2910 – Getting animated with Grey DeLisle-Griffin

Grey DeLisle-Griffin
Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
NNF Platinum 2910 – Grey DeLisle-Griffin
00 Welcome in! 2910! Misfit Toys!
Jimmy’s excited for the new How To Survive!
Oliver updates!
He DID go to the homecoming game. He didn’t bail but doesn’t think he needs to go again.
Tomahawk Chop – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tomahawk_chop
91 for the braves
I recount the story of hockey crowd chanting at me.
RIP Colin Powell
10 – Jimmy and Matt went to see The Rolling Stones at Sci-fi (SOFI) stadium!
It’s a big stadium.
Jimmy and Matt enjoyed the show!
They talk about it.
Halloween Kills talk SPOILERS ABOUND!
Rob Zombie’s Munsters – https://twitter.com/IGN/status/1450167554106970113/photo/1
Talking about Jimmy’s Flappers show.
Parking at SoFi is $250?!
35 – NeverNotShopped told Jimmy about a Jan 6 license plate.
45 – Ranking the Bradys.
Marsha near the top for everyone but me.
Why Kings Island? https://www.visitkingsisland.com/blog/2017/july/heres-the-story
50 – Oil Rig Theme Park?! https://www.msn.com/en-gb/travel/news/unique-oil-rig-inspired-theme-park-planned-for-saudi-arabia/ar-AAPFv4k
Oliver still doesn’t like Roller Coasters.
55 – Roller coaster talk!
60 – It’s from Anne Hunter! It’s an emergency kit based on her listening to How To Survive.
Thanks Anne!
More mail! Sean McCabe!
Ain’t It Scary with Sean and Kari!
The Misfits – https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4876134/
Board games!!
Thanks Sean!
1h15m – We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Grey DeLisle-Griffin is here!
She was waiting outside. NOT MY FAULT.
Grey is not a fan of Zoom. She had a relationship over zoom during the pandemic.
1h20m – Jimmy talks James Austin Johnson Scooby Trump and Michael Rappaport videos he watches a lot. Sounds like daily.
Grey is the voice of Daphne in Scooby Doo. But NOT in the Scoob movie.
Grey is on Episode 5 of How To Survive!
1h25m – Grey’s son is an artist as well. Apparently, his stuff is selling!
Grey was a voice in Angry Birds!
Jimmy Webb is Jimmy’s favorite songwriter.
Grey has a single out!
1h30m – Grey was at Rolling Stones last night!
Ticket prices!
1h35m – Talking picky grandmothers!
There are a LOT of Frank Sinatra impersonators in Vegas.
Tip talk.
1h40m – Daphne is here!
Grey enjoys the conventions!
She talks about it and charging for photos.
1h45m – Private vs Public schools! Grey (now) has kids in both apparently.
Category: Architecture & Design
Question:. The Gruen Transfer is an architectural term that refers to what aspect about the design of malls.
1h50m – We’ll be right back!
We’re back!
Grey talks about getting an autograph from Rose from Gilmore Girls.
1h55m – Grey talks about the Gilmore Girls convention she and her son went to.
Grey didn’t have a computer until lockdown?!
Joe Rogan talk. Grey has a story.
She tweeted about him and his fans went crazy on her.
2h – Talking Succession.
Grey did NOT date Joe Rogan but they talked a lot.
Round the horn!
2h5m – Perfect Movie? JAWS.
Also Perfect.
Roommate talk.
Gruen Transfer is my favorite holiday band.
My guess is tile to carpet change.
2h10m – Elvis talk.
Hello Eliot!
Familliare drama?!
2h15m – Eliot’s guess is Pedestrian Flow.
Grey’s favorite Enya Album!
Let’s latch onto a conspiracy!
2h20m – Apparently, Keith Richards’ ears are bananas.
Doctor Boombotz and his mask!
Jimmy took the elastic off his ear to hear better at the pharmacy.
Grey mentions someone from her youth putting a dog down because “no one will love him as much as I will.”
Matt’s guess is escalator placement
Grey also says Escalator related.
2h25m – Jimmy’s guess is how the spoking of the anchor malls.
Eliot talks about his mall
2h30m – Grey talks about recording Scooby Doo at the Galleria.
The answer is: Intentionally making the layout more confusing so people shop more because they’re lost.
2h35m – longest episode ever?
Hats can make people seem crazy.
Thanks Grey!!!
See you next time!!
Trivia Results:
Category: Architecture & Design
Question:. The Gruen Transfer is an architectural term that refers to what aspect about the design of malls.
Garon: Tile to Carpet (4 pts)
Eliot: Pedestrian Flow (18 pts)
Matt: Escalator Placement (9 pts)
Grey: Escalators (6 pts)
Jimmy: the spoking to the anchor stores (5 pts)
The answer is: Intentionally making the layout more confusing so people shop more because they’re lost.
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth