29I – Believing in music with Jeff Babko

Jeff Babko
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
NNF Platinum 29I – Jeff Babko
00 Hello! We’re here! Matt’s in Jeans!
Jimmy and Matt are heading out tonight.
Matt talks Nightswimming the REM song that is indeed from Automatic For The People.
Sock talk!
Eliot suggests “young lady soccer socks”
Jimmy seems upset with my part.
Our guest does not need a test! Thank you Jimmy Kimmel for testing your employees!
Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Joe Rogan. https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/13/health/sanjay-gupta-joe-rogan-experience/index.html
Matt talks about possible causes of myocarditis via the vaccine.
10 – https://www.grammarly.com/blog/nauseated-vs-nauseous/
Jimmy tries to remember the name of his old doctor.
Release your birth certificate Jimmy!
15 – White Sox talk. They lost!
20 – Talking how the crowd reactions effect players.
Jimmy remembered his mom’s doctor name! Dr. Salimoni!
Move On is the NNF of political texts.
Jimmy wants a new outro.
25 – Matt talks about Dave Holmes’ podcast and the music that turns out Ben Wise, Dave’s partner, did!
Talking Chris Malanfy
Lots of podcasts!
Jimmy and Matt enjoy How To Survive!
30 – “I Taste Like Milk!”
The Great Garon Cockrell – Magician?
Irish doctors!
Jimmy describes his childhood doctor as a live version of Homer Simpson.
Eliot mentions his childhood doc: DOCTOR TINGLEOFF?!
35 – speaking of Puberty…trimming talk.
Jimmy screwed up the downstairs area today
Haircut talk!
Jimmy’s sideburns got cut too high.
40 – Jimmy talks about Last Comic Standing and what could have been!
Jimmy and Matt are going to see The Rolling Stones tonight!
Record talk!
Jeff Babko is here! He looks great!
Jimmy and Matt talk about what happened Last Christmas.
45 – Jimmy does some Paul Stanley: “how many of you out there have the album The Elder? Well this one’s from Destroyer!”
We’ll be right back!
Welcome back! 29I! (believe in music…I believe in love) Who sings it?
Jimmy would welcome Jeff bringing his trombone.
Jimmy watched a Glenn Campbell on Craig Kilborn’s show.
We all miss Craig.
50 – Jeff talks about guest hosts on Jimmy Kimmel during the summer.
He talks about how surprising and great Marin Morris was.
Jeff talks about how Donnie and Marie deserve more credit for their shows.
I Believe In Music – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Believe_in_Music_(song)
55 – Helen Reddy talk!
Mac Davis variety show https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mac_Davis 74-76
Talking late 80s music.
60 – Oliver does a great Nina Blackwood apparently.
Jimmy and fam is still watching and enjoying Ten Year Old Tom! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Year_Old_Tom
Oliver: “Hey dad, I’m gonna go to the homecoming game!”
Jeff talks about his history in band.
Talking the marching band Rush tribute.
1h10m – Mac Davis! – Jimmy
I run for a monster.
Keyboard talk!
1h15m – Round the horn!
“All that comes out of your mouth is bile!” – Glengary Glen Ross
1h20m – Talking Midnight screenings!
Weird Al spottings at The Bruin!
Vans horror line!
1h25m – Talking movie screenings.
Denzel movie with Star Wars trailer?
The Bone Collector or The Hurricane?
“Further, the trailer preview would appear in front (and also at the end) of only three movies: Adam Sandler vehicle The Waterboy, three-hour Brad Pitt drama Meet Joe Black, and Bruce Willis thriller The Siege.”
Happy anniversary Matt!
1h30m – talking aging and how different people look from older pictures.
Am I a Secret FBI agent?!?!
My guess is Indigo Girls
1h35m – Eliot! He talks about music!
More love for How To Survive!
Eliot wrote songs.
Jeff is on a Kesha track!?
We hear some of Eliot’s song! (sort of)
We hear the REAL song he did.
1h45m – Jeff and Eliot are gonna perform it LIVE at PCAT?!
Jimmy’s dad is calling We’ll be right back!
We’re back, it was tech support related.
1h50m – Jimmy’s Dad’s sending over some good jokes!
Jimmy’s gonna do a full day of phone calls!
Pardcast.com is going away on December 1 so download your stuff from that site ASAP if you want/needed!
1h55m – Haircut ASMR chat. Haircut massages.
Jeff talks about airline food and how he feels when the last one is gone.
Matt’s guess is Iron Maiden.
Jeff’s guess is INXS.
Jimmy’s guess is Imagine Dragons
Eliot reads the fans.
Jimmy and Matt have made a switch! Matt’s taking Incubus! Jimmy is taking Iron Maiden.
2h –
Eliots five:
6) Imagine Dragons
5) Information Society
4) Ides of March – The guys sing!
3) Indigo Girls
2) Incubus – MATT is OUT!!
Side bet for Matt and I make a side bet.
1) INXS!
Jeff wins!
Jimmy talks about his old girlfriend picking him over a famous singer.
See you next time!
Get Vaxxed!
2h10m – She was the ex-wife of his friend George Harrison, and inspiration for the songs “Something,” “Layla” and “Wonderful Tonight.”
Talking about a guy who did acid (or something) and beat the shit out of his father because he thought he was a dragon.
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth