15Q – Back to Business with Jimmy and the Gang
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Hello indeed! 15 Q! Qqqqq light up my life! We’re gonna have a bit of a shorter episode. It’s the holidays and Jimmy is cursing due to mic issues.
He wants new mics by the new year Matt! Do what needs to be done! We already have top of the line mics but they’re picking up some kind of interference in the building.
Jimmy hasn’t seen Ghostbusters in a while so he’s hoping he is getting the references. GB or On The Waterfront? Matt’s “go ghostbusters on it” tipped jimmy off that it was not On The Waterfront.
We’re prethanksgiving today so hope everyone had a great one! And that we had a great Pardcastathon. It would take a lot for PCAT14 to come up short.
Jimmy spitballs future pardcastathon’s happening here in studio.
Like 9/10/2001 things change. Sarah Koenig gets another mention. Serial took the week off for the holiday. We did not. Jesse Thorne did not. Get in the studio Sarah!
Danielle is now on board with Serial.
05 – Shortened episode. We almost took the week off due to pardcastathon.
Bears are dangerous so stay in your tent. Should Jimmy do camping tips instead of car tips?
Oh no! The Culture Club show is cancelled officially due to a vocal node.
10 – Culture Club set list for 10/21 show in London
Matt spoke with the lead singer of DSB the Journey cover band. Matt explains the difference between a cover band and a tribute band. Cover bands reinterpret, tribute bands try to be as similar as possible.
Jimmy talks about Kiss tribute band Strutter doing Kiss when Kiss wasn’t doing Kiss.
The guys talk more about Cover bands vs Tribute bands.
The DSB performing at The Collection:
15 – Jimmy says that Dave Matthews is the best of the new generation hippie bands.
Jimmy would rather see DMB than Phish. Jimmy loves jams.
Jimmy is getting a very important text message. He’s got a crisis going on apparently.
Jimmy’s done a 45 degree on Dave Matthews Band. He hates the community environment more than the music.
Jimmy goes dark a bit.
Jimmy will leave the culture club show with a shirt.
Jimmy both annoyed and fascinated by Richard blade.
Guys talk about concert foods.
20 – More culture club tour talk. Jimmy thinks they dodged a bullet unless the set is different.
15 Quantum!
15 Question was my word.
Predicting who raises more money me or eliot.
Jimmy says me for spite by $7. Matt agrees.
Jimmy doesn’t discount any gamers out there wanting eliot’s game though.
30 – Eliot’s Q word was Quincy. Matt’s the same!
Jimmy thought we’d all guess QueensRyche or Quiet Riot.
The floor is open to questions so Eliot can ask if a tribute band tours playing someone else’s music do they need to get rights?
Jimmy talks about Brass Transit. Apparently I played the WRONG Brass Transit last time. Here is the correct band
35 – Jimmy on touring with Michael Winslow, “Nah I’m good.” He said the answer was gonna be no but he did it in a dicky way.
The worse thing in the world would be Eliot as a Phish fan.
40 – Jimmy sings some Culture Club parody.
Jimmy talks rent with Eliot. Conversation on hold with a phone call.
Hello Matt from Chicago! Not Matt Riggs though. See ya Matt.
Jeff Williams is calling from New York.
Hi Jamie but Jamie!
Hello again Matt. No favors with that attitude. He’s ready for Pardomid. Jimmy’s giving to Matt. He’s out.
Clint from Tyler Texas.
45 – Little Hope was Arson is the documentary Jimmy refers to. Jimmy keeps calling Clint “Craig.”
They play the pardomid. Clint gets 3 correct.
This was a joy and Jimmy goes silence.
Clint’s gonna spend thanksgiving with his family. 3 boys.
The phones are open 591 Rock 591 Roll. Voice Mail! Two calls at once.
Mike in Cedar Rapids! Jimmy ran with him and can’t hear anything he’s saying.
Hello Ryan. Jimmy guesses he is 78. He’s 41. He sounds like he is on death’s door.
Matt wonders if anyone over 50 is named Ryan. He’s been married 15 years with two sons. Sawyer is 7 Noah is 12.
So long Ryan! Good guy!
Chuck McSteven. He asked the most Jimmy had spent on a tshirt for Who Charted.
50 – Jimmy speaks with Chuck some more. He just got engaged. Jimmy questions the validity of Chuck’s name. Jimmy thinks it sounds like a 70s DJ name. Matt thinks it’s a nascar driver name.
55 – He’s driving an old truck apparently. I can’t hear what he’s saying.
Jimmy needs some smelling salts we’re losing him.
Chuck met his fiancée online. Her name is Eliabeth. Jimmy wants Lizzie Matt wants Betty.
Apparently the Red Sox did some huge signings. Chuck’s not a baseball fan so Jimmy’s done with him.
Hello Vaughn!
Great job on the site Vaughn! His daughter’s name is Coraline, wife is Becky. Matt asks if she’ll change her name to Betty.
Bye Vaughn!!
Looks like the ads will go at the end of the show. Jimmy thinks they’re wrong and they should stay in the middle.
Eliot chimes in about the ads pointing out the Todd Glass Nature Box ad.
We’re done.
Thanks for the support at Pardcastathon!!
Hope you all had a great thanksgiving!!
Holiday schedule might be dicey! We’ll see.
Todd Levin’s tweet Jimmy referenced:
When Sarah Koenig talks to Adnan, I always picture her lying prone on her bed, twirling the cord of a Princess phone in her fingers.
See ya!!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth