2607 – Doing Splits with Lauren Ash

Lauren Ash

Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher


00 – Indeed! 2607! 

Jimmy welcomes everyone in! 

Day 8 of Jimmy being held hostage by his haircut!

Jimmy talks about cutting his own hair to military levels. 

Matt talks about his wardrobe post and pre-soccer.

How can Matt join the women’s soccer league??

05 – Jimmy tells a jersey store from back in the day. 



10 – Talking Eliot’s place and his “bit”

Matt mentions Roger Bannister who does exist but is not a MLB player.


Jimmy talks about the Isolation Files and the fans giving away memberships for the Platinum for those in need!

Join us at Facebook!


20 – Kind hearts big pants can’t lose! 


T Shirt tool is finally up! Go to the site and click Perks in the platinum page! 

25 – Eliot’s focus stealing “comedy” faces are front and center now for Matt! 

30 – Talking Mask requirements. 

Calabasas is richer than Beverly Hills apparently. The guys talk about it. 

Pancow is out there. 

Kardashians too! Jimmy wishes there was some way to keep up with them. 

Lauren Ash is here! We’ll be right back with Lauren and trivia with Oliver! 

We’ll be right back!

35 – We’re back! 

Lauren Ash is here! Superstar is on NBC! 

Lauren and Jimmy talk about Calabasas. 

Lauren talks about her trailer. She’s had the same one for 3 years. 

40 – Lauren talks Superstore and being an essential worker (if it was real). 

Apparently, people want Superstore to address the pandemic. 

How do you not talk about the pandemic on your podcasts? 

Lauren enjoys Jimmy’s hair! 

45 – Talking the recent SNL episode where it was all remote via zoom. 

50 – The guys talking audience vs no audience in terms of shows. 

Lauren talks the content that Jean Claude Van Damme is putting out during this crisis is super funny, she’s just not sure if it’s intentional. 

Show us the splits Van Damme! 

Jimmy explains the trivia game to Lauren! 

Here’s Oliver! 

Oliver was having a bad day the first time he met Lauren. 

He talks to her about doing second city online. 

55 – Trivia category is 

Pop Culture! 

25 PTS.

It hurts to grow hair according to Jimmy. At least for him. He has not seen a doctor for this. 

60 – What movie did Jack Nicholson get $60 Million for? 

Something’s Gotta Give 

1h5m – Lots of power issues. We talk about them. 


Animal talk! 

Kangaroos are aggressive. 

1h15m – We’re getting trivia answers! 

My answer is Something’s Gotta Give! 

Andrew Lloyd Webber talk!

Starlight Express! 

We talk Cats! Lauren is friends with Rebel Wilson. She talks about not mentioning it to her but she felt like she did a good job and was fun. 

1h20m – Jimmy watched 45 minutes of cat videos. 

1h25m – We’ll be right back! 

We’re back!

Lauren talks about her dogs and cat and having a Jeep Patriot which she bought because she thought it was funny since she isn’t american. 

Jimmy talks about his PGA99 plate. 

Ask Schmidt?

1h30m – Ass Knobber! Not Knobbler. 

Eliot talks about having to get up during the isolation show. Building issues!

Lauren is working 8-9 hour days! 

Garon’s answer is Something’s Gotta Give 25

Eliot’s answer is A Few Good Men. 10

Matt’s answer is Batman.  18

Lauren went with As Good As It Gets 25

Jimmy’s answer is Batman 12

The correct answer is: Batman! 

Jimmy and Matt are correct. Matt wins the money!

See you next time! 

Thanks everyone! 

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth