29Y – Barring the door with Jimmy and the boys

Find the show at NeverNotFunny.com
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher

NNF Platinum 29Y – The Gang










5) Young The Giant

4) The Yardbirds

3) Yeah Yeah Yeahs

2) Yellowcard

1) Years and Years

1-45 – FBB

00 29Y! We’re winding down! 

Jimmy talks about a fan who sent him a short doc 

There is SOMETHING Jimmy doesn’t like. 

Freight Train Eliot. 

Katy Bar the door!

Katie Bar the Door

5 – Celebrity sightings! 

It’s not Jay Leno. 

Jimmy talks about shopping for a lexus in regards to Matt’s story about the loud phone call coming out of a lexus suv. 

10 – Concept Car vs Released Model

Jimmy had a “conversation” with his gardener. He isn’t sure either of them understood each other. 

Talking learning foreign languages in school! 

We finally got the celebrity sighting. It’s Adam Corolla! “walking like he wanted credit for walking” – Elyse

Kilt? Underwear or no? 

30 – Now it’s Danielle’s sighting. 

But first: Popcorn chat! Zoey is selling it for Choir. 

35 – Matt immediately, wrongly, guesses Paul Stanley. 

It’s a model/actress

Map Panic! 

Brigette Nielson! 

40 – Bring back The Surreal Life! 

Hype House talk. 


The Pardo-Koenigs finished Station 11! 


Soap talk! 


45 – We’ll be right back!

We’re back!

Doctor call! 

Watch Soap 



Kevin Hart and Don Cheadle 

Cheerios in the fridge. 

Random phone calls picks! 

Jeff Scalice and Timber Tucker! 

Congrats fellas! 

60 – Dude usages 

1h5m – MAIL! 

Record sleeves from Tim Quick! 

1h10m – More mail! We already opened one of them. It was the cross stitch! 

Last one! Paul Armstrong! Sent a long box. 

Nope T-shirts!! 

1h15m – Matt talks Biking and Jimmy startles himself by bumping the table. 

1h20m – Raycon! 

Talking Eliot’s Santa Monica visits. 

Culver City Deville 


1h25m – Twitter talk! 

Jackass Forever talk! 

Jackass vs Evil Knievel

1h35m – Jimmy recalls his brother building a ramp using 13* shopping carts. 

*or 3.

Clash at the Coliseum – https://www.lacoliseum.com/events/nascar-clash-at-the-coliseum/?gclid=CjwKCAiAl-6PBhBCEiwAc2GOVBPiCLrvboGMP7dKSA1b2txEtqO-IWYB6YC7dDb4ZEf6S94jYEMdPBoC4mMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


1h45m – Eliot’s guess is Yes

Wordle talk! 

Matt’s guess is Yellowcard!

Jimmy went with Yardbirds 


5) Young The Giant

4) The Yardbirds

3) Yeah Yeah Yeahs

2) Yellowcard

1) Years and Years 

No winner!

Fantasy baseball picks done!

2h – Thanks everyone! 

Perks talk! They look great! 

Ok bye!

My pleasure,

Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/Little Asshole