2710 – Risking your Life with Lewis Black

Lewis Black
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 Welcome in to the episode 2710! Not episode 27. That won’t exist.
Jimmy coughs!
Winnie the pooh!
Jimmy wonders about Christopher Robin having no friends and puts the wrong emphasis on Dr. Doolittle.
Jimmy reverses course and wants to be friends with a talking bear.
Talking about Splash Mountain.
Bearsville bears?! Country Bears
Lots of talking bears.
Jimmy talks about the pure ignorance of pence’s people infected and exposed with covid and still campaigning.
Jimmy voted over the weekend!
Clippers stadiums: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Los_Angeles_Clippers#Home_arenas
Jimmy talks about how great an experience voting was.
Matt talks about dropping off his ballot and seeing someone doing some kind of photoshoot at the ballot drop box.
10 – Eliot had his own story about dropping off his ballot. Some guy in a van kept interrupting his video.
Gary update! Eliot went above and beyond for this guy.
Lots of updates about me and my move and mental health.
Am I in an abusive relationship?!?!?!
Lewis Black is coming right up!
Jimmy talks about Misfit Toys!
Todd Glass, Mike Schmidt, Doug Benson, Jen Kirkman, and us!
We’ll be right back!
35 – We’re back!
I have no moved!
Lewis Black is here! His special is on Amazon!
Jimmy talks to Lewis about his special that was shot in New Buffalo, MI. Jimmy talks about his history with that club and about Lewis’ show.
40 – John Bowman, Lewis’ opener, appeared on Miami Vice and Columbo.
Lewis talks about the audience and if they’d show up for his show since it was happening Right before the pandemic started.
Lewis talks about the production of his special including how he’s shot everything he’s done since 2006-7.
50 – Round the horn!
Trivia time!
Category is: Sitcoms
The sitcom Cavemen based on the caveman Geico commercial starred what comedic tuna loving actor.
Garon: Chris Diamantopoulos (20pts)
Eliot: Gary Cole ( pts)
Matt: Nick Kroll (25 pts)
Lewis: No Answer ( pts)
Jimmy: Nick Kroll (17 pts)
Answer is: Nick Kroll
55 – Talking Tuna!
Lewis talks about his mom who is 102!
He talks about his parents not looking their age at all. His father had no wrinkles.
Lewis talks about Candy Corn.
60 – Lewis talks about Peeps and Crayola apparently in Easton PA. Wiki says Forks Township.
1h5m – Lewis talks about when or if he’ll get back on the road in clubs, etc.
Lewis talks about his rant cast where he reads rants that his fans send in.
My answer is Chris Diamantopoulos. It’s probably wrong.
Eliot talks about his anger!
Lewis may need to lie down after hearing Eliot has a blackberry.
Eliot’s guess is Gary Cole.
Matt’s guess is Nick Kroll.
1h20m – Lewis has no idea and no answer. He wants to steal Matt’s answer.
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Lewis is in fact an award-winning comic! He’s won a couple grammys.
1h25m – Lewis talks about introducing his dad to George Carlin.
Lewis talks about the National Comedy Center started by Kelly Carlin, George’s daughter.
1h30m – Lewis talks about the materials that the NCC has!
The answer is: Nick Kroll!
Jimmy and Matt are correct!
Matt wins with his wager.
1h35m – We’re done! Go vote!!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth