20P – Starting Your Engine with Jimmy and the Boys
In-studio notes by Garon Cockrell.
Editing and additional notes by Darryl Asher
00 – 20P! Hello! Jimmy compares me to a baseball nerd with a transistor radio. I don’t get it.
Jimmy says you still see it in stadiums.
Talking about Eliot’s Easter Egg at the end of the last episode.
Talking Midroll workflow.
Still click those links guys! It helps!
Lots of Hitler talk during ads apparently.
Germany are the good guys now that Trump is running America into the ground.
Trump talk!
05 – What a pussy our president is to hide behind his kid. – Jimmy on Trump’s reaction to Kathy Griffin.
Eliot asks if Jimmy wants to talk about it moments after Jimmy specifically said he didn’t.
Siegfried and Roy talk. They are alive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siegfried_%26_Roy
10 – Close up magic talk.
Matt isn’t a fan of magic, he respects it, but can take it or leave it.
Jimmy wonders how his childlike wonder for Star Wars continues but not for magic.
Magic Castle talk.
15 – The cat came back!
Canadian Cartoon sending a chill down Matt’s spine.
Talking Matt’s Emoji Movie tweet.
The guys talk about the movie.
20 – Matt goes back to the Downfall Meme and what Eliot did.
Jimmy went to a ball game with Mike Siegel and Mike Schmidt and again with Mike Siegel and Andy Richter.
Mark DeCarlo – http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0213648/
Talking Chuck Woolery. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chuck_Woolery
25 – Handmaid’s Tale talk. Matt says it makes Hulu worth it.
Yacht Talk!
30 – Would Canada welcome American refugees?
Emoji Movie – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4877122/fullcredits?ref_=tt_cl_sm#cast
Why hasn’t Matt done voiceover work?
Eliot’s wheeze laugh.
Andy Frain Services – http://www.andyfrain.com/
35 – Matt has a celeb sighting!
A Tattoo was used to verify this persons ID.
Diablo Cody is writing the Alanis Morrissette Jagged Little Pill musical?
I’m in.
Grondhog Day the musical: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groundhog_Day_(musical)#Critical_reception
40 – Anthony Rapp is our guest in Toronto on the Saturday show!
Star Trek: Discovery Fall 2017 – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek:_Discovery
Is there a piano on stage at the Toronto venue?
Back to the celeb sighting.
45 – It’s Nicole Richie! Seen at Mendicino Farms.
Talking Scott and Kulap on Brooklyn 99.
Jimmy’s gotta take a piss!
“Shut the fuck!” Jimmy to Eliot.
We’re back!
50 – Beastie Boys talk. Best Power trio?
Talking Eliot’s keychain and the Volt key.
“Where do you keep your driving gloves?” – Jimmy to Matt
Is Jimmy crazy??? Eliot interrupting a lot today. Jimmy’s gonna bring in a guest to shut him up.
Fob talk.
55 – Balsa wood plane. Batman drone talk! Jimmy enjoys it.
Jimmy’s taking the drone!
60 – Jimmy’s excited about the drone!
I recommended The Paper Kites to Jimmy, and he really likes their music, which infuriates Matt, because Jimmy always dismisses his recommendations. -Darryl
Matt recommends Dream Car.
Great Horror Camp
Eliot wins!
1h20m – Party of Five talk.
Eliot’s word was Petticoat Junction and not the Profit or the Partner which he also named.
There is no way to match Jimmy anymore.
Jimmy talks about his one and done Homer impression.
1h25m – Matt’s P word Parenthood! Apparently they can’t use the theme song on airplanes?
Police Story! No winner.
Talking finding a hat at TJ Maxx.
1h30m – calls all jammed. So we call David back in Davenport/Bettondorf.
Partridge Family.
We do the survey with David. His girlfriend works at a robot arm factory.
We lost David! Called back and got Voicemail COME ON DAVID. We get him back and finish the survey.
1h50m – Jimmy talks to David about community college.
Brief survey talk.
Toronto and San Fran right around the corner! Anthony Rapp on Saturday! Friday guest (or not) announcement coming soon!
See you next time!
My pleasure,
Garon/The Beast/Mush Mouth Shy Guy/The Notekeeper/Lazy Queen/Sloth/The Sobber