23S – Feeling the Heat with Sharon Houston

Sharon Houston
In studio notes by Garon Cockrell
Editing and additional notes by Darryl
00 – Welcome in! Should we do animals next?
We’ve got weird phone calls going on?
Jimmy’s wearing an insane “sweater.” It’s a regular shirt just printed to look like a sweater.
Lots of discussion of this shirt.
10 – Talking Hannakah songs. I know The Draedle Song and that’s it.
Talking Trump’s wall and people donating to a gofundme to build it.
15 – We’ll move on from the wall talk and go to Zoe’s Christmas pageant.
I got a Halloween gift!
Carrie sent some clover leaves!
More mail!
25 – Is it another 7s category chart?
Thanks Liam! (and Lucas)!
Big box labeled with Fragile and Glass that is beat all to hell.
Jimmy talks about a new video he saw online about a baby hearing for the first time.
Olivia sent us some cookies!
30 – Thanks Olivia! Happy holidays
Sharon Houston is here! Not Sharon Lawrence.
35 – Sharon is producing Jackie Beat’s new podcast! Sharon was at Jimmy’s wedding.
Talking hooking up at weddings. Jimmy mentions his wedding band but I missed half of it. IT was long. The Do Got Band maybe?
Sharon is getting Jimmy’s shirt!
40 – Talking Biden/Beto and touchie feelie Biden.
Danielle worked with Jackie Beat on Fashion Police.
Sharon talks about working for Joan Rivers on the SAG special doing overnight.
We’ll be back!
We’re back!
Jimmy’s back on board with his shirt.
45 – Talking Vacuum packing!
Tasting the jelly!
The guys love it!
Bob and Donna is her web series!
50 – Sharon doesn’t know what a coney is?!
Matt recites the great lakes!
60 – Doc Talk!
Three Identical Strangers
Talking Jimmy’s manager. Sharon says Bruce and Mike Siegel were the best part of Jimmy’s roasts.
1h5m – My S is Steve Martin!
Sharon tells a story about comedian Sebastian meeting a fan.
1h10m – Sharon HATED A Star Is Born.
Jackson is here!
Eliot got some shelves! He went to Ikea.
Ikea horsemeat – https://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/26/world/europe/ikea-recalls-its-meatballs-horse-meat-is-detected.html
Eliot’s S is Steve McQueen!
1h15m – Matt’s S is Sylvester Stallone!
Stallone in a jar is here!
Sharon’s favorite band is Heatwave…?!
We hear a little heatwave.
1h25m – Matt’s favorite hip hop artist is Beastie Boys, Treacherous Three, Public Enemy, Big Daddy Kane, and also pop music
We hear some Winston Surfshirt.
Jefferson Starshirt!
1h30m – Talking chins!
1h35m – Sharon’s S is Steven Segal!
Judge Jackie! Season two launched on Wednesday!
1h35m – Apparently all the Byron Allen judge shows are FAKE?!
Jimmy talks about being a fake guest on a talk show and he thinks that the host wasn’t even aware of it.
1h40m – Fans Ss.
Jimmy’s S word is…5 Sonny Bono 4 Scott Glenn 3 Sam Elliot 2 Steven Webber #1 Stephen Baldwin
No one is happy with that.
1h50m – Sevens!!
Jimmy gives to Sharon Houston: 6 (90s)
Matt gives to Sharon Houston: 7 (90s)
Ska talk!
Thanks Sharon!
Merry Christmas!!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth