2614 – Keeping your Mind on a Better Life with Tommy Shaw

Tommy Shaw
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – Hello! 2614! Jimmy gets the episode right!
He’s figuring out more Zoom features and is unsure why he’s wearing his glasses.
Happy June!
Jimmy addresses the protesting happening around the country.
Brief talk about the protests.
We’ve moved on to dog talk and Matt’s hair.
10 – Jimmy went to office depot to get a new office chair. He talks about the exciting journey and getting home to discover that the chair he bought is not comfortable.
Talking Spectrum News and Matt’s hair’s opinion on finances.
We’ll be back with Tommy Shaw!
We’re back! Season 26 not 24!Tommy Shaw from Styx is here!
Tommy talks about quarantine life
25 – Tommy talks about his chickens!
30 – Tommy talks about his past drug use.
Jimmy talks about his drinking and how his life intersected with Tommy.
Jimmy mentions to Tommy about the time they met when Jimmy had taken advantage of the free bar backstage at a Styx show.
35 – Tommy talks about his feelings on a Styx album not being as good as it could have been.
There is always a bucket of piss story in showbiz.
Tommy talks about his history and how he joined up with Styx.
Jimmy and Tommy sing a song together.
A few of them.
55 – Jimmy talks about the Styx song Fool Yourself.
Tommy sings a bit of Fool Yourself for us.
60 – Tommy talks about how it is now versus the height of classic rock.
1h5m – Tommy talks about performing for smaller crowds versus large ones.
1h10m – Jimmy and Tommy talk about This Is Spinal Tap.
Jimmy asks about a concert covered in Behind The Music.
Talking solo albums and when Styx imploded.
1h15m – Tommy talks about his first solo album, Girls With Guns.
Tommy talks about working with Allison Krauss.
1h20m – Jimmy talks about another time that Tommy’s music highlighted his life. He was listening to it on a plane and he spilled his drink. He apologized to the guy next to him and said he was tired to which the guy responded, “Fuck that you’re drunk.”
We’ll be right back!
We’re back and Jimmy talks to Tommy about High Enough and Damn Yankees.
Tommy talks about meeting and working with Ted Nugent.
Come Again was the first Damn Yankees song. High Enough was written in an hour on day one.
Tommy talks about still keeping in touch with Michael and Ted. They love each other and accept everyone’s differences.
1h30m – It’s Oliver! He talks school with Tommy and gives us his trivia question.
Topic is Music
15 points
What organization tried to sue a band in 1979 because the band used the organization’s name in a song?
Garon: Police Union (15pts)
Eliot: YMCA ( pts)
Matt: Ford ( pts)
Jimmy: Teamsters ( pts)
Tommy: Cracker Barrel ( pts)
The answer is YMCA!
1h35m – Tommy talks about the charity, Rock To The Rescue, he started with REO after 9/11 for Port Authority Police Department.
1h40m – Jimmy asks about the Contemporary Youth Orchestra (in Cleveland) and Tommy talks about doing a show with them, including something for this year!
1h45m – Jimmy talks about Tommy’s latest album: The Mission and how much he loved it. Tommy plays a little of it for us.
UPS has arrived to pick up the chair that Jimmy is currently using.
New Styx record coming soon. They just need to record it.
We’re heading out! Stay safe! Tommy is gonna do some Girls With Guns!
We catch up trivia points first and stay tuned for a special story from Tommy!
Garon – 15 pts
Eliot – 10 pts
Matt – 19 pts
Jimmy – 17pts
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth