25D – Pulling Pranks with Jimmy and the gang
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In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – and indeed! 25D!
Players Club door open and closed. Gang episode today due to doctor appointment.
After show podcast?!
Talking me and watching a trailer.
It was Black Christmas btw.
Jimmy explains the gang episode for today.
Heidi Gardner is from SNL.
Talking SNL.
The guys talk about SNL and the “bad years” and revisiting them.
10 – SNL continues
Party All The Time lyrics
Will Eddie Murphy have fun on SNL?
15 – Jimmy says Eddie did not seem to be very fun when he came to Conan.
Eddie Murphy never changed diaper?!
20 – Jimmy knows who Billie Eilish is?
Bean (of Kevin and Bean) thought Jimmy would love her as he does.
We talk Billie Eilish!
Happy birthday Zoe!
25 – Talking KROQ
Matt saw No Doubt in a car once coming from where he believes was KROQ. Sounds like it was true!
30 – Jimmy talks about seeing Chicago show up at a show in station wagons.
Peter Cetera’s birthday is 9/13!
Talking Trump’s fake map with the sharpie mark.
Betting on Willard Scott’s age!
Matt: 93/94
Eliot: 95/96
Jimmy: 92/97
March 7, 1934! He’s 85. No winner.
50 – Talking Ed Norton and effects.
Talking upgrading classic shows/films.
55 – Talking Jimmy’s appearance on the Cracked podcast.
Talking streaming services growing to the point of costing more than cable.
Ads on Hulu.
We’ll be right back!
60 – We’re back!
Or the bell?!
1h5m – Shut up Garon!
Some shirts! Thanks Dan!
Can we get Brandi Carlisle?!
Back to the gift. Jimmy reads the letter.
It’s Specaloo? Or something?
We’re gonna try it.
1h15m – Good stuff!
1h20m – Round the horn!
Sports category!
Matt: 13
Eliot: 1
Jimmy: 6
1h25m – I go check out the neighbors and get locked out.
Jimmy thinks the neighbors are a catalog company. They are CPAs.
Of the 4 major North American sports (baseball, basketball, hockey, football), what athlete is the only one to receive 9 MVP awards?
Matt: Michael Jordan
Jimmy: Wayne Gretzky
Eliot: Ty Cobb
1h30m – Police Academy talk.
Jimmy is correct!
Don McLean is my D word.
We hear a little Vincent (Starry Starry Night)
Jimmy tells the story about getting 1000 people to sing American Pie when they were all trapped in a human traffic jam.
1h40m – Jimmy tells a side story about a prank a comedy club pulled by giving a gift of a blow job to a comedian except it was from a guy dressed as a woman.
“Brant you’re a weenie!” and he came out and scolded them.
1h45m – Tea for Jim!
Talking that cat petting glove.
1h55m – Eliot’s D is Darryl Hall
Tea warming talk.
Matt’s D is Don Henley!
The boys of Summer
Talking Valerie Bertinelli on Sirius guest DJing.
Valerie songs.
2h5m – Jimmy’s come around on Steve Winwood.
Talking Cruel Summer songs.
Talking BH90210
2h10m – Fan guesses
Matt talks about the Beastie Boys getting shoved aside for Donny Osmond by their label.
2h20m – Jimmy’s Ds!
5) Dan Fogelberg 4) David Lee Roth 3) Don Henley 2) Don Dixon 1)Dennis DeYoung
Great job strong showing!
We’re done! Jimmy as a 10pm show tonight.
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth