1517 – Heightening Your Senses with Jason Mantzoukas
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In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Hello! Indeed welcome to 1517! Jimmy was handing me a can. Jimmy trusts me with a can. I know my way around them.
Jimmy and Danielle went out to Shadow Mountain in the Palm Springs area for an anniversary for some friends. It’s a nice shirt that was on the $10 clearance rack. Jimmy picked it up. It makes his eyes pop.
Welcome to the program! Pardcastathon is coming up on Friday. Let’s top 144 grand guys! We want to hit $150,000.
Any money we raise is a win but the goal is to top last year.
Lets tease some names guys:
Sarah Silverman
Weird Al
Jason Thompson
*Conan has donated two tix and a meet and greet! (won’t be on the show though) he’s out of town.
Danielle, Paul Gilmartin, Greg Behrendt, Dave Holmes, Scott Aukerman, Rich Somer, Zach Galifiankis! 30+ guests!
Smiletrain.org/pardcast for donations or directly at NeverNotFunny.com
05 – Welcome to 1517. Jimmy’s shirt keeps people guessing. Jimmy is dried out from the desert air. Oliver came along also. Oliver danced up a storm at the party. Jimmy calls him a little bit of a show off. He was doing some disco moves. Jimmy and Danielle asked where he learned them and he said they just came to him. Oliver and some friends
It’s also a LIT album, A Paul McCartney Live Album, an Ima album, and a Sophie Ellis-Bextor album.
Doc Talk! Jimmy talks about documentaries he’s watched. Including one on Voice Overs, I Know That Voice.
Matt says Jimmy’s hands are perfect strangling hands. Jimmy disagrees as they’re small.
15 – Jimmy enjoyed the doc but admits there is weirdness to the craft and the industry. Thanks for podcasting Serial!
Jimmy address his ranting and raving about Serial getting credit for podcasting on the players club.
The guys talk Serial despite bitching about people talking about it so much.
20 – Matt says enjoying Serial is like being a part of a club like with Game of Thrones. Water Cooler stuff.
Jimmy says he doesn’t really feel the need to talk about it. Maybe if he worked in an office he would.
Matt wonders what color his hair is. Jimmy says dark blonde.
Jimmy talks about doing a show once with Todd Glass in the audience. He was going off on A Whitney Brown for whatever reason and how he diesn’t get it. Todd walked in and asked what he was talking about. Todd said I don’t know who that is. Jimmy said “oh he’s great.”
Jimmy getting an email, not from our guest though. Someone apparently just backed out but no problemo! We got too many guests and not enough time as it is.
25 – Jimmy having some internet drop issues. Wants a new router.
The other Doc Jimmy watched was Little Hope Was Arson.
He enjoyed it but it could have easily been on dateline. It’s on Netflix.
30 – Our guest is here! Jimmy yells at him for being late. He saw Brody Stevens at the Starbucks. Jimmy forgets him for being late.
Jason Mantzoukas is here! He’s on Parks and Rec some times.
He didn’t know there was a coffee shop next door so he tracked down a starbucks.
People say the coffee next door is fantastic. Their vegan cookies aren’t good.
Jimmy talks Parks and Rec.
We’re taking a break! Jason Mantzoukas is here! We’re building up to Judy.
35 – Welcome back guys! Episode 1517! Goin’ round the horn.
In the heights/west side story chat!
Does Mr. Peanut wear pants?
Jimmy wants Paula Poundstone on the show.
45 – Matt asks about The AMAs and which one direction guy was with Taylor Swift.
You don’t watch Swift and Styles? Matt tries to compare One Direction to
The guys talk One Direction.
Eliot’s here! He and Jimmy almost panicked in thinking they had the same shirt.
Name an 80s band singer that lives in 29 Palms.
50 – Our guest is Jason Mantzoukas! He and Jimmy did a recent episode of Comedy Bang Bang together.
Jimmy and Jason talk about who else was there on the set with them when they shot their episode. A good day for comedy!
55 – Jason talks about coming up in NY right behind Andy Daly.
Jason teaches Jimmy about the improve style Harold and how the teams work.
Jason’s Harold team was called Mother. Jimmy wonders which song they came out to. He was signing Woman by Wolfmother not and not Woman by Danzig like he thought.
Jimmy asks if some of the people on the team are out of the business.
60 – One of the guys from Jason’s team was helping to decode the human genome in his day job. Some people fell away but a lot of people are still working today.
The guys talk more about UCB and their influence once they came to Los Angeles.
Jimmy wonders if anyone’s written a yelp review. He isn’t sure if he would be able to do it.
Jimmy does not allow for Eliot’s insane sneeze to go unnoticed.
65 – Jimmy loves Angie’s List! But he can’t bring himself to leave a bad review. Eliot is at the top of Jimmy’s List. Jimmy tells the story about having someone come check out the sprinkler. They couldn’t even figure out that it was a manual sprinkler.
70 – Shame on you for having grass in the drought. IF jimmy hadn’t spent the money he spent on his lawn stuff he’d rip it all out and go with a drought safe lawn.
Jason says Jimmy has a legal bocce court.
Jimmy confirms with Jason that he doesn’t have to leave at two. Jimmy’s cutting him loose at 2:10 since he has an interview with WGN at 2:15.
Jason’s been to Chicago 10 times for comedy and or improv.
Jason agrees Del Close is the most important man in improv.
Jason talks more about Harolds. Long Form vs Short Form (Harolds vs Whose Line) Jason finds long form more satisfying and interesting. They can lead to sketches written later.
75 – Jimmy talks about seeing his first Harold show at UCB and calls it one of the Top 5 Comedy shows he’s seen. He loved it.
Jason talks more about long form improv and how it can cascade into something completely different and amazing in the end. A very funny, satisfying experience.
We’re back!
We talk a bit more about In The Heights. Seriously great performances.
Jimmy talks about his favorite joke he does on conan. He comments on the long walk from the garage to the stage and how some people are so thrilled to be on the lot seeing where the shoot the big bang theory and conan and The Real and then they can google The Real. People love it.
80 – The Real:
Jimmy talks about the audience coordinators whipping Ellen audiences into a frenzy.
Jason is a single guy who goes on dates. He finds he ends up in relationships with people he knows in the past. Its usually a friend of a friend date situation.
Jason also does no social networking of any kind. No twitter or anything.
Boner talk!
We’re done! We’re definitely gonna bring Jason back. Matt asks Jason the best worst movie he ever saw. His answer: Battlefield Earth. Jimmy’s gonna come on the podcast to do Twister.
85 – Wait we’re taking a break and then coming back! Classic Third Break!!
We’re back! Lots going on with Pardcastathon coming up. Jimmy had to run to do an interview. Jason Thompson is gonna be there. He’s even handsome in text.
Atlanta 1990 is the time Jimmy could have gone gay if he wanted to.
Our guests are donating their time out of the kindness of their hearts. No car service or anything. It’s out of the kindness of their hearts. Thank you all!
90 – Guys discuss experimentation and times changing in terms to suggesting to sleep with a guy.
We’re out. See you at pardcastathon!!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth