
Matt’s son was sick with the stomach flu.
If there was ever an argument against car seats, it’s that it prevents them from leaning forward to puke.
Simpler times guys.
The Internet! It’s What’s Happening!
Now that PCAT14 is over, the guys are feeling like their bodies are ready to rebel and succumb to sickness.
This year had Jimmy on the stage more this year. Matt was off stage more.
On PCAT day jimmy had a powerade at 10am, and ubered in, then had a piece of pizza while the magic was happening (despite the miscommunication in email with them). He had part of a slice of pizza that was gross.
05 – Everyone delivered at PCAT, more guests than ever before. Thanks for all the donations and those who bought the auctions!
Nobody works harder than Eliot! Jimmy appreciates everyone’s help, especially Scott Bogel backstage working sound. He did a great job.
Eliot does a great job and it does not go unnoticed.
You should be able to purchase the PCAT14 all 13+ hours by the time this episode is out!
Jimmy lists off the guests from PCAT.
Purchase at pardcast.com should be up by Thursday 12/4!
10 – Jimmy talks about getting the updated totals throughout the day and starting to panic a bit.
Mushmouth Clown could be the name of Jimmy’s next CD.
Total 2013 at the end of the night $134, 500. (141 on the following Monday)
15 – 2014: 141,000 at the end of the night.
Here is the Monday after total for 2014: $152,688.14!
Our goal was to get to $150k. WE DID IT!!
Jimmy thanks everyone!
20 – Jimmy and Matt discuss Pardomid and how he and Pat got all six right.
Jimmy and all of us are very proud of the money we’ve made.
Thanks to Kyle Andserson and editors from EW and the guy from Paste, I missed his name.
I ran to get our guest.
Jimmy and matt talk T1 and gold.
Erin Foley is here! Sports Without Balls is her show.
Jimmy talks about her being cocky about all the shows she was doing at Riot Fest.
25 – Apparently you sell gold to gold dealers – http://www.ehow.com/how_2321794_sell-gold-bars.html
Matt not comfortable with “The Boy” in terms of anyone, including his son.
Jimmy and Matt talks about being prom pregnant.
Let’s take a break. Congrats to us!
Jimmy gives and he gives and he gives to these children.
You’re welcome children!
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Jimmy a little hot on the mic. He gives us what Matt can only assume
Jimmy gets that quote pretty much correct!
30 – I’m here, doing good Eliot calls me a mench.
Eliot’s here, thumbs up. Jimmy thanks him for his hard work.
Matt’s here.

Craig Kilborn
Our guest met Jimmy on The Kilborn Files.
Jimmy talks about Kilborn. He asks Erin if it was the first time they met or the first time they had fun together. Erin says both and that she thinks it was the first time they’ve really enjoyed each other.
Erin Foley is here! Her twin sister thinks Jimmy is the funniest man on the planet. They are fraternal twins. Matt explains “scientifically” how fraternal twins are made.
35 – Erin and her sister do the Turkey Trot every year.
Jimym true or falses Erin over signing up for the turkey trot.
Erin grew up on Long Island. Her older sister, Tara, is getting her doctorate and her twin Meegan, has two masters. Erin talks about her genitals.
Jimmy and Family went to the Hollywood Parade this year again. Last year they had a blast and just sat on the street.
This year, they bought actual seats.
Stevie Wonder, Heart, Taylor Dane, Estelle, Riche Sambora. Jesse McCartney
45 – Taylor Dane
Jimmy tells the story going to the parade. Through a downpour. Downpour started at 4pm. The concert was canceled.
Jimmy stepped into a puddle.
He tells more info about the parade including being told just sit anywhere because of the weather.
They did have beautiful seats though.
Due to rain: No horses, no balloons, maybe no marching bands, no concert but it might happen after the parade.
At this point Jimmy is soaked. He wants to bail. They decide to go to the baja for a burrito. Jimmy had a bean cheese chicken. Oliver nothing said he wasn’t hungry when he was really starving. When they got home he said he was too cold and wet to eat.
50 – Erin is a white lady. She’s a lesbian guys! She talks about having to plan for a kid, no oopsies. If it happens it happens.
Jimmy asks if Erin’s ever experimented with guys in High School. She did.
She said she was the gayest kid. She slept with her softball glove for 2 years. She had sport stars on her walls while her sister had heart throbs.
55 – Erin talks more about realizing she was gay.
Back to the Parade.
Jimmy and Fam are still at the baja when the parade starts. They see the nutcracker balloon coming down the street. They decided to go back to the parade and watch. Great seats until two hillbilly drunks showed up. You wouldn’t have known it was Hollywood by these two hillbillies.
After Scooby Doo came, they bailed. It ended up being fun.
Erik Estrada hosted with some woman. He was awful.
60 – Erik Estrada and Laura McKenzie host.
There was a scientology float. It was a pirate.
Scientology not as strong in NY as it is here.
“Flimsies” people Erin cant believe are able to get out of bed.
Erin talks LA vs NY Dream followers.
Erin thinks LA has attractive drunks.
65 – Erin was a catholic growing up. She comes from a long line of Irish catholic alcoholics.
Jimmy and Erin talk religion and church. Jimmy not on board with completely shitting on a religion (unless they’re using it to hate a group of people).
Jimmy tries to quote someone talking about great comedians but severely mangles it. Essentially, they said its hard to pick the best because there are so many great comics.
Erin talks about a fight she had with an old queen about Madonna vs Patti LuPone in Evita.
Jimmy with Erin on this one. He thought she did a nice job.
70 – Two new Madonna songs have leaked – http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/6334606/madonna-songs-leaked-rebel-heart-wash-all-over-me
Panel talks Madonna’s best dance song. Matt insists its Get Into The Groove. Eliot suggests Holiday.
They also talk about her later stuff, Ray of life being a great album, and Confessions on the Dance floor.
Erin asks, Where were you when you found out James Taylor was a dick?
Jimmy talks about James Taylor being a dick to Pat Francis back stage at a show. Apparently, he is a dick.
Matt hates him.
Jimmy thinks 90 minutes of Idina Menzel is too much Idina. I disagree.
True or False: Dionne Warwick’s granddaughter goes to Oliver’s school. Jimmy says false (but its true).
75 – The guys talk Dionne Warwick. She was on Arista records guys.
Idina Menzel is coming to the Hollywood Bowl 10/15/15.
Erin loves beatles songs when other people are singing them. Jimmy asks her thoughts on Madonna singing Imagine after 9/11. She loved it.
Jimmy has a beatles theory. He tries to guess her birth year. His theory is born 65-67 you don’t care about the beatles at all.
The panel discusses The Beatles being one of the greatest bands of all time.
Matt would rather hear adele singing beatles than beatles singing adele.
80 – We’re back! Eliot is talking high falootin words. Erin knows big words. She says her sister Tara is the most annoying to play Trivial Pursuit with.
Matt thinks Trivial Pursuit is out of fashion. Jimmy disagrees but thinks the niche versions (Pop culture, etc) are more fun.
More trivial pursuit talk.
Tom Collins is made from Gin, Lemon, Sugar, and Carbonated Water. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Collins
Trivial Pursuit categories: Geography (blue), Entertainment (pink), History (yellow), Arts & Literature (brown), Science & Nature (green), and Sports & Leisure (orange)
85 – Erin tells us about Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity.
We got one email about Danielle saying Hair lip at PCAT14. Clearly this person didn’t hear at all what Danielle was talking about. “you should tell your wife…” was how it started.
Unsubscribe, please remove from list, pass are three responses that make jimmy laugh every time.
90 – Erin talks about her show Sports Without Balls.
Erin blames Jay-Z for her Yankees issues.
Erin talks ‘Roids.
Jimmy gives 90s era steroids a pass because EVERYONE was doing it.
He does not approve of people doing it today. Since they’re calling it a clean game now.
Jimmy doesn’t like it when guys walk away from teams over $3 mill when they’re getting like $67 mill deals. Where is the loyalty?
White Sox did indeed win 2005 World Series. Rays took them out in 2008.
95 – Mike Trout is 23.
Erin talks about her family history of board games. Sorry, Monopoly, checkers, chinese checkers, etc.
Eliot tells us how to play checkers.
Oliver was pretty good at Chess for awhile.
Jimmy’s goal is to go the rest of his life without playing backgammon.
Zoe is playing Mancala right now.
100 – Erin is playing Rummie Cube right now.
Matt’s a square.
Weed talk.
Yahtzee! Matt says Monopoly sucks. Jimmy tells him to go home pull out monopoly roll it up and shove it up his ass.
Erin just learned yahtzee about 2 years ago. They have a house rule that you have to run to the door and scream Yahtzee out the door. Her parents are Dick and Mary Foley. Her dad has his name tattooed on his arm.
Jimmy wonders why you’d go with the name Dick once you learn that it means cock.
Erin’s dad was in the marines between korea and Vietnam. Yahtzee’s a trigger!
The entire foley clan stays with Erin for the holidays. They get along well, so well that Erin doesn’t ask her dad about the service.
They talk about holiday plans and being irish catholic and not talking about everything.
Jimmy wonders if the reason her two sisters are doctors and she’s a comedian is because Erin had the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck.
Listen to Sports Without Balls. It’s ladies talkin’ sports.
105 – Sports babe!
Erin enjoyed Mockingjay. The guys talk hunger games and the maze runner. Maze Runner has a 64% on Rotten Tomatoes –
Jimmy talks vin scully being a genius and recounts the YoYo quote. 3 days in a row.
Jimmy talks his history listening to Vin Scully.
http://www.utalkraw.com/ Ultimate Frisbee talk!
This appears to be the Op/Ed about Bill Cosby –
There’s no joy there’s no hunt!
We’re done!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth