1503 – Soaping Up with Jason Thompson
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In-studio notes by Garon Cockrell; additional notes by Darryl Asher
NNF 1503 – Jason Thompson
Notes from original recordings –
00 – 1423! Or Can Jimmy pull off a V-Neck! Jimmy can’t stop talking about the Trivago guy. Matt asks if it’s an Arab shirt.
Jimmy feels bad about last week having Vance Gilbert in studio.
Jimmy loves the word Troubedor. Lotta blue happening in the room.
A friend of Matt’s is visiting. He’s friend of Jimmy’s wearing flip flops. Jimmy talks to Mike about his lack of a hard shoe. The guys talk about Mike’s Teva sandles.
Jimmy mentions a Paul Gilmartin joke. He then sings a U2 song, apparently bad enough that it made him forget who sang it. It’s his favorite U2 song.
05 – We are getting closer to The Chicago Podcast Authority! Jimmy may have a co-host! Looking at a January 2015 start date.
New Chicago Album out this week.
Mike is married with two kids, who are apparently out in the hall. Jimmy guesses 5 and 3. Correct right off the bat! Daughter (Mia) (for Mia Sara according to Jimmy) Mike’s wife is actually named Sara! His son is 3.
Mike and Jimmy have a conversation in French. Jimmy talks about taking French in school.
10 – Jimmy greets everyone in French. Bon Jour Idiot, to Eliot. Our guest is a good looking guy so we all should beat off before he gets here.
Apparently, Matt’s family has a house in Burbank that people can use when they visit.
Jimmy and Oliver made an LA Kiss return! They got recognized and apparently made TV on ESPN 3. It was the most exciting game yet. 64 – 46. Kiss lost. The New York team is the New York Dragons.
15 – Jimmy’s trying to move his seats again for another $100 it’s a drastic upgrade.
Jimmy realizes it’s the long con.
Jimmy talks about Paul Stanley realizing there is more to life than rock and roll.
Gene Simmons looks like a manager not dad.
Jimmy talks his reaction to LA Kiss tickets going up maybe.
Our guest is here! Jason Thompson! He’s got some great boots. An Australian shoe! He calls them condoms for your feet.
20 – Mike’s having a great time. He calls Matt one of his oldest and best friends. Matt has a lot of friends named Mike.
LA Kiss is a great thing for Jimmy and Oliver to bond over. Cub Scouts was a failure.
They’re missing the cat man bobble head and Oliver is not having it!
Sinbad DVD giveaway!
Jimmy confirms with Jason that he is pulling off the V-Neck.
We’ll be back with more chest hair talk!
We’re back!
25 – The winner of the DVD is Zach Wagner! From South Philly. Jimmy talks about Jack Wagner.
Jason does music too! He plays and writes. He is not part of the general hospital band that goes out. Scott, Steve, Brandon, Bradford. They’re good friends of Jason’s but he’s not part of that scene.
Congrats on the win Zach!
30 – Someone took one of the lofts at Eliot’s place!
Jimmy introduces our guest with much praise. He says Jason was robbed at the Daytime Emmys.
Jason still auditions and still goes to acting class every week.
Jimmy asks about the storyline about Jason’s character’s son dying on the show.
35 – Jason walks us through the life of a soap actor. In most cases, it’s one take.
40 – David Fincher visited the GH set and he and Jason spoke for about 45 minutes. David was blown away by learning about the show.
At times, Jason wishes the show could be more “prime time” like some times.
45 – Jimmy and Jason discuss a scene from a recent episode.
The Ghost and the Whale movie Jason referred to: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2429278/
50 – Jason says the cast members do hang out. He talks about what a great gig it is.
Jackie aka Bobbie Spencer – http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0954719/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t46
Jason reveals he is Canadian!
He travelled over the world as a model from 18 – 20 but didn’t really work much. He landed in LA and started acting.
55 – Apparently a lot of athletes watch General Hospital.
Jason might be able to pull some strings to get Jimmy his one line!
Notes from RErecoding:
55 – Welcome back! Jimmy explains the technical troubles! Jason had to bring a prop with that hat.
Jason in with the zinger!
Jason was in the jungle for a week and Mexico City for 4 days. 90 minutes out of Puerto Vallarto. Villa Vialeto. I’m spelling all of these things wrong.
No email. No phone. Completely disconnected except for a trip to a nearby town where a few texts and emails snuck through.
Matt says an authentic hat is the best souvenir to get. Confederates don’t hide the hate behind a brimmed hat.
Fanastic food, 18 people, a staff, all made up for a great great trip. Better than Jason even thought it would be. It was Jason’s girlfriend, Paloma’s 30th birthday plus some of her friends also so they went down for a bash.
60 – Jason’s not a big birthday guy so he doesn’t even remember what he did for his 30th. On the original show, Jimmy made a joke that Jason was going to get engaged in Mexico. Turns out that actually happened! Jason tells how the proposal happened.
Congratulations Jason! Jimmy says to get Jason’s PR people on this scoop.
Jason’s on the cover of Soap Opera Digest! A rare solo cover (back to back with another cover).
http://valentinenyc.com/ is Jason’s fiancé’s business.
Jimmy has some control issues guys. This took a turn. 9/10 times Jimmy makes a comment about something to Danielle to be funny. He doesn’t think it comes off funny.
65 – We’re done psychoanalyzing Jimmy. The guys talk more wedding involvement.
Jason’s family are all big campers! So if they married in Canada everyone can just pull up in their RVs and trailers.
Jimmy says just have a party it doesn’t matter how or where. Jason promises us the exclusive on his guest list. Jason wants Jimmy in a blue tux so those eyes pop.
Wesley Snipes is out of jail – http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/ex-con-snipes-job-sly-article-1.1311176
Jason’s hat originates from Mexico City. He was pleasantly surprised by the city. He says it’s great. He says there wasn’t much fear and you learn how to handle everything, where not to go, how to get cabs, etc. He’d go back!
70 – Jimmy talks about his breakdown on his honeymoon. Jason says to do the Rome Shuffle. Lots of eating and lots of walking.
Matt and Eliot talk about going next door to figure out what the buzz was. Eliot says its between a 6 1/2 and a nuclear generator.
Eliot is the only guy for the job! All African American ladies in that office.
Our neighbor is rap legend MC Lyte. Matt just saw her at a restaurant and said she was a big fan of her music. Cut to now and we find out she is our neighbor.
MC Lyte guys!
Jason’s Nickname is Dr. Dreamboat. http://general-hospital.wikia.com/wiki/Patrick_Drake_(Jason_Thompson)
75 – Eliot asks how production is affected by tans or haircuts, etc. Jason says not at all. They don’t have time for that.
Celeb sighting! An actress. Television actress. Over 40. Jimmy is a fan. He spoke to her briefly. Drama actress. Jimmy currently watches it.
Jason watches Nashville! He’s trying to get some music on the show. He’s working on music for release on a cd, etc.
Jane Eliot! Jason guesses correctly. Jimmy saw her when they went to see Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.
Jason talks about how the old days on GH set there was tons of smoking and drinking.
Jimmy tells another 0 to 60 story. He dropped Oliver off at camp where they are making films. Oliver’s movie is called The Great Chase, and there is nothing to do with chasing.
Jimmy talks about this woman with her dog. “Not everybody loves your dog move your mangy mutt!”
Jimmy liked Dawn of the Apes better the second time.
Crazier friendship for Matt, MC Lyte or Paula Abdul? Matt says Paula.
One final general hospital questions: The nurses ball? Jason says everything without saying anything.
80 – The guys chat Nurses Ball. It’s fun.
Dude! Thanks for coming back, Jason!
Jason talks about the shirtless scene that never ended for the guy that plays his partner. Jason talks doing his own shirtless scenes.
Congratulations to Jason!
Jimmy was unable to say Boy and Bear because of his Chicago accent. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boy_And_Bear
Congrats again to Jason! Engaged, two back to back covers!
We’re done!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper