1524 – Breaking Stride with John Ross Bowie
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell

John Ross Bowie
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Hello! 1524! The Christmas eve! Get those gifts under those trees parents!
We got some guests in from Bonobos.com. Not really.
The Citrins are with us today! Marc and Ethan. They won the Conan Meet and Greets. They’re in from New York.
I’m on the mend! Matt’s hair is product free today.
Some scheduling chat. We’ll work it out off the air.
The Presale for Season 16 and the full year 16+17 is open now! $29.99 for each season or $50 for both! Elite member gets you a T-shirt, designed by Eliot!
05 – Jimmy saw Eliot on a date at his comedy show. Took a date to see Daddy.
Some celebs showed up. Graham, Tony Thaxton, Alan Havey, and Eliot. Eliot got the best response when Jimmy gave some shout-outs. He got an upswell of applause!
Jimmy recounts the show on Saturday.
Ethan is a computer science major, currently working with his Father who is an Attorney. He handles malpractice suits for doctors.
Jimmy wants some info on who he should sue in terms of his unnecessary knee surgery.
Mr. Citrin is like a lawyer/Doctor in one!
Jimmy asks if he’s ever dealt with a waking on the surgery table situation. Feel and see and hear everything but no one knowing.
He only works for the doctors.
Jimmy asks Ethan what he does with his dad. He files stuff at courthouses, and requests medical records.
10 – Fun with words guys!
Ethan’s got a girlfriend named Amanda, like Boston sang about in the 80s. They’ve been together for 1 ½. Ethan’s 24.
Marc is 56.
Jimmy saw Paddington. He’s going Billy Idol. Calls it Phenomenal! Charming is the best word to use for it.
Eliot is talking for some reason. Jimmy’s furious and will open him up with a scalpel (Scapel) and try to have Eliot sue him.
What’s the better medicine? Music or Laughter?
Jimmy saw Kevin Pollack’s movie over the weekend. Misery Loves Comedy –
Jimmy joined Matt at Disneyland to do the Star Wars 10K.
15 – Jimmy used Elise’s “bib” for the run. If he had hurt himself he’d have no causeation (or crustacean as jimmy heard).
Jimmy and Matt talk about the run at Disneyland.
The corrals were very important apparently. Matt calls it a 10k meets comic-con. Some people had no business
Grabbed our guest! John Ross Bowie!!
20 – John sits criss cross applesauce and meets the Citrins.
Marc gets the Pardo treatment! They’re leaving shortly to meet Conan. They’ve also met one of the stars of Big Bang Theory, John Ross Bowie!!
John takes a selfie with the Citrins.
John did not get a selfie stick.
25 – Jimmy finished one second ahead of Matt.
Usual finish for Jimmy 57 minutes to an hour.
Lots of costumes. No Darth Mauls.
No face coverings though. Might explain why no wookies. Matt says Vaders were wearing the vader face on their heads.
1:02:19 – Jimmy
1:02:39 – Matt
Too many human obstacles in the way to make up time.
Dave Holmes appreciates Jimmy on the Soap Opera Talk Show. Calls it his favorite thing of 2015.
Some kind of swell happening with Jimmy in the soap world. Matt unsure what type.
John quotes his Marilyn Manson tweet. “A good reason to never be Marilyn Manson is that you will eventually be Marilyn Manson, 46.”
John and Jimmy will both buy a house from Marilyn Manson for the story.
Break! Citrins! Bowie!
30 – Welcome back! Episode 1524!
Jimmy mentions his hosting gig for a pilot presentation on Sunday with tons of NNF Family!
Slow news RSVP@gmail.com Get there early it’s at Acme Comedy Theater. Sunday 1/25 7pm. Doors at 6:30.

Rick DeMint
Matt offers an epilogue to the race story. Matt saw the DeMints! Rick of Portroid fame! They were staying in the room next to Matt oddly enough. Rick and Erica both bested their times.
35 – Jimmy was exhausted the rest of the day. He did take a nap though since he had a show that night.
I watched All That Jazz over the weekend. Part of my Movie-A-Day
John talks about showing his kid Ghostbusters and then Galaxy quest. His kid was like “That’s dana!” John taught him a strong lesson. He learned when John put his cigarette out on him.
Eliot’s here! He went to Jimmy’s show. Jimmy quoted a Karen Kilgariff joke about guys with those big spacers in their ears, “What do you want us to do?”
40 – The guys wonder what a cock-ring is for. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cock_ring
Eliot took a date to the show. Eliot explains the situation. It was a 2nd (ish) date! Young Asian girl, very attractive according to Jimmy.
John was there also and he felt he was sitting too close. He had the BBQ Chicken nachos.
Sade talk! (sharday). They try to figure out a third Sade song. Eliot dunks on them.
Jimmy goes through some Sade songs.
45 – Matthew Wilder on Solid Gold
Leslie Uggams –
Marilyn McCoo –
Billy Davis Jr –

What was Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis, Jr.’s hit song?
Jimmy wants everyone to guess the Billy Davis Jr/Mariln McCoo hit. No one guesses. He plays a couple for us. Honey I’ll never Leave You Lonely and their biggest hit, You don’t have to be a star.
Marc gets it!
50 – You Don’t Have to Be a Star was a hit in January 1977!
The name that came up the most while Jimmy and Matt waited: John Ross Bowie. Jimmy would have put money on it that John was there.
People have told John he sounds like Adam Sandler, Michael Stipe. A distinct, yet common voice.
John talks about the speech impediment that he does on Big Bang Theory. Jimmy’s mom appreciates his work.
55 – “My mom loves your shit” the compliment that John gets often from his peer group.
“We’re done. I know when things happen.” – Jimmy.
The panel talk when someone turned Japanese.
Oliver loves Big Bang Theory.
John thinks we should get Melissa Rauch on the show.
The Citrin’s gotta take off so we’re gonna take a break!
60 – Break!
We’re back! John Ross Bowie is here! He is one of our favorites!
The guys talk Robert E. Lee Day.
John congrats Jimmy on his appearance in In Depth magazine.
Jimmy wants his 1 line on GH!
He talks about a scene with sonny. John immediately says he doesn’t know who sonny is mom!
John and Jimmy talk about Into the Woods and Sarah, who was also at the improve show.
John really enjoyed Into The Woods.
John is flabbergasted that Jimmy liked Annie.
65 – John thinks Sarah should be a guest on the show since she is a PI in Orange County.
The guys talk about songs they’re mad that they cut out of Into The Woods.
John worked with James Corden and he said they didn’t even shoot one of the songs. John liked it despite the cuts.
John and Jimmy talk Rent. John thinks the Rent movie should not have created subway stations out of thin air.
John and Jimmy both think that Jamie Foxx were great in Annie and that Cameron Diaz was awful.
70 – John explains his hatred for Annie. Bad frenetic editing. The score, the autotuning, Cameron diaz, bobby canivale not as good as he usually is. Also the very first scene in the classroom that referenced the original Annie.
Some of the reviews of Annie are really mean.
Matt and John want to watch the 90s Annie.
John also enjoyed Paddington!
75 – The guys chat Paddington.
Apparently Colin Firth dropped out of the film 6 months before the film released. Ben Whishaw replaced him.
Neither of Matt’s kids want to see Paddington. Zoe loved The Book of Life.
John’s kids are obsessed with death after seeing that movie. They’re asking intense existential questions.
80 – This morning Walter, John’s son, asked “How do you make a baby?” His wife, Jamie, saluted him and left.
Jimmy met a big bang camera man.
Jimmy thinks most white guys give up on reggae after about 18 months.
85 – Worst music is Christmas Music according to Paul F and John.
Matt gave Elise the Nashville Christmas album for Christmas.
The guys talk Nashville Christmas.
John quotes Patton Oswalt’s Connie Britton joke, “she’s a milf like jimmy Hendrix is a guitar player.”
Sufjan Stevens Christmas Album –
90 – No one can pronounce Sufjan Stevens’ name. John thinks the Nashville Christmas album sounds terrible.
Jimmy is upset he cant go to NY to see Bombshell.
95 – Katherine McPhee IS returning for Bombshell.
She was on American Idol in Season five –
John talks about seeing The Alarm opening for Bob Dylan.
Jimmy talks about seeing Bob Dylan and it being terrible until he did All Along The Watch Tower which was worth it on its own.
100 – John talks Studio 60 and watching every single second of it. The guys talk Aaron Sorkin shows. Jimmy talks his go to moment that was so bad about Studio 60 when the character was explaining, “Who’s on first” to his parents. It ruined the show for him.
The guys talk more about the show.
We’re done! A joy having John here! He’d be here every week if we could!
Thumbs up from Eliot!
See ya next time!!!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth